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Adams, C.E. (1)
Adams, Ephraim Douglass (1)
Adams, John Quincy 1767-1848 (2)
American Horse 1840-1908 (1)
Anthony, Susan Brownell, 1820-1906 (18)
Atchison, David Rice, 1807-1886 (5)
Babbitt, Brigadier General Edwin Burr (11)
Baker, James 1818-1898 (1)
Barrow, Francis (1)
Barton, Clara (2)
Battice, Walter (8)
Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 (4)
Beecher, Lyman, 1775-1863 (3)
Beers, Clifford W. (1)
Big-Tree, Seneca chief (2)
Billy, the Kid (2)
Bini, Lucio (1)
Black Hawk (7)
Black Hoof, 1740-1831 (2)
Black Kettle (11)
Blackford, William D. (6)
Blinn, Richard F. (1)
Boisen, Anton T. (1)
Boone, Daniel Morgan III, 1809-1880 (1)
Boone, Daniel Morgan Jr. (1)
Bowles,Reverend Lucas (2)
Boyd, William (1)
Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel, 1802-1887 (1)
Bridger, Jim, 1804-1881 (1)
Brimmer, Martin, 1829-1896 (3)
Brown, Henry, 1857-1884 (5)
Brown, John, 1800-1859 (244)
Browning, Orville Hickman, 1806-1881 (2)
Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925 (8)
Buchanan, James, 1791-1868 (28)
Burgess, H.A. (1)
Bush, Barbara, 1925- (2)
Bush, George Herbert Walker (7)
Bush, George Walker (1)
Byrd, Robert C., 1917- (1)
Calhoun, John C., 1782-1850 (1)
Cameron, Simon, 1799-1889 (1)
Capote, Truman, 1924-1984 (1)
Carden, Bill (1)
Carson, Christopher "Kit", 1809-1868 (4)
Carter, Jimmy, 1924- (4)
Carter, Robert Lee, 1917- (5)
Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866 (1)
Catlin, George, 1796-1872 (3)
Catt, Carrie Chapman (1)
Cavell, Edith (2)
Cerletti, Ugo (1)
Chase, Salmon P. (2)
Chick, Joseph S. (1)
Chick, William S. (1)
Chief Satanta, 1830-1878 (8)
Clark, William (35)
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 (2)
Clinton, William Jefferson (5)
Clubb, Henry S., 1827-1922 (1)
Clyne, Edna (1)
Collamer, Jacob (3)
Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 (2)
Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, 1510-1549 (10)
Cronkite, Walter (1)
Cummins, Richard W. (5)
Curly, 1856-1923 (1)
Custer, George Armstrong, 1839-1876 (44)
Custer, Milo (1)
Dana, Charles A., 1819-1897 (3)
Daniels, Edward, 1828-1916 (1)
Darrow, Clarence Seward, 1857-1938 (2)
Davis, Jefferson (2)
Demorest, William Jennings, 1822–1895 (1)
Denver, James William, 1817-1892 (13)
Dirksen, Everett (1)
Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1802-1887 (1)
Dodge, Grenville Mellen, 1831-1916 (2)
Dofflemyer, Lewis E. (1)
Donalson, Israel B., 1797-1895 (1)
Donelson, Andrew Jackson (1)
Donnelly, Ignatius Loyola, 1831-1901 (1)
Douglas, Stephen A., 1813-1861 (16)
Douglass, Frederick ,1818-1895 (8)
Duvall, Dorothy (1)
Earp, Wyatt, 1848-1929 (2)
Eaton, John H., 1790-1856 (1)
Eisenhower, John (1)
Elliott, Richard Smith, 1817- (1)
Ellis, Henry Havelock (1)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882 (1)
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 (1)
Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874 (3)
Fine, Harry (8)
Finley, Reverend J.B. (1)
Ford, Gerald Rudolph, Jr. 1913-2006 (5)
Forsyth, Colonel George A. (7)
Fort, Gerrit (7)
Frantz, Frank, 1872-1941 (1)
Fremont, John Charles, 1813-1890 (37)
Frenzeny, Paul (12)
Freud, Anna, 1895-1982 (5)
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939 (8)
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882 (3)
Garfield, James, 1831-1881 (3)
Gayamee, Jesse (1)
Geary, John W. (9)
Geronimo,1829-1909 (1)
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Stetson (1)
Glenn, John Herschel Jr. (1)
Goldsborough, Brice H. (1)
Gompers, Samuel (1)
Graham, William (Billy) Franklin, Jr. (4)
Grant, Ulysses S., 1822-1885 (6)
Gray, Carl R.,1867-1939 (1)
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872 (12)
Greene, Belle R. (1)
Greenwood, Alfred Burton, 1811-1889 (1)
Greyeyes, John W. (2)
Guntrip, Harry (1)
Gurley, Fred Glasse (2)
Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel (5)
Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 (26)
Hancock, Winfield Scott (6)
Hardin, John Wesley, 1853-1895 (1)
Harmon, Merle (1)
Harvey, Caleb (1)
Harvey, Henry (1)
Harvey, Rebecca (1)
Hayes, Rutherford B., 1822-1893 (4)
Hayt, Ezra A. (1)
Hendricks, Thomas Andrews, 1819-1885. (1)
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911 (35)
Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945 (3)
Hobbs, Wilson (1)
Holliday, John Henry "Doc" (2)
Hoover, Herbert Clark, 1874-1964 (7)
Howat, Alexander (2)
Howe, Frederic Clemson, 1867-1940 (1)
Huggins, William (3)
Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885 (2)
Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 1809-1887 (1)
Hyatt, Thaddeus (86)
Hyatt, Theodore (2)
Ingalls, Laura (1)
Jackson, Andrew (3)
James, Jesse, 1847-1882 (1)
James, William (psychologist) (1)
Jay, Mahalah (1)
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875 (1)
Johnston, Clabourn (1)
Jones, F. Meredith (1)
Jones, Samuel J. (2)
Kagi, John (19)
Kannekuk (2)
Keller, Helen, 1880-1968 (2)
Kennedy, Edward Moore (2)
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 1917-1963 (2)
Kennedy, Robert Francis (10)
Ketchum, Black Jack, 1863-1901 (1)
King, Matthew (1)
King, Reverend Martin Luther, Jr. (3)
Kingman, Lewis (1)
Kirkpatrick, Rebecca (1)
Lantry, Charles J. L. (1)
Latham, James, 1942-1965 (1)
Lawrence, Amos A., 1814-1886 (42)
Lear, William P., 1902-1978 (1)
Leavenworth, Henry, General (1)
Leavenworth, Jesse Henry, Colonel, 1807-1885 (2)
Lee, Fitzhugh (1)
Leslie, Frank, 1821-1880 (1)
Lewis, Meriwether (1)
Lincoln, Abraham (62)
Lomax, Edward L. (4)
Long, Stephen Harriman, 1784-1864 (4)
Louis, Joe, 1914-1981 (2)
Lykins, Johnston, 1800-1876 (4)
Maine, Harold (1)
Major, Hermon Samuel (2)
Mantle, Mickey (1)
Manypenny, George Washington, 1808-1892 (1)
McCoy, Issac, 1784-1846 (26)
McCoy, Joseph G. (Joseph-Geiting), 1837-1915 (1)
Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 (4)
Meeker, Jotham, 1804-1855 (4)
Monroe, Andrew (1)
Montgomery, Isaiah T., 1847-1924 (1)
Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913 (1)
Morse, Elisabeth S. (1)
Mott, Lucretia (2)
Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 (1)
Murphy, Ray (1)
Nadeau, Fannie W. (2)
Navarre, Anthony, -1893 (1)
Nichols, Smith, 1826-1916 (1)
Nightingale, Florence, 1820-1910 (1)
Nixon, Richard Milhouse, 1913-1994 (1)
O'Hair, Madalyn Murray (1)
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903 (4)
Olsson, Olaf 1841-1900 (1)
Parks, Rosa (1)
Pepper, Abel C., 1793-1860 (2)
Pick, Lewis A., 1890-1956 (1)
Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869 (24)
Pike, Zebulon (12)
Polk, Leonidas La Fayette, 1837-1892 (1)
Powell, John Wesley (1)
Pratt, Charles H. (1)
Price, Hercules H. (1)
Price, Sterling (9)
Quantrill, William Clarke, 1837-1865 (25)
Quayle, James Danforth (Dan) (1)
Raymond, Henry J. (3)
Reagan, Ronald Wilson (8)
Remington, Frederic,1861-1909 (6)
Ridenour, Nina (1)
Ripley, Edward Payson, 1845-1920 (2)
Roosevelt, Eleanor (2)
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (8)
Roosevelt, Theodore (18)
Rush, Benjamin (1)
Rush, Richard (1)
Rusk, David Dean (1)
Schaefer, Julius Earl (4)
Scopes, John, 1900-1970 (5)
Scott, Dred (2)
Seward, William H., 1801-1872 (1)
Sheridan, Philip H., 1831-1888 (9)
Sherman, Charles Taylor (1)
Sherman, William Tecumseh (10)
Simerwell, Francis (1)
Simerwell, Robert (46)
Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874 (1)
Smith, Jedediah Strong (7)
Smith, John Q., 1824-1901 (1)
Soule, Andrew (1)
Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953 (1)
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902 (4)
Stearns, George L. (36)
Stillwell, Arthur Edward (1)
Stone, Lucy, 1818-1893 (4)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (2)
Sumner, Charles (8)
Sumner, Edwin V., 1797-1863 (5)
Sutherland, Thomas Jefferson (1)
Swensson, Carl A., 1857-1904 (1)
Taft, William Howard, 1857-1930 (13)
Tavernier, Jules (14)
Tecumseh, 1768-1813 (1)
Tenskwatawa (1)
Thayer, E.C. (1)
Thayer, Eli, 1819-1899 (32)
Thompson, Jacob, 1810-1885 (1)
Thornburg, Major Thomas Tipton (1)
Thurmond, Strom (1)
Tibbles, Thomas Henry, 1840-1928 (1)
Titus, Henry C. (2)
Truman, Harry S. (3)
Truth, Sojourner (1)
Turner, Theophilus H., Dr., 1841-1869 (1)
Van Horn, Colonel R.T., 1824-1916 (1)
Walker, Aldace Freeman, 1842-1901 (1)
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Washburn, Ichabod, 1798-1868 (1)
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Webb, Thomas Hopkins, 1801-1866 (30)
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 (1)
White, Horace, 1834-1916 (1)
White, Walter Francis, 1893-1955 (4)
White Cloud, 1784-1834 (2)
Whitfield, John W., 1818-1879 (3)
Whittier, John Greenleaf (5)
Willard, Frances Elizabeth, 1839-1898 (9)
Wilson, Henry (3)
Wilson, Woodrow (6)
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Wood, Leonard, 1860-1927 (4)
Wood, Thomas John, 1823-1906 (1)
Wornall, Frank C., 1855-1954 (1)
Wright, Frank Lloyd (3)
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York, George, 1943-1965 (1)

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20th anniversary dinner of the Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis, Topeka , Kansas

20th anniversary dinner of the Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis, Topeka , Kansas
Date: September 22, 1962
Dr. Harold Mandl, Dr. Otto Fleischmann, Dr. Margaret Mahler, and Miss Anna Freud attending the 20th anniversary dinner of the Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis at the Topeka Country Club. The Menninger Clinic philosophy of treatment of the mentally ill is based on psychoanalytic, psycho-dynamic principles.

$5,000 Reward, Dead or Alive!

$5,000 Reward, Dead or Alive!
Creator: Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909
Date: Between 1898 and 1902
View of "$5,000 Reward, Dead or Alive!" drawing by Frederic Remington.

Aaron Burr and Theodosia Prevost Burr letters

Aaron Burr and Theodosia Prevost Burr letters
Date: 1786-1830
This collection of handwritten letters and documents from Aaron Burr and Burr's wife, Theodosia Prevost Burr, are part of the William Treadway autograph collection at the Kansas Historical Society. The Aaron Burr letters (which include two undated documents) cover the time period 1788-1830 and primarily relate to political affairs and Burr's law practice. The May 9, 1800 letter is addressed to George Clinton, a fellow Democratic-Republican and future vice-president. The October 14, 1801 letter is addressed to Elbridge Gerry, another fellow Democratic-Republican and future vice-president and the namesake of the term "gerrymandering." The letter dated August 5 [no year given] is addressed to Thomas Hunt Flandrau, Burr's law partner. The letter dated November 6, 1786 is from Burr's wife, Theodosia Prevost Burr, to Burr's sister Sarah "Sally" Burr Reeve and concerns a set of china that Theodosia was sending to Sally in the care of a Mr. Leveret.

Aaron D. Stevens to Jennie Dunbar

Aaron D. Stevens to Jennie Dunbar
Creator: Stevens, Aaron D.
Date: December 3, 1859
From his jail cell at Charles Town, Virginia, abolitionist Aaron Dwight Stevens, 1831-1860, wrote his dear friend, Jennie Dunbar, regarding his actions and prospects ("Slavery demands that we should hang for its protection") and that he regretted nothing except that he would not live to "see this Country free." Stevens, reported to be one of abolitionist John Brown's bravest men, used the alias Captain Charles Whipple while following Brown. Stevens was convicted of treason and conspiring with slaves for his part in Brown's October 16, 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and was hung at Charles Town on March 16, 1860.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Creator: Jackson, Calvin
Date: Oct. 01, 1858
A photograph of Abraham Lincoln taken at the time of the Douglas- Lincoln debates.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Date: 1861
An engraving of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States. He successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the Civil War, saving the Union and ending slavery, only to be assassinated as the war was virtually over. Before becoming the first Republican elected to the Presidency, Lincoln was a lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, and a member of the United States House of Representatives.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Creator: Hesler, Alex, 1823-1895
Date: June 3, 1860
This black and white photograph shows Abraham Lincoln during his campaign for the U.S. Presidency. A lawyer from Springfield, Illinois who began his political career as an Illinois state legislator and later was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He became the sixteenth President of the United States on November 6, 1860. As commander in chief he guided the country through the difficult years of the Civil War and signed into law legislation that respected and maintain human freedom for all individuals.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Date: Between 1859 and 1860
This sepia colored photograph shows Abraham Lincoln. A lawyer from Springfield, Illinois who began his political career as an Illinois state legislator and later was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He became the sixteenth President of the United States on November 6, 1860. As commander in chief he guided the country through the difficult years of the Civil War and signed into law legislation that respected and maintain human freedom for all individuals.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
A portrait of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States. He successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the Civil War, saving the Union and ending slavery, only to be assassinated as the war was virtually over. Before becoming the first Republican elected to the Presidency, Lincoln was a lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, and a member of the United States House of Representatives.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Creator: Brady, Mathew B., 1823 (ca.)-1896
Date: February 1860
This black and white negative shows Abraham Lincoln. A lawyer from Springfield, Illinois who began his political career as an Illinois state legislator and was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He became the sixteenth President of the United States on November 6, 1860. As commander in chief he guided the country through the difficult years of the Civil War and signed into law legislation that respected and maintain human freedom for all individuals.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Date: 1862
An engraving of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States. He successfully led the country through the Civil War, saving the Union and ending slavery, only to be assassinated as the war was virtually over. Before becoming the first Republican elected to the Presidency, Lincoln was a lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, and a member of the United States House of Representatives.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Date: 1850s
A portrait of Abraham Lincoln. In December 1859, Lincoln traveled to the Kansas Territory and spoke at Elwood, Troy, Doniphan, Atchison, and Leavenworth. His speeches covered several issues including preventing the expansion of slavery, the theory of popular sovereignty, and the evils of states seceding from the Union. In 1860, Lincoln received the Republican party's nomination for president. Although Kansans liked him the delegation from the territory did not support his nomination. He won the election, and on February 22, 1861, at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA, Lincoln raised the United States flag bearing a 34th star, honoring Kansas as the newest state.

Abraham Lincoln raising the thirty-four star flag

Abraham Lincoln raising the thirty-four star flag
Creator: Richards, F. De B. (Frederick De Bourg)
Date: February 22, 1861
This is an illustration showing President Abraham Lincoln hoisting the American flag with thirty-four stars upon Independence Hall, Philadelphia, February 22, 1861. Copied from Harper's Weekly, March 9, 1861.

Abraham Lincoln to L. [Levant] L. Jones

Abraham Lincoln to L. [Levant] L. Jones
Creator: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Date: December 09, 1859
This letter was written by Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois to Levant L. Jones, Lawrence, Kansas. In the letter, Lincoln declines an invitation to meet with Levant L. Jones, a Lawrence attorney, after a speech in Leavenworth, Kansas. During the first week in December, 1859, Lincoln gave speeches in Elwood, Troy, Doniphan, Atchison, and Leavenworth, Kansas. His remarks dealt with the Republican party's efforts to prevent the extension of slavery. In Atchison, Lincoln commented that John Brown was guilty of treason and had paid the proper penalty for his actions at Harper's Ferry. He spoke about the theory of popular sovereignty and about the evils of states seceding from the Union. At the time, he was considering his chances as a presidential candidate in 1860, and his Kansas speeches were a precursor of the campaign. Although Kansas liked Lincoln, the delegation from the territory to the 1860 Republican convention did not support his nomination. Levant L. Jones, a 1st Lieutenant in the 1st Kansas, Company F, was killed at the Battle of Wilson's Creek in 1861.

Abraham Lincoln to Mark W. Delahay

Abraham Lincoln to Mark W. Delahay
Creator: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Date: May 14, 1859
Lincoln regretfully declines an invitation to attend the Osawatomie convention on May 18, 1859, which was to formally organize the Republican Party in Kansas. Lincoln warns against "the temptation to lower the Republican Standard [in whatever platform the convention might adopt] in order to gather recruits. "In my judgment," Lincoln continues, "such a step would be a serious mistake" that "would surrender the object of the Republican organization-- preventing the Spread and Nationalization of Slavery." This two-page, handwritten copy of a letter sent by Abraham Lincoln to Mark Delahay was probably given to the Kansas Historical Society by Delahay's daughter, Mary E. Delahay, in the early 1900s.

A brief history of Caleb and Rebecca Harvey, missionaries in the Quaker Shawnee Mission in 1858

A brief history of Caleb and Rebecca Harvey, missionaries in the Quaker Shawnee Mission in 1858
Creator: Duvall, Dorothy
Date: August 23, 1940
This item, written by Dorothy Duvall, the granddaughter of Caleb and Rebecca Harvey, provides a four-page history of the Harvey's missionary experiences at the Quaker Shawnee Mission. Duvall explains that the Harvey's went to the Shawnee Mission in 1858 after leaving Springfield, Ohio. According to Duvall, Caleb Harvey was an agricultural teacher, and Rebecca Harvey "taught the girls household duties of every sort and how to sew."

A census of residents on Big Sugar Creek, Kansas Territory

A census of residents on Big Sugar Creek, Kansas Territory
Creator: Hyatt, Thaddeus
Date: 1857
This account identifies the names and origins of both free-state and pro-slavery settlers who lived on Big Sugar Creek, Kansas Territory. The account, presumably collected by Thaddeus Hyatt or some other member of the National Kansas Committee, begins with a brief description of the area, and mentions particular cases of settlers who had noteworthy experiences. Of the 25 pro-slavery residents identified, only two owned slaves.

A Christmas carol

A Christmas carol
Creator: Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909
Date: Between 1898 and 1902
View of "A Christmas Carol" drawing by Frederic Remington.

A. Curtis to William Hutchinson

A. Curtis to William Hutchinson
Creator: Curtis, A.
Date: December 21, 1856
Curtis reports on the conflict between the Kansas Central Committee and W. F. M. Arny, general agent for the National Kansas Committee, over the distribution of supplies. Curtis claims that Arny issued supplies to individuals who were engaged in speculative ventures and who were not in need of relief. Curtis attaches an itemized list of the supplies that he believes were inappropriately issued by Arny.

Adair-Brown cabin, Osawatomie, Kansas

Adair-Brown cabin, Osawatomie, Kansas
Date: Between 1890 and 1909
This sepia-colored photograph shows the Adair-Brown cabin in Osawatomie, Kansas. The structure, built around 1854 by Samuel Glenn, was sold in 1855 to John Brown's brother-in-law Samuel Lyle Adair. The cabin provided a home for the Adair family but was frequently used by Brown for abolitionist activities. In 1912, the structure was moved to the highest point in the John Brown Memorial Park which is also the site of the "Battle of Osawatomie" where John Brown and thirty free-state defenders fought in 1856 against 250 pro-slavery militia. A stone pavilion was built in 1928 to protect the cabin's exterior. The state legislature appointed the Kansas Historical Society to maintain the site. In 1971, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Adair-Brown cabin, Osawatomie, Kansas

Adair-Brown cabin, Osawatomie, Kansas
Date: Between 1880 and 1912
This sepia-colored photograph shows the Adair-Brown cabin in Osawatomie, Kansas. The structure, built around 1854 by Samuel Glenn, was sold in 1855 to John Brown's brother-in-law Samuel Lyle Adair. The cabin provided a home for the Adair family but was frequently used by Brown for abolitionist activities. In 1912, the structure was moved to the highest point in the John Brown Memorial Park which is also the site of the "Battle of Osawatomie" where John Brown and thirty free-state defenders fought in 1856 against 250 pro-slavery militia. A stone pavilion was built in 1928 to protect the cabin's exterior. The state legislature appointed the Kansas Historical Society to maintain the site. In 1971, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Address of C.E. Adams before the second flag raising of the Pawnee Republic Historical Society

Address of C.E. Adams before the second flag raising of the Pawnee Republic Historical Society
Creator: Adams, C.E.
Date: September 29, 1897
This item is a draft of C.E. Adams's speech to mark the occasion of the second flag raising of the Pawnee Republic Historical Society in September 1897.

Adele Boehme Fine with her children

Adele Boehme Fine with her children
Creator: Brady
Date: 1905
Adele Boehme Fine with her children Harry, John and Margaret. As a teenager, Harry Fine, a recent graduate of Andover High School, Princeton, New Jersey, worked on the W. J. Tod Ranch near Maple Hill, Kansas, from October,1915 to June,1916. While working on the ranch, Harry wrote letters and postcards describing his experiences. The letters and postcards can be read on this web site at item 209185.

Admit Me Free flag

Admit Me Free flag
Date: 1856
In 1856 this cotton and wool flag was used by Walter Whitehead in a rally at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for Republican presidential nominee John C. Frémont. The oversized 33rd star and the words, "Admit Me Free" in the canton of the flag are in support of Kansas admittance as a free state. It was also used in the 1860 presidential campaign for Abraham Lincoln and other political campaigns.

Adolph Hitler

Adolph Hitler
Date: Between 1940 and 1945
This is a postcard showing Adolph Hitler at an unidenitfied gathering.

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