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John Bruere and Lydia Miller letters - Page

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Courtship letters between John Bruere, Lablanche, Sherman County, Kansas, and Lydia Miller, Frederic, Monroe County, Iowa, dated 1887-1888. The collection begins with a letter to Lydia Miller from a family friend, Tom McCoy. After a long distance relationship, John and Lydia were married in Monroe County, Iowa on January 26, 1888. Shortly after their marriage, they moved near Goodland in Sherman County. In 1894, they sold their land to George Miller, Lydia's brother, and the Bruere family moved back to the Miller farm in Iowa. There is a short post script in the collection which describes their life together.

Creator: Bruere, John
Date: Between 1887 and 1888

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John Bruere and Lydia Miller letters - 1

Item Number: 44685
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 44685

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