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Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - Page

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The documents in this file pertain to the requisitions of criminals back to Kansas. A letter on April 24, 1878, from Amos Harris in relation to the indictment of John B. Glenn and John W. Ellis for embezzlement of Davis County. A letter on April 29, 1878, from Amos Harris, informs Governor Anthony that Ellis shared the correspondence between the two of them and refers the Governor to sections of the law. A letter on October 16, 1878, from C. B. Graves, returns papers regarding the reward for the arrest of William McDonald. A letter on April 22, 1878, from H. L. Francis of Illinois asks Kansas Governor Anthony to state reasons for declining the requisition of James F. Peasley Jr. for the indictment of counterfeiting U. S. coin.

Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1878

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Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 1Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 2Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 3Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 4Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 5Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 6Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 7Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 8Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 9Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 10Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 11Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 12

Crime and criminals, Extradition records, Requisition on Kansas by other States - 1

Item Number: 454069
Call Number: Governor's Office, Governor George Tobey Anthony, Correspondence Files, Subject Files, Box 3 Folder 16
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 454069

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