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Smith Automobile Company fuel gauge - Page

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Rectangular wooden stick with graduated numbers from one to fifteen marked on one side. The reverse is marked with the manufacturer's name, Smith Car or the Smith Automobile Company. The gauge was likely made specifically for the Great Smith automobile because the graduated lines on the stick, indicating gallons, are closer together in the middle of the stick than at the ends. This corresponds to the gas tank of the Great Smith being wider in the middle than at the top and bottom. It seems unlikely that an individual would take such care when making a gas gauge. Smith Automobile Company operated in Topeka, Kansas.

Creator: Smith Automobile Company
Date: between 1900 and 1911

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Smith Automobile Company fuel gauge - FrontSmith Automobile Company fuel gauge - Back

Smith Automobile Company fuel gauge - Front

Item Number: 434442
Call Number: 1987.109.0
KSHS Identifier: 1987.109.0

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