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365-day roads an investment, not a tax

365-day roads an investment, not a tax
Date: 1910-1919
Brochure promoting good roads as a investment comparable to other enhancements financed by the farmer and found on his individual land holding.

Abandonment of Mattie Marion by Husband

Abandonment of Mattie Marion by Husband
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper)
Date: 1913-1915
This file includes general correspondence relating to the abandonment of Mattie Marion by her husband. Topics included, but not limited to, in the correspondence is Mattie Marion being abandoned by her husband after moving to Missouri for him to return to Kansas, procedures to take her husband to court in Kinsley to support her and their child, and the role of the County and General Attorney and Governor in domestic cases. This is part of a bigger collection of Governor Arthur Capper correspondence.

A.B. Campbell to Governor John Martin

A.B. Campbell to Governor John Martin
Creator: Campbell, A. B.
Date: April 4, 1886
The Kansas adjutant general at Parsons sends a telegram to Governor John Martin of Topeka asking the governor for permission to furnish the mayor of Parsons with one hundred guns to preserve peace in the city. A strike of railroad workers on the Missouri Pacific Railroad at Parsons led company and city officials to ask the governor to arm citizens and for call out the militia.

Abstract of the Lantry Ranch in Chase County, Kansas

Abstract of the Lantry Ranch in Chase County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1925
Abstract of deed information concerning the Bernie Lantry Ranch in Chase County, Kansas. The Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve includes much of the land that was part of the Lantry Ranch. The original document is owned by the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve.

Action of Other Cities on the 'Exodus' Question

Action of Other Cities on the 'Exodus' Question
Creator: Wyandotte Gazette
Date: April 25, 1879
This article includes information about Exoduster relief efforts in both Topeka and Lawrence. In Topeka, the Kansas Freedmen's Aid Association had appealed to other counties, asking them to form local aid societies to assist refugees in their respective areas. Lawrence citizens held a meeting in Fraser Hall to discuss the Exodus; the attendees recognized the legitimacy of the Exodus and were willing to provide aid and support for the emigrants.

Act of Incorporation, Wyandotte City

Act of Incorporation, Wyandotte City
Creator: Fields, Henry C.
Date: June 8, 1858
This act of incorporation for Wyandotte City declared that the town would be incorporated into Leavenworth County, Kansas Territory. Incorporation was decided in court after several taxpayers presented a petition for Wyandotte City's incorporation into the territory and for permission to establish a local government. The document was recorded by Henry C. Fields, clerk of the court at Leavenworth.

A group of Greeley County, Kansas officials

A group of Greeley County, Kansas officials
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
A group of Greeley County, Kansas officials and others pose on the steps of a building. None of these individuals is identified.

Airport dedication, Manhattan, Kansas

Airport dedication, Manhattan, Kansas
Date: April 19, 1953
A photograph of Mayor Richard Dean Rogers with United States Senator Frank Carlson and other dignitaries at the Manhattan Municipal Airport dedication, Manhattan, Kansas.

Albert C. Morton to Hiram Hill

Albert C. Morton to Hiram Hill
Creator: Morton, Albert C.
Date: January 1858
Albert Morton wrote from Quindaro, Kansas Territory, to Hiram Hill in Massachusetts, describing at length the efforts of Quindaro's citizens to grade a large avenue through the town. Morton added that Quindaro was about to establish a city charter, which, if approved by the Legislature, would require the taxation of the citizens. He also mentioned a shooting the night before of a proslavery man who had lost his seat to free statesman Charles Chadwick in a recent election under the Lecompton Constitution.

Albert G. Patrick

Albert G. Patrick
Date: Between 1865 and 1869
This is an engraving of Albert G. Patrick, who came to Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, on February 12, 1856. He became involved in the free-state party. Patrick joined Captain Wright's Stranger Creek company and participated in the Hickory Point engagement on September 14, 1856. He was captured by United States troops and sent to Lecompton where he was held by Governor Geary under indictment for murder. He was later acquitted. In the summer of 1857, he was elected clerk of the Supreme Court and, in the fall of that year, was elected to the Council of the first Free-state Legislature, serving two years. Although a free-state man, he was elected to the Senate under the Lecompton constitution. In 1867 he was elected to the legislature from Marshall County. Patrick moved to Jefferson County in 1868 and, in 1869, he was elected clerk of the county, serving two years. He owned and published the Valley Falls New Era newspaper.

Albert Henley

Albert Henley
Creator: Downing, George
Date: Between 1897 and 1903
This set of photographs show Albert Henley, 1854-1919, businessman and legislator from Lawrence, Kansas. He moved from Marshalltown, Iowa, in 1878, to Lawrence, Kansas where he became a prominent business leader. His small operations of barbwire manufacturing became a dominate leader in the industry. The company merged in 1883 with smaller companies to become know as the Consolidated Barb Wire Company. For a number of years barbwire had a major impact across the Great Plains. Henley oversaw the daily operations of the company until it was sold in 1899 to United States Steel and Wire Company. In the 1900s Henley acquired the American Cement and Plaster Company. The company with headquarters in Lawrence, Kansas created a number of jobs in the plaster and cement industry. Henley was elected in 1888 as mayor of Lawrence, Kansas. Henley served two terms in the Kansas House of Representatives representing the Thirteenth and Fourteenth District from 1887 to 1899. He served one term in the Kansas Senate, 1901-1903, representing the Fifth District. On October 29, 1919 Henley passed away at the age of seventy-four, and was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery.

A.L. Coffman campaign photo and card

A.L. Coffman campaign photo and card
Creator: Hathaway, Corliss
Date: 1960
This studio portrait of Albert Leaverne Coffman of Topeka was taken in 1960 to be used in his primary campaign for Shawnee County Sheriff. Also shown is a small campaign card. Coffman (who was known as Al, Vern, or most often, by his nickname 'Pooch'), operated a service station on the southeast corner of California and 10th streets in Topeka. He was perhaps best known in the community as manager of the Topeka Decker Oilers semi-pro baseball team in the late 1940s and 1950s. During that period, the Decker Oiler team was a perennial contender for the state semi-pro title, competing each year in the state tournament in Wichita. The team won the state championship in 1948, placed second in three consecutive years (1950-1952), and finished third in 1955 and 1957. Coffman's political campaign for sheriff was unsuccessful; he finished second of three contenders in the Democratic primary. Digital reproduction of the photograph was accomplished through a joint project sponsored by the Kansas Historical Society and the Shawnee County Baseball Hall of Fame.

Alexander C. Spilman to Samuel N. Wood

Alexander C. Spilman to Samuel N. Wood
Creator: Spillman, A. C.
Date: January 14, 1861
From Salina, Alexander Carraway Spilman wrote "as one of your [Wood's] constituents" regarding his opposition to a Junction City proposal that to change the boundary line between Dickinson and Davis counties to increase the size of the former at the expense of the latter. Spilman believed "A change in the lines of Dickinson would necessarily involve a change in the lines of Saline which is something that must not be done under any circumstances."

A list of lands in Gove County, Kansas still held by U.S. Government

A list of lands in Gove County, Kansas still held by U.S. Government
Creator: Denning, J.M.
Date: December 1912
This is a list of lands in Gove County, Kansas, that, as of December 1912, were still held by the U.S. Government. No land patent had ever been issued by the U.S. The list is in order by legal description of the land.

Alonzo B. Webster funeral, Dodge City, Kansas

Alonzo B. Webster funeral, Dodge City, Kansas
Date: April 15, 1887
These three black and white photographs show scenes from Alonzo B. Webster's funeral in Dodge City, Kansas. The former mayor of Dodge City (1881-1883) died on April 12, 1887, at the home of his niece Mrs. M. W. Sutton. He was buried in the Prairie Grove Cemetery north of town.

Alva Wycoff at the Logan County sheriff's office, Logan County, Kansas

Alva Wycoff at the Logan County sheriff's office, Logan County, Kansas
Date: 1916
Alva Wycoff, born 1881 in Indiana, sits in the Logan County, Kansas sheriff's office in the county courthouse.

Anniversary Ball

Anniversary Ball
Date: May 20, 1859
The citizens of Lawrence, Kansas Territory, were giving this ball to benefit the fire department but the event was to be held on the anniversary of the destruction of the Free State Hotel on May 20, 1856. The event was to be held at the Eldridge House and music was provided by the Lawrence Quadrille Band.

Annual souvenir Kansas City, Kansas, Police Relief Association

Annual souvenir Kansas City, Kansas, Police Relief Association
Creator: Kansas City (Kan.) Police Dept
Date: 1914
This annual souvenir created by the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department, introduces its members and provides a brief history of the department. The department created the annual as a fundraising effort for its Relief Association. The primary relief activity was the distribution of Chirstmas baskets. This is the first annual issued by the department. The annual also includes photos of city officials, prominent citizens, patrons, and buildings and street scenes. The annual includes advertisements from several hundred local businesses and can serve as a business directory for Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri.

Appointments, Acknowledgements of

Appointments, Acknowledgements of
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
These letters are from various individuals regarding their appointment to government offices to Kansas Governor John Martin. Most of these letters are about accepting positions appointed by Martin. These positions include board members for the Kansas State Agricultural College; State Dental Board; State Board of Health; State Normal School; State Reformatory; and Board of Pharmacy, a trustee for the State Board of Charities, commissioners, judges, military officials, and wardens. The State Board of Health, a special needs school, and a soldiers' orphan home were all departments born from the Martin administration. Additionally, the state militia became the Kansas National Guard, and a bureau of labor and industrial statistics was also created under Martin's administration.

Appointments  Commissioners of deeds

Appointments Commissioners of deeds
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1863-1865 : Carney)
Date: 1863 - 1864
This folder on Appointments Commissioners of deeds comes from the Correspondence series of the Governor Thomas Carney Papers. Thomas Carney was Kansas' second state Governor, serving from 1863 to 1865. He was born near Tipton, Delaware County, Ohio in 1824 and came to Kansas in search of better health care and new business opportunities. Thomas Carney and his business partner Thomas C. Stevens were the first to open a wholesale house in Leavenworth, Kansas. This file contains several letters from individuals of different states such as, New York, Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania requesting to either be appointed as Commissioner of deeds for the state of Kansas, recommending someone else for the appointment, or someone that resides within their city and county of said state. This is important because during the nineteenth-century Commissioner of deeds was vital in assisting with the acknowledgment of property located in a particular state. Furthermore, the Commissioner of deeds is unique to the United States. As of today, there are only four states in which still have a Commissioner of deeds, Kansas is not included.

A.R. Simpson, Greeley County, Kansas treasurer

A.R. Simpson, Greeley County, Kansas treasurer
Date: 1920
A.R. Simpson, Greeley County, Kansas, county treasurer seated in his office.

Attorney General

Attorney General
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1888
These letters, spanning 1888, are from the Attorney General, S. B. Bradford, to Kansas Governor John Martin. The topics of the letters include warrants, sheriff, requisitions, pardons, and various cases. There are also official signed documents.

Attorney General

Attorney General
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1886
These letters, spanning 1886, are from the Attorney General, S. B. Bradford, to Kansas Governor John Martin. The topics of the letters include counties on the Board of County Commissioners, rewards for the capture of criminals, prohibition cases, declaring new cities and counties, Justice of the Peace, and various cases including Supreme Court cases. There are also official signed documents.

Attorney General

Attorney General
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1873-1877 : Osborn)
Date: 1873 - 1875
A letter on September 9, 1874, from Kansas Governor Osborn, encloses papers to A. L. Williams, Attorney General, that were presented to him in the case of securing a judge for the 6th Judicial District. A letter on November 24, 1875, from James McDermott shares facts regarding the Justice of Peace election for J. D. Manner and P. B. Smith. A separate letter on December 13, 1875, from James McDermott, states he has applied to the County Clerk for a certificate of vacancy of the Justice of Peace.

August 1887

August 1887
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: August 1887
These letters, dated August 1887, are from various individuals to Kansas Governor John Martin. The letters cover many topics including the Board of Commissioners, requests for information and documents, pardons, railroads, societies, complaints, and probate judges. Kansas Governor John Martin succeeded G. W. Glick in 1885. By 1889, conditions gave way to severe drought and an economic recession.

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