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$190,235,814 For Dairy Products

$190,235,814 For Dairy Products
Date: 1917
Promotional brochure designed as a talk to encourage the construction of good roads in the state of Kansas highlighted by comparable rural roads in Wisconsin that promote farm crop and diary production.

365-day roads an investment, not a tax

365-day roads an investment, not a tax
Date: 1910-1919
Brochure promoting good roads as a investment comparable to other enhancements financed by the farmer and found on his individual land holding.

Abelard Guthrie to Hiram Hill

Abelard Guthrie to Hiram Hill
Creator: Guthrie, Abelard
Date: November 11, 1858
Abelard Guthrie, a member of the Quindaro Town Company, wrote from Quindaro, Kansas Territory, to Hiram Hill in Massachusetts, rebutting Hill's accusations that he had acted in bad faith regarding certain enterprises of the Town Company. Guthrie stated that he had intended to begin the grading work on Kansas Avenue and other roads, but had found that the Company's funds were depleted; he suspected a swindling. He defended himself in light of other land purchases and business transactions and expressed extreme frustration at his bleak financial situation.

Aerial view of the Neosho River in Council Grove, Kansas

Aerial view of the Neosho River in Council Grove, Kansas
Date: 1956
This photograph shows a view from above of the Neosho River passing through Council Grove.

Aerial view of the Pottawatomie Indian Mission and surrounding area, Topeka, Kansas

Aerial view of the Pottawatomie Indian Mission and surrounding area, Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Kansas. Dept. of Transportation
Date: February 11, 1969
An aerial view of the area west of Wanamaker Road, south of the Kansas River, north of 10th Street, and east of Urish Road showing the Pottawatomie Indian Mission and property. The Kansas State Historical Society's complex is located on this property.

Aerial view of west and northwest Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas

Aerial view of west and northwest Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas. Dept. of Transportation
Date: April 07, 1961
An aerial view of west and northwest Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas, showing the Kansas River, Interstates 70 and 470, and Highway 24. The boundaries are approximately south from Soldier Creek, west from McVicar, east from Urish, and north from Huntoon.

Aerial view of west Topeka, Kansas

Aerial view of west Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Kansas Dept. of Transporation
Date: February 18, 1965
An aerial view of west Topeka, Kansas, showing the Kansas River, Pottawatomie Indian Mission, and Interstate 70. The boundaries are the Kansas River on the north, Interstate 70 on the south, Wanamaker on the east, and Urish Road on the west.

Aerial view of west Topeka, Kansas

Aerial view of west Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Kansas Dept. of Transporation
Date: February 18, 1965
An aerial view of west Topeka, Kansas, showing the Kansas River, Interstate 70, and the Pottawatomie Indian Mission property. The Kansas State Historical Society's complex is located on the Pottawatomie Indian Mission property.

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas Department of Transporation
Date: November 30, 1956
A series of aerial photographs showing construction of I-70 Interstate west of Gage Boulevard. Also, the areas east of Gage Boulevard to MacVicar Avenue, where I-70 was eventually built. Recognizable sites include: West Hills residential area; Kansas River; Topeka Water Department treatment plant; sand and concrete company; and Union Pacific Railroad tracks.

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas Department of Transporation
Date: February 27, 1957
A series of aerial photographs showing areas adjacent to the Kansas River, prior to the construction of I-70 Interstate, and east of downtown Topeka. Recognizable sites include: the Kansas River; Topeka Water Department treatment plant; Union Pacific Railroad tracks and bridge; Topeka State Hospital grounds; Ward-Mead home; Topeka Avenue bridge; Kansas Avenue bridge; business buildings north of Fourth Street; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway shops, tracks and bridge; and Auburndale, Potwin, East Topeka and Oakland residential areas.

After the great war is over

After the great war is over
Date: 1917
This promotional brochure argues that the construction of good roads in the United States will enhance agricultural productivity and economic development in the aftermath of World War I.

A. J. Beach to Samuel N. Wood

A. J. Beach to Samuel N. Wood
Creator: Beach, A. J.
Date: May 6, 1860
As in his earlier letter to Samuel Wood of April 22, A. J. Beach, of Beach Valley, Kansas Territory, describes his Cow Creek bridge dispute with William Edwards and O. G. Stanley. In this letter, Beach officially retains the services of Wood & Perkins to sue Edwards and Stanley for damages. "I can prove," wrote Beach, "that they have asked trains to cross their bridge, taken toll on it, and repaired it with the avowed intention of making it a free bridge and taking the travel away from mine." Beach claims to be losing $20 a day in tolls.

A. J. Beach to Samuel N. Wood

A. J. Beach to Samuel N. Wood
Creator: Beach, A. J.
Date: April 22, 1860
Writing from Beach Valley (Rice County) in Kansas Territory, A. J. Beach requests Samuel Wood's legal advice with regard to Beach's options in a bridge dispute. It seemed that Beach had received a charter to build a toll bridge [over Cow Creek], and another party (William Edwards, et al) put up a "temporary" one before his was finished. They were now diverting traffic away from Beach's completed bridge. "I wish to know if anything can be done with them at law . . ."

Albert C. Morton to Hiram Hill

Albert C. Morton to Hiram Hill
Creator: Morton, Albert C.
Date: January 1858
Albert Morton wrote from Quindaro, Kansas Territory, to Hiram Hill in Massachusetts, describing at length the efforts of Quindaro's citizens to grade a large avenue through the town. Morton added that Quindaro was about to establish a city charter, which, if approved by the Legislature, would require the taxation of the citizens. He also mentioned a shooting the night before of a proslavery man who had lost his seat to free statesman Charles Chadwick in a recent election under the Lecompton Constitution.

Allen County, Kansas, floods--1951

Allen County, Kansas, floods--1951
Date: July 1951
These numerous photographs show flooding and flood damage from the Neosho River in Allen County, Kansas. High water marks can be seen on many buildings, as well as debris and destruction left by the water. Many homes, businesses, and public buildings were affected. These photographs were part of a preliminary survey by the Flood Control Committee of the Iola Chamber of Commerce on August 10, 1951. Many of the photos have additional information on their backs.

Alphabetical correspondence, A - H

Alphabetical correspondence, A - H
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1877-1878
The following documents relate to various matters in the State of Kansas. This description does not cover all the documents in this file. A letter on June 25, 1877, from Vice President of the Boston, Winthrop, and Point Shirley Railroad Company, Albert L. Rice, states they have delayed the celebration of the opening of their road until the road is completed to Point Shirley. A letter on September 27, 1878, from R. A. Alston, informs Kansas Governor Anthony the next General Assembly of the State is in November. In the letter from Alston, he advises that he has an interest in improving the Penitentiary System and requests a report from the Principal Keeper and a synopsis of the law governing the punishment of convicts. A letter on February 27, 1878, from G. E. Patrick of Lawrence, requests Governor Anthony to send another sample, and he will assay it immediately.

Annals of Kansas, January - February, 1855

Annals of Kansas, January - February, 1855
Creator: Wilder, Daniel Webster, 1832-1911
Date: January, 1855 through February, 1855
D. W. Wilder's "Annals of Kansas," published in 1886, provides a day-by-day chronicle of significant events in Kansas. These are digital images of Annals of Kansas entries for the territorial period of 1854-1861.

Annual report : Kansas Good Roads Association

Annual report : Kansas Good Roads Association
Creator: Kansas Good Roads Association
Date: 1918
Kansas Good Roads promotional publication claiming that it has achieved 480 miles of 365-day roads financed in the first year and now has 1,000 miles in sight for 1918.

Arkansas River and bridge, Cimarron, Kansas

Arkansas River and bridge, Cimarron, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
This photograph shows the Arkansas River and bridge at Cimarron, Kansas. The town of Cimarron is visible on the far shore.

Arkansas River bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas

Arkansas River bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows the Arkansas River bridge in Garden City, Finney County, Kansas. Several people are visible on and near the bridge.

Arkansas River bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas

Arkansas River bridge, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows the Arkansas River Bridge in Garden City, Finney County, Kansas. The photograph shows people on the bridge. The inside rails of the bridge are inscribed with advertisements or signs of some type.

Arkansas River, Syracuse, Hamilton County, Kansas

Arkansas River, Syracuse, Hamilton County, Kansas
Creator: Kidwell, W. W.
Date: October 20, 1908
This is a photograph of the Arkansas River, Syracuse, Kansas. A bridge is visible in the background.

Atlas and plat book of Barton County, Kansas

Atlas and plat book of Barton County, Kansas
Creator: Kenyon Company (Des Moines, Iowa)
Date: 1916
This atlas and plat book of Barton County contains an outline map of the county, plats of all townships with owners' names, and a Kansas state map showing automobile roads. It also includes a farm animal chart on the health and diseases of horses, cows, hogs, and sheep.

At the Ditch, Ingalls, Kansas

At the Ditch, Ingalls, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
This is a photo of a group of five women and three men, all unidentified, sitting on a walking bridge across a body of water referred to as "The Ditch," Ingalls, Kansas.

Attorney General

Attorney General
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1877 - 1878
The documents in this file pertain to matters of the office of the Attorney General in the State of Kansas. A letter on April 14, 1877, from William R. Davis, Attorney General, gives his opinion concerning the liability and course being taken with the Republican River Bridge Company. A telegraph on March 4, 1878, informs Kansas Governor Anthony that Bancroft has been arrested. A telegram on September 6, 1878, from Willard Davis, states the trial of Bancroft has started. A letter on September 8, 1878, from William Davis advises Governor Anthony, in case of a vacancy in the office of state senator, he should issue a written command of election to the staff of county in which the vacancy exists. A letter on September 4, 1878, from H. B. Johnson, asks if the Governor wishes him to continue to assist with the case of State versus Taylor et al. through final judgment.

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