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600 block of South Kansas Avenue,Topeka, Kansas

600 block of South Kansas Avenue,Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Wolfe, Harold B., 1898-1966
Date: Between 1930 and 1939
Panoramic view showing the east side of the 600 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Businesses visible in the photograph: The Fair Store, David J. August, Banner Lunch, Frank Furnisure Company, Acme Quality Paint Store, Nygren Bros. Tailors, Christopher Studio, Stansfield Drug Company, and C. E. Wardin & Sons.

600 block of South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

600 block of South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Wolfe, Harold B., 1898-1966
Date: 1930s
A panoramic view showing the west side of the 600 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Businesses visible in the photograph are: S.S. Kresge Company, Hickey-Freeman Customized Clothes, Felix Clothing Company, F.W. Woolworth Company 5-10 and 15 Cent Store, Banner Lunch, and S.S Kresge Company 5-10-25 Cent Store. Automobiles are parked on the street.

6th St., Pittsburg, KS, Ellsworth - Gruber Funeral Carraige

6th St., Pittsburg, KS, Ellsworth - Gruber Funeral Carraige
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: 1917
Automobile hearse parked on street in Pittsburg, Kansas. Lettering on driver's window reads "Ellsworth Gruber." In 1917 James C. Hughes was Captain of Battery C, 130th Field Artillery, Kansas National Guard. Battery C was organized in Pittsburg, Kansas. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available on Kansapedia.

700 block of Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

700 block of Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Date: 1930 - 1940
A view of the downtown commercial district in Topeka, Kansas, including a movie theater, shoe shop, cafe, and restaurant on the 700 block of Kansas Avenue.

700 Block of Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

700 Block of Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Wolfe, Harold B., 1898-1966
Date: Between 1930 and 1939
This panoramic view shows the west side of the 700 block on Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Businesses visible in the photograph are the Topeka State Bank, The Outlook, Harry Endlich Milinery, Walk Over Boot Shop, J.E. McFarland Drug Company, Mongel's, C.A. Wolf, and The Crosby Brothers Company. The dome of the State Capitol is visible in the background.

700 block of South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

700 block of South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Wolfe, Harold B., 1898-1966
Date: Between 1930 and 1939
A panoramic view showing the east side of the 700 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Businesses visible in the photograph are: Cozy, L.C. Rahn, E.B. Guild Music Company, Cremerie Restaurant and Cafeteria, Joe Haskins Tailoring, Antiseptic Barber Shop, Sport Shop and Samuels.

700 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

700 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Wolfe, Harold B., 1898-1966
Date: Between 1930 and 1939
This panoramic view shows the east side of the 700 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Businesses visible in the photograph are: Farmers National Bank, Kline, R.H. Fairchild Carpenter and Cabinet Maker, Chase E. Cole, Permanent Waving, De Luxe Shine Parlor and Shoe Shop, Cozy Loan Office, Curry's Smoke House, Evans Shoe Repair Shop, and Wm. Connors Furniture Company.

800 block of Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

800 block of Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Date: May 20, 1918
This black and white photograph shows the businesses along the 800 block of Kansas Avenue in Topeka, Kansas.

800 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

800 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Wolfe, Harold B., 1898-1966
Date: Between 1930 and 1939
This panoramic view shows the west side of the 800 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Businesses visible in the photograph: J.E. McFarland Drug Company, J.W. Jenkins' Sons Music Company, Stronge & Warner, McLellan Stores Company, Lyman & Lyman Dentist, Union, James Hayes, Santa Fe Watch Company, Jones-O'neal Shoe Company, and the Cinderella Shoppe.

900 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

900 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Wolfe, Harold B., 1898-1966
Date: Between 1930 and 1939
This panoramic view shows the east side of the 900 block on South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Businesses visible in the photograph are: Independent Cleaners & Dyers, Pocket Billiards, Cappers Auto Supply Company, Shoe Shop, City Hand Laundry, Green Parrot, and The National Cash Register Company.

9th Svc. Co. Telephone Gang, Hawaii

9th Svc. Co. Telephone Gang, Hawaii
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: June 22, 1921
This photo was taken June 22, 1921. It shows men gathered around a truck probably on Schofield Barracks. These men were part of the 9th Service Company Telephone gang. After Captain Hughes' assignment at Motor Transport School, Camp Holabird, Maryland, he had applied for a position in the Regular Army. He was accepted in September 1920 and assigned to a post at Ft. Lewis, Washington as a Battery Commander of the 13th Field Artillery. In October he was transferred to the Battery Commander Headquarters for the 13th Field Artillery at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Hughes and wife, Mabel, along with the children moved to Hawaii and remained there until September of 1923. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available at the link below to Kansapedia.

A.A. Jones' wagon shop, Bennington, Kansas

A.A. Jones' wagon shop, Bennington, Kansas
Date: Between 1880 and 1900
This photograph shows a group of men standing in the showroom of the A.A. Jones' wagon shop in Bennington, Kansas. According to the back of the photograph the business sold Studebaker, Courtland and Bradley Buggies along with water pumps.

A and B Drug Company, Marysville, Kansas

A and B Drug Company, Marysville, Kansas
Date: October 23, 1931
These three photographs show interior views of the A and B Drug Company located at 905 Broadway in Marysville, Kansas. The first photograph shows the display cases and shelves along the right side of the store. Magazines are visible in a rack on the right side of the picture, and various items are visible in the cases and on the shelves. A few tables and chairs are visible towards the back of the store, and the stools along the soda fountain service counter are visible on the left side of the picture. The second photograph shows the opposite side of the store from the first photograph. Shelves and a display case that appears to contain boxes of cigars are visible on the left side of the picture, and the soda fountain and service counter are visible near the middle of the picture. More shelves are visible along the back wall of the store. The third photograph shows a different view with more of the shelves and display cases to the left of the soda fountain counter visible. Various items are partially visible on the shelves and cases.

A and B Drug Company on Broadway, Marysville, Kansas

A and B Drug Company on Broadway, Marysville, Kansas
Date: 1926
This photograph shows an exterior view of the A and B Drug Company on Broadway west of 10th Street in Marysville, Kansas. The sign on the side of the building also reads, "The Rexall Store, where you get what you call for." To the left of the drug store, a sign for W. H. Grindle's Dental Office is visible. Other businesses partially visible along the street include Electric Signs Talk, Isis Theatre, Exchange Bank, a shoe store, the City Bakery, a grocery store, another drug store, Independent Garage, and Pioneer Tire Service. A few people are visible walking on the sidewalks, and many automobiles are visible parked or driving along the street.

A & B Drug Company, Marysville, Kansas

A & B Drug Company, Marysville, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: October 23, 1931
This is a view of the soda fountain counter and pedestal stool seats at the A & B Drug Company located at 905 Broadway Street in Marysville, Kansas. The fountain's menu and prices are posted on the wall above the Art Deco embellished mirror.

A. B. Hunt's garage, Liberal, Kansas

A. B. Hunt's garage, Liberal, Kansas
Date: Between 1920 and 1945
This photograph shows A. B. Hunt's Ford dealership and auto repair garage and employees in Liberal, Kansas. It is a brick structure with some decorative work and plate glass windows. A group of people are standing in fromt of the building.

Adults and children gathered for a parade, Alma, Kansas

Adults and children gathered for a parade, Alma, Kansas
Date: Between 1920 and 1929
A photograph showing adults and children gathered for a parade in Alma, Kansas. Visible on the street are businesses including Ketterman's Restaurant and a bank.

Advertisements for W. W. Gavitt Medical Company, Topeka, Kansas

Advertisements for W. W. Gavitt Medical Company, Topeka, Kansas
Date: 1902
These images show advertisements for the W. W. Gavitt Medical Company located at 5th and Madison Streets in Topeka, Kansas. The first image is an advertisement for Gavitt's System Regulator, advertised to cure "all blood, stomach, kidney, and liver troubles." The second image is a group of advertisements for three different businesses owned by W. W. Gavitt: a business of investment bankers and brokers, a medical company, and a mercantile company. The W. W. Gavitt Medical Company manufactured "standard and proprietary remedies."

Aetna Insurance Company

Aetna Insurance Company
Creator: Aetna Insurance Company
Date: 1864 - 1870
Copies of Aetna Insurance Company fire policy records for insured properties in Lawrence and Baldwin, Douglas County and Osage County, Kansas. The records include amount insured; descriptions of the buildings including the date built, construction materials, fuel, lights, and size; businesses occupying the structures; present cash values; locations; specification of renewal; copy of endorsements; and assignments or transfers. Many of the buildings were located on Massachusetts Street in Lawrence.

A. Finch to Thaddeus Hyatt

A. Finch to Thaddeus Hyatt
Creator: Finch, H.
Date: December 22, 1856
This letter, written from Osawatomie by A. Finch to Thaddeus Hyatt, chairman of the National Kansas Committee, provided general information about the inhabitants of Osawatomie and neighboring areas. It included a list of about half of the settlers residing in Osawatomie at this time, including the four pro-slavery voters. Mr. Finch went into detail about the most fertile areas that would be excellent sites for free state settlements, and about the economic conditions and financial needs of the settlers.

A-frame pole setting truck owned by DS&O Rural Electric Cooperative

A-frame pole setting truck owned by DS&O Rural Electric Cooperative
Date: 1937
This is a photograph of an a-frame pole setting truck owned by DS&O Rural Electric Cooperative in Solomon, Kansas. DS&O Electric Cooperative was established during the Great Depression as part of the federal recovery effort to bring the advantages and economic stimulus of electric power to rural Kansas. In 1991, Smoky Valley Electric Cooperative in Lindsborg, Kansas merged with DS&O, adding to the Cooperative's coverage area and member base.

Agreement, Construction of Office Building in Leavenworth

Agreement, Construction of Office Building in Leavenworth
Creator: Reeder, Andrew H. (Andrew Horatio), 1807-1864
Date: September 29, 1855
A. H. Reeder enters into an agreement with H. M. Hook for the latter to "erect" an office building on lot #8, block #3 of Leavenworth, Kansas Territory. Hook agrees to build the structure, "16 feet by 32 feet similar to the office of M. I. Parrot" (perhaps, Marcus J. Parrott) for $400. Hook is to be paid out of the rent received on this property when finished, as well as from what rent he receives on three other properties he has leased from Reeder.

Agriculture equipment, Marysville, Kansas

Agriculture equipment, Marysville, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: September, 1938
This is an elevated view of men examining agriculture equipment on display in the 700 block of Broadway Street in Marysville, Kansas. Also visible are people walking along the sidewalk, parked automobiles and a truck, and several businesses including Anderson-Boss Motor Company, Triangle Drugs & Sodas, Kraemer Hardware, Rialto Hotel, and Potter's Barbershop.

Akers, Logan & Company, Kansas Territory

Akers, Logan & Company, Kansas Territory
Creator: Akers, Logan & Co.
An advertisement for Akers, Logan & Company, describing the services it provided as a general land and real estate company in Leavenworth City and Lecompton, Kansas Territory.

Albert C. Morton to Hiram Hill

Albert C. Morton to Hiram Hill
Creator: Morton, Albert C.
Date: April 30, 1858
Albert Morton wrote from Quindaro, Kansas Territory, to Hiram Hill in Massachusetts. Morton reported that the arrival of two new Eastern businessmen had brought business growth to the town, including a sash and blind factory and new three-story brick building. Despite these new constructions, Morton described the atmosphere as "dull". Though it was a bad time to sell land, since money was scarce, with the recent opening of Indian lands to settlement it was an optimum time to buy land at a low price.

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