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History of Kansas newspapers - Page

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The subtitle of this publication is "A History of the Newspapers and Magazines Published in Kansas From the Organization of Kansas Territory, 1854, to January 1, 1916." This history includes biographical sketches and some portraits of prominent editors. The bulk of the book contains listings of all of the newspapers published in the state, organized by county and then towns within that county. This listing begins on page 137. Newspapers that were being published in 1916 include the name of the editor/publisher, the frequency, how long it had been published, and notes about any predecessor papers. The information for each county also includes a list of all discontinued newspapers from that county. Each county listing begins with the date it was organized, the origin of the name, and some basic statistics. This volume is an excellent source on the early newspaper history of Kansas. A detailed index begins on page 323. The Kansas State Historical Society was founded by Kansas newspaper editors and its newspaper holdings represent an almost comprehensive collection of the newspapers published in all parts of Kansas, most of which are available on microfilm through interlibrary loan.

Creator: Kansas State Historical Society. Department of Archives
Date: 1916

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History of Kansas newspapers - Title PageHistory of Kansas newspapers - opp.title pageHistory of Kansas newspapers - 5History of Kansas newspapers - 6History of Kansas newspapers - 7History of Kansas newspapers - 8History of Kansas newspapers - 9History of Kansas newspapers - 10History of Kansas newspapers - 11History of Kansas newspapers - 12History of Kansas newspapers - 13History of Kansas newspapers - 14

History of Kansas newspapers - Title Page

Item Number: 211020
Call Number: SP 906 K13 N47
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 211020

Business and Industry - Media/Communications - Newspaper
Business and Industry - Occupations/Professions - Journalists
Collections - Library
Date - 1910s - 1916
Objects and Artifacts - Communication Artifacts - Documentary Artifact - Book
People - Notable Kansans - Allen, Henry Justin, 1868-1950
People - Notable Kansans - Beck, M. M.
People - Notable Kansans - Caffaro, Edeardo
People - Notable Kansans - Capper, Arthur, 1865-1951
People - Notable Kansans - Coburn, Foster Dwight
People - Notable Kansans - Gleed, Charles S.
People - Notable Kansans - Harger, Charles Moreau
People - Notable Kansans - Howe, Edgar W.
People - Notable Kansans - Jarrell, J. F.
People - Notable Kansans - King, Henry, 1841-1915
People - Notable Kansans - Lewis, Cora G.
People - Notable Kansans - MacLennan, Frank P.
People - Notable Kansans - Martin, George Washington
People - Notable Kansans - Martin, John Alexander, 1839-1889
People - Notable Kansans - Miller, Josiah, 1828-1870
People - Notable Kansans - Morgan, William Y.
People - Notable Kansans - Murdock, Marshall Marcellus, 1837-1908
People - Notable Kansans - Plumb, Preston B., 1837-1891
People - Notable Kansans - Prentis, Noble L., 1839-1900
People - Notable Kansans - Reid, Albert T.
People - Notable Kansans - Scott, Charles F.
People - Notable Kansans - Sessions, Charles H.
People - Notable Kansans - Ware, Eugene F., 1841-1911
People - Notable Kansans - White, William Allen, 1868-1944
People - Notable Kansans - Wilder, Daniel Webster, 1832-1911
Places - Counties - Allen
Places - Counties - Anderson
Places - Counties - Atchison
Places - Counties - Barber
Places - Counties - Barton
Places - Counties - Bourbon
Places - Counties - Brown
Places - Counties - Butler
Places - Counties - Chase
Places - Counties - Chautauqua
Places - Counties - Cherokee
Places - Counties - Cheyenne
Places - Counties - Clark
Places - Counties - Clay
Places - Counties - Cloud
Places - Counties - Coffey
Places - Counties - Comanche
Places - Counties - Cowley
Places - Counties - Crawford
Places - Counties - Decatur
Places - Counties - Dickinson
Places - Counties - Doniphan
Places - Counties - Douglas
Places - Counties - Edwards
Places - Counties - Elk
Places - Counties - Ellis
Places - Counties - Ellsworth
Places - Counties - Finney
Places - Counties - Ford
Places - Counties - Franklin
Places - Counties - Geary
Places - Counties - Gove
Places - Counties - Graham
Places - Counties - Grant
Places - Counties - Gray
Places - Counties - Greeley
Places - Counties - Greenwood
Places - Counties - Hamilton
Places - Counties - Harper
Places - Counties - Harvey
Places - Counties - Haskell
Places - Counties - Hodgeman
Places - Counties - Jackson
Places - Counties - Jefferson
Places - Counties - Jewell
Places - Counties - Johnson
Places - Counties - Kearny
Places - Counties - Kingman
Places - Counties - Kiowa
Places - Counties - Labette
Places - Counties - Lane
Places - Counties - Leavenworth
Places - Counties - Lincoln
Places - Counties - Linn
Places - Counties - Logan
Places - Counties - Lyon
Places - Counties - Marion
Places - Counties - Marshall
Places - Counties - McPherson
Places - Counties - Meade
Places - Counties - Miami
Places - Counties - Mitchell
Places - Counties - Montgomery
Places - Counties - Morris
Places - Counties - Morton
Places - Counties - Nemaha
Places - Counties - Neosho
Places - Counties - Ness
Places - Counties - Norton
Places - Counties - Osage
Places - Counties - Osborne
Places - Counties - Ottawa
Places - Counties - Pawnee
Places - Counties - Phillips
Places - Counties - Pottawatomie
Places - Counties - Pratt
Places - Counties - Rawlins
Places - Counties - Reno
Places - Counties - Republic
Places - Counties - Rice
Places - Counties - Riley
Places - Counties - Rooks
Places - Counties - Rush
Places - Counties - Russell
Places - Counties - Saline
Places - Counties - Scott
Places - Counties - Sedgwick
Places - Counties - Seward
Places - Counties - Shawnee
Places - Counties - Sheridan
Places - Counties - Sherman
Places - Counties - Smith
Places - Counties - Stafford
Places - Counties - Stanton
Places - Counties - Stevens
Places - Counties - Sumner
Places - Counties - Thomas
Places - Counties - Trego
Places - Counties - Wabaunsee
Places - Counties - Wallace
Places - Counties - Washington
Places - Counties - Wichita
Places - Counties - Wilson
Places - Counties - Woodson
Places - Counties - Wyandotte
Type of Material - Printed materials - Books

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