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1951 flood, Neosho County, Kansas

1951 flood, Neosho County, Kansas
Date: July 6, 1951
These are two aerial views of Neosho County, Kansas, that were taken by and published in the Chanute Tribune newspaper. The two photographs show a flooded oil storage facility and farmstead.

A Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences (CABS) executive seminar on the river

A Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences (CABS) executive seminar on the river
Date: Unknown
These colored photographs show a River Seminar sponsored by CABS, of the Menninger Foundation. It took place on the Colorado River in Utah. Menninger is a leading force in advancing mental health care through research and preventive mental health care. It was located in Topeka, Kansas, from 1925 to 2003 and is now in Houston, Texas.

A dam at Minneapolis, Kansas

A dam at Minneapolis, Kansas
Date: Between 1910 and 1915
A postcard showing a dam on the Solomon River at Minneapolis, Kansas.

Aerial photograph of Atchison, Kansas

Aerial photograph of Atchison, Kansas
Creator: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Date: June 16, 1981
This is an aerial view of Atchison, Kansas taken by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. A portion of the Missouri River is visible.

Aerial photos of southwest Neosho County, Kansas, in the Thayer Lake area

Aerial photos of southwest Neosho County, Kansas, in the Thayer Lake area
Date: 1935-1940
These two aerial photos show southwest Neosho County, Kansas, in the area near Thayer Lake. These might have been taken before Thayer Lake was built.

Aerial view of Lake Shawnee located east of Topeka, Kansas

Aerial view of Lake Shawnee located east of Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Palmer News Company
Date: Between 1945 and 1949
This is a postcard showing an aerial view of Lake Shawnee. The lake is located east of Topeka, Kansas with Southeast 29th Street on the north, Southeast 45th Street on the south, Croco Road on the east and Westedge Road on the west.

Aerial views of the Council Grove Dam and Reservoir

Aerial views of the Council Grove Dam and Reservoir
Creator: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers.
Date: Spring 1966
Two photographs show the Council Grove Dam and Reservoir from the air

A field flooded after a rain, Greeley County, Kansas

A field flooded after a rain, Greeley County, Kansas
Date: 1976
A playa, or temporary lake, flooded after a rain, September 29, 1976. This photograph shows the southwest quarter of Section 16, T19S, R40W, Greeley County, Kansas, looking toward the northeast.

A handbook of useful information for immigrants and settlers

A handbook of useful information for immigrants and settlers
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: 1880-1889
Published by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, this pamphlet encouraged agricultural settlement on railroad lands in Kansas by glorifying the state's natural resources including water, soil, mineral deposits and plant life. Printed by the Kansas Farmer in Topeka, Kansas.

A herd of 5,000 head of cattle owned by Vale and Gates

A herd of 5,000 head of cattle owned by Vale and Gates
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: 1896
View of the CCC cattle herd owned by Vale and Gates. Wild Horse Lake, located in the western part of Beaver County, Oklahoma Territory, is visible in the background.

Aiken and Sons Mill, Guilford, Wilson County, Kansas

Aiken and Sons Mill, Guilford, Wilson County, Kansas
Date: 1869-1876
This is a view across the Verdigris River of Guilford's' first mill, the Aiken and Sons Mill, in Wilson County, Kansas.

Alicia Vandahl to Representative Albert Cole

Alicia Vandahl to Representative Albert Cole
Creator: Vandahl, Alicia
Date: February 04, 1952
This letter was written by Alicia Vandahl, Randolph, Kansas, to United States Representative Albert Cole, Washington, D.C. She writes in opposition to building Tuttle Creek dam because she believes it will not be just one dam but will lead to 20 to 40 others. She doesn't want Kansas river valleys destroyed and believes the dams won't prevent flooding. She wants the issue studied and asks Cole to wait until the President's Missouri Basin Review Committee completes its study.

Allen County, Kansas, floods--1951

Allen County, Kansas, floods--1951
Date: July 1951
These numerous photographs show flooding and flood damage from the Neosho River in Allen County, Kansas. High water marks can be seen on many buildings, as well as debris and destruction left by the water. Many homes, businesses, and public buildings were affected. These photographs were part of a preliminary survey by the Flood Control Committee of the Iola Chamber of Commerce on August 10, 1951. Many of the photos have additional information on their backs.

A local history of Jerome Township, Gove County, Kansas

A local history of Jerome Township, Gove County, Kansas
Creator: Baker, Fred
Date: 1918
This is a local history of Jerome Township, Gove County, Kansas, as recollected by Fred Baker, Gove City, Kansas. Baker wrote this sketch and submitted it in March 1918 to the Golden Belt Educational Association at Hays, Kansas, and was awarded a prize. Also included is a letter from Judge J.C. Ruppenthal, Russell, Kansas, to William Connelly, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas, who received the sketch from Baker and wished for it to be donated into the Society's holdings.

Alysia Kysar to Governor Joan Finney

Alysia Kysar to Governor Joan Finney
Creator: Kysar, Alysia
Date: March 19, 1991
Alysia Kysar of Liberal, Kansas, writes Governor Joan Finney of Topeka concerning a water rights conflict at Cheyenne Bottoms wetlands in Barton County, Kansas. Kysar is eleven years old. She argues that the importance of wildlife habitats and communal ownership of natural resources, like water, supercede the rights of individual water users along Wet Walnut Creek. Kysar further questions the suitability of irrigated agriculture to an arid environment. In Wet Walnut Irrigators v. Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area (1992), the Kansas Supreme Court ruled in favor of Cheyenne Bottoms, citing its earlier claim to water rights.

American Falls, Snake River Idaho

American Falls, Snake River Idaho
Creator: Palenske, Louis F., 1858-1943
Date: 1930-1935
This panorama of the American Falls on the Snake River in Idaho notes the "present look" of the falls in the early 1930s. On the reverse in rubber stamp reads, "Photo by L. Palenske, Alma, Kansas. Large Santa Fe Trail, Oregon Trail, Old Mining Camps, Rocky Mountain Views, For Sale. Write for Information." Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

An act regulating the diversion, appropriation, storage and distribution of water for industrial purposes

An act regulating the diversion, appropriation, storage and distribution of water for industrial purposes
Creator: Kansas. Legislature
Date: 1891
In this bill (H.B. 602), the House Committee on Irrigation drafted legislation to control and regulate the rights of water in Kansas. Articles within the bill include, Diversion and Appropriation of water for industrial purposes, rights of use of water, right of way, disposal of seepage water, creation of irrigation ditches, construction and maintenance and operation of works, regulation of rates and compensation, and unlawful interference. The bill passed both the house and senate and was signed into law March 10, 1891.

Animals watering, Finney County, Kansas

Animals watering, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows livestock at a watering hole. A windmill and horse and buggy are also visible.

Anna Margaret Watson Randolph, diary

Anna Margaret Watson Randolph, diary
Creator: Randolph, Anna Margaret Watson, 1838-1917
Date: August 17, 1858 - August 22, 1858
This brief diary, kept by Anna Margaret (Watson) Randolph, begins with her move to Kansas in an entry dated August 17, 1858. These six entries at the beginning of her diary provide details about her family's journey from Ohio to Kansas Territory, included a number of interesting accounts of their journey on a riverboat. Their boat ran aground several times and, interspersed among her descriptions of these difficulties, Anna wrote about her sister Mary Jane, the weather, and her personal observances of other passengers. She also filled her diary with her frustrations and concerns during their arduous journey west.

Antwerp - Harbor, Aerial view. Belgium

Antwerp - Harbor, Aerial view. Belgium
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: 1919
Large military ships lie in the harbor at Antwerp, Belgium. Captain Hughes photographed the harbor in 1919 while part of the Army of Occupation at the end of World War 1. James C. Hughes, as part of the 35th Division, left Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and traveled to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he boarded the troop ship "Ceramic" on May 18, 1918. Hughes arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 1, 1918 and then landed at Le Havre, France, on June 9, 1918. Hughes fought in the battles of St. Michael and the Meuse-Argonne. He was at Verdun on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. He took no photos of the actual fighting. He did take many photographs after the war as part of the Army of Occupation until he left France on July 18, 1919. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available at the link below to Kansapedia.

Arkansas City residents to Governor Willis Bailey

Arkansas City residents to Governor Willis Bailey
Creator: Commercial Club of Arkansas City
Date: March 17, 1903
Community residents and members of the Commercial Club of Arkansas City send a resolution to Governor Bailey recommending the retention of ex-attorney General Goddard in the case of Kansas vs Colorado now pending in the United States Supreme Court.

Arkansas River bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas

Arkansas River bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows the Arkansas River Bridge in Garden City, Finney County, Kansas. The photograph shows people on the bridge. The inside rails of the bridge are inscribed with advertisements or signs of some type.

Arkansas River bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas

Arkansas River bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows the Arkansas River bridge in Garden City, Finney County, Kansas. Several people are visible on and near the bridge.

Arkansas River, Dodge City, Kansas

Arkansas River, Dodge City, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1919
This black-and-white photograph shows a horse-drawn wagon hauling hay across the steel girder bridge over the Arkansas River in Dodge City, Kansas.

Arkansas River from bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas

Arkansas River from bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
The photograph shows a view of the Arkansas River from a bridge in Garden City, Finney County, Kansas.

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