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Crime and criminals, Bender case - Page

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The letters in this file pertain to matters related to the Bender Case. The Bender family, John Sr., John Jr., and wife and daughter both named Kate were serial killers from 1871-1873. The family lived near the town of Cherryvale, where they had run a small inn and grocery store. It is recorded that they killed at least eleven people. A letter on May 14, 1877, from T. L. Golden of Salem, Oregon, requests a description of the Bender family and states that he has seen a family that lives in the mountains, who have plenty of money but doesn't send nor receive any letters. A telegraph on April 8, 1877, from Arkansas Governor W. R. Miller, states they have arrested a party as Bender alias Kiefer family and asks to have them returned home free of charge if found innocent. A letter on February 30, 1878, from Henry Lash of Albany, Oregon, informs that he has discovered Kate Bender and requests Governor Anthony to send requisition for her arrest and appoint him as an agent. Additional documents in this file pertain to similar matters such as requests for descriptions of the Bender's and correspondence stating they have found the Bender's hideout. To date, it is unknown what happened to the Bender family.

Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1877- 1878

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Crime and criminals, Bender case - 1

Item Number: 454068
Call Number: Governor's Office, Governor George Tobey Anthony, Correspondence Files, Subject Files, Box 3 Folder 15
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 454068

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