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1880 census of Nicodemus Township, Graham County, Kansas

1880 census of Nicodemus Township, Graham County, Kansas
Creator: United States. Census Office. 10th census, 1880
Date: June 8, 1880 through June 23, 1880
This census schedule provides details--including the name, age, race, and occupation--of both white and black settlers in Nicodemus Township in Graham County, Kansas. This township had been settled by African Americans in 1877 along the south fork of the Solomon River.

About Nicodemus, The Daily Journal

About Nicodemus, The Daily Journal
Creator: Lawrence Daily Journal
Date: April 30, 1879
This article from the Lawrence Daily Journal discusses a newspaper article from the Chicago Tribune written during the Exoduster Movement in 1879 providing a brief history of the black community of freed people at Nicodemus, Kansas settled in 1877. Nicodemus is now a historic site administered by the National Parks Service.

Advertisement for Nicodemus, Kansas

Advertisement for Nicodemus, Kansas
Creator: Hill, W. R.
Date: April 16, 1877
This advertisement for Nicodemus, Graham County, Kansas, describes the location of the colony near the Solomon River and the town company's plans to build more houses, businesses, and other public buildings. The trustees were quick to note that they will not build any saloon or "houses of ill fame" during the first five years of settlement. Nicodemus was settled in 1878 and is the oldest surviving all-black settlement west of the Mississippi River founded by former slaves. Today the town is a National Parks Service site and is open to visitors.

African American pioneers in Graham County, Kansas

African American pioneers in Graham County, Kansas
Date: 1917
This black and white photograph shows a group of African American pioneers from Graham County, Kansas. Many of the first black settlers in Graham County were part of the Exoduster movement, an effort to get southern blacks to settle on the farm land that was readily available in Kansas. Donor supplied information which indicates this is a photograph of the Wheeler, Tinsley and Schnebly families. People in the photograph are: Albert Wheeler (second from left) he was a descendant of escaped slaves who came to northeast Kansas in 1862 and lived in Brown and Nemaha Counties. Albert was a successful farmer in Logan County. Viola (Schnebly) Wheeler (third from left) is Albert's wife. The man beside Viola (4th from left top row) is Joseph Wheeler, Albert's brother, who died young. Mr. Schnebly (5th from left) is Viola's father, he lost a leg in a train accident near Hill City, KS. Anna Louise (Wheeler) Tinsley (far right holding Frank Tinsley, a baby) is Albert Wheeler's sister. Frank Tinsley was born around 1917.

African American school, Nicodemus, Kansas

African American school, Nicodemus, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
This black and white photograph shows a group of African American students and their teachers standing in front of an unidentified school in Nicodemus, Kansas. Some of the individuals have been identified as Annabelle Taylor, Esther Pace, Jennie Vaughn, Clara Wellington, Cora Ward, Rose Sayers, Jessie Kirtley, Leonard Van Duvall, Arthur Pace, Montagne Loyd, Florence Page, Ira Hall, Charley Vaughn, Velda Van Duvall, James Kirtley, Harry Kirtley, Leroy Van Duvall, Johnson Kirtley, Hattie Burney, and Lula Craig.

All colored people that want to go to Kansas

All colored people that want to go to Kansas
Creator: Nicodemus Town Company
Date: 1877
This broadside advertises the availability of land in Nicodemus, Graham County, Kansas encouraging African-American immigration to Kansas. As noted on the poster, some African-American residents of Lexington, Kentucky, were moving to Nicodemus and consolidating themselves with the Nicodemus Town Company. Nicodemus was settled in 1877, and is the only surviving all-black settlement west of the Mississippi that was settled by former slaves during the post-Civil War Reconstruction period. It is now a historic site administered by the National Parks Service.

A. T. Hall, Jr. and E. P. McCabe to Governor John P. St. John

A. T. Hall, Jr. and E. P. McCabe to Governor John P. St. John
Creator: Hall, A. T.
Date: April 11, 1879
A.T. Hall, Jr., Deputy District Clerk of Nicodemus, Kansas, and E.P. McCabe the Notary Public of Nicodemus in Graham County are requesting that Governor St. John honor a promise he made earlier in January of 1879 to recognize Nicodemus as the temporary county seat of Graham County.

Band, Morland, Kansas

Band, Morland, Kansas
Date: Between 1885 and 1905
This is a view of an unidentified band and spectators in Morland, Kansas.

Baseball team, Nicodemus, Kansas

Baseball team, Nicodemus, Kansas
Date: Between 1921 and 1922
This black and white photograph shows members of a baseball team from Nicodemus, Kansas.

Buttons from the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Dugout Site, 14GH102

Buttons from the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Dugout Site, 14GH102
Date: 1877-1910
Four of these buttons were recovered from the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Dugout site during the 2006 excavations by Washburn University. They were later donated to the Kansas Historical Society. The button on the right was recovered during excavations at the site by the Kansas Archaeology Training Program staff and participants. This domestic site was related to the settlement of Nicodemus, Kansas, an all black community in western Kansas. The buttons (from left to right) are: a large 4-hole shell button (perhaps for a coat), a glass 4-hole dish button, a small 4-hole shell button (child's size), a blue and white mottled glass 3-hole button (child's size), and a 2-hole shell button.

Charles I. Hill's sod house, Hill City, Kansas

Charles I. Hill's sod house, Hill City, Kansas
Creator: Palmatier, E.A., Hill City, Kansas
Date: Between 1880s and 1890s
This photograph shows a group of people gathered in front of Charles I. Hill's sod house in Hill City, Kansas. His brother William R. Hill was one of the founders of Hill City, Kansas.

Children from Nicodemus, Kansas

Children from Nicodemus, Kansas
Date: August 21, 1960
These children are from Nicodemus, Graham County. Nicodemus was settled in 1877 by African Americans from the South. Today Nicodemus is a historic site administered by the National Parks Service.

Church leaders of Nicodemus, Kansas

Church leaders of Nicodemus, Kansas
Date: August 21, 1960
These are church leaders of Nicodemus, Kansas, (L to R): Jerry Scruggs, Mrs. Homer White & Rev. J.D. Wilson.

Cities and towns

Cities and towns
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1877 - 1878
The letters in this file relate to various matters concerning cities and towns in the State of Kansas. A letter on August 7, 1877, from C. M. Kellogg, advises that the Justice of Peace of Clay Center resigned without letting anyone know until the county Attorney attempted to file a case. A letter on April 2, 1878, from W. B. Townsend in relation to the endorsement of J. W. Niles of Graham County. A letter on March 11, 1878, from John H. Edwards, introduces S. P. Ronnther of a Colony located in Graham County and states he will be in Topeka to request aid for his colony. A telegraph on August 22, 1877, informs Kansas Governor Anthony the public peace and citizens of Galena are in danger by a mob and requests help to maintain the order.

Coffee Cups from the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Dugout Site, 14GH102

Coffee Cups from the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Dugout Site, 14GH102
Date: 1877-1910
These coffee cups fragments were recovered during the 2007 Kansas Archeology Training Program at 14GH102. The Thomas Johnson/ Henry Williams Dugout site was a domestic site related to the settlement of Nicodemus, an all black community in western Kansas. Interns at the Kansas Historical Society spent many hours reconstructing the broken cups. Each cup has a molded dot and curvilinear pattern above the base.

Condiment Jar from the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Dugout Site, 14GH102

Condiment Jar from the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams Dugout Site, 14GH102
Date: 1888-1910
This jar was recovered during the 2007 Kansas Archeology Training Program excavations at 14GH102, the Thomas Johnson/Henry Williams dugout site, in Graham County. 14GH102 is a domestic site related to the settlement of Nicodemus, an all black community in western Kansas. Though somewhat clouded with a patina, the base reveals that the jar was made for the "H. J. Heinz Co."

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee correspondence

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee correspondence
Date: 1918
This collection consists of correspondence between individuals and committee members to the state chair of the Woman's Committee of the Kansas Council of National Defense. The Council of National Defense was established at the federal level in 1916 as an emergency agency under the Army Appropriation Act and abolished in 1921. It was created in reaction to World War I to coordinate resources and industries for national defense and improve civilian morale. The Woman's Committee of the Kansas Council of National Defense performed the same functions at the state and local levels, coordinating women's activities for national defense. The materials are organized alphabetically by county. The digitization of this collection was paid for through the Margot R. Swovelan Endowment Fund.

Counties : Graham

Counties : Graham
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: April - December 1880
This file contains letters on topics such as appointments, the organization of Graham county, as well as other matters in Graham county. There is a petition from W. H. Hunter and other residents of Gettysburg, Kansas requesting arms or protection. A letter from C. Tillotson of Millbrook, Kansas asking Kansas Governor St. John if it is discretionary, mandatory, or directory for the Board of Commissioners to grant or form township prayed for in the petition when the petitioners have complied with all the requirements of Section 24, page 277 of the Compiled Laws of Kansas, also known as "Dassler's Kansas Statutes, 1876".

Counties : Graham

Counties : Graham
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: May 1877 - February 1880
This file contains documents and letters sent to Kansas Governor St. John concerning matters of Graham County. There are recommendation letters and applications from individuals for the appointment as either Census Taker or Temporary County Seat for Graham County. Other letters in this file are relating to the organization of Graham County and the designation of Temporary County Seat. Some individuals are for or oppose the organization of Graham County. A separate letter from a citizen of Gettysburg, Kansas protests against making Millbrook, Kansas the Temporary Seat of Graham County.

Counties : Graham

Counties : Graham
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: March 1880
This file contains several letters written to Kansas Governor St. John in March of 1880, regarding topics like the organization of Graham County, location for temporary County Seat, and appointments within Graham County. One of the first letters is from the Notary Public and residents in Graham County pertaining to several petitions to designate temporary County Seat. Some letters are affidavits from citizens who claim they have never signed any petition or that their names have been misrepresented.

Counties : Graham, affidavits of citizens

Counties : Graham, affidavits of citizens
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: March 30, 1880
The following letters are affidavits from residents in Graham County informing Kansas Governor St. John that there was a misrepresentation in petitions for Roscoe and Hill City for Temporary County Seat. The letters explain that they thought the Roscoe and Hill City petitions were thrown out of the contest for Temporary County Seat by the Governor. A few of the citizens request to have their signatures on different petitions such as the Roscoe petition.

Counties : Graham, petition and brief for temporary county seat

Counties : Graham, petition and brief for temporary county seat
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: March 30, 1880
A petition from householders and legal electors of Graham county asking Kansas Governor St. John to designate Roscoe as temporary County Seat. A following letter from Hall and McCabe, Attorney for Roscoe, provide several reasons Kansas Governor St. John should declare Roscoe as temporary County Seat for Graham County. In the late 19th century the location of County Seat was important to residents in towns of Kansas. Supporters of numerous locations within the counties of Kansas believed if their town was selected as County Seat, the success of the town would be guaranteed. The establishment of County Seat meant a courthouse would be built as well as bridges, roads, and schools. The competition of the location of County Seat among towns often resulted in bribery, fraud, and even violence.

Counties : Graham, petition for appointments

Counties : Graham, petition for appointments
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: November 5, 1879
The following documents are petitions from residents of Graham County requesting that Kansas Governor St. John appoint specific individuals for positions within Graham county such as Commissioner, Census Taker, and Clerk. These petitions include the names, location, and the date of residency of the signers in Graham County.

Counties : Graham, petition for appointments

Counties : Graham, petition for appointments
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: March 20, 1880
The letters in this file are petitions to Kansas Governor St. John to appoint certain individuals as temporary Officers of Graham County. Among these petitions are letters from Notary Public confirming the signatures are genuine and are legal electors of Graham County.

Counties : Graham, petition for temporary county seat

Counties : Graham, petition for temporary county seat
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: March 3, 1880
A petition from the citizens of Roscoe, Kansas requesting Kansas Governor St. John to appoint temporary County Seat in their said town. They ask the Governor if he should appoint temporary County Seat in another location then they should be entitled one Commissioner and would be willing to grant the same privilege to their competitors. In the late 19th century the location of County Seat was important to residents in towns of Kansas. Supporters of numerous locations within the counties of Kansas believed if their town was selected as County Seat, the success of the town would be guaranteed. The establishment of County Seat meant a courthouse would be built as well as bridges, roads, and schools. The competition of the location of County Seat among towns often resulted in bribery, fraud, and even violence.

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