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1895 fire, Hays, Kansas

1895 fire, Hays, Kansas
Date: March 30, 1895
This photograph represents the aftermath that burned fifty-five buildings in Hays, Kansas on March 30, 1895.

1897 Liberty Head V Nickel from 14WY408

1897 Liberty Head V Nickel from 14WY408
Date: 1897
This 1897 nickel was collected from a multicomponent camp site in Wyandotte County and donated to the Kansas Historical Society in 2018. On the obverse is Liberty wearing a coronet and wreath with the date. On the reverse is "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V E PLURIBUS UNUM."

20th Kansas Infantry Regiment

20th Kansas Infantry Regiment
Date: Between 1898 and 1899
This poster shows scenes of the 20th Kansas Infantry Regiment during the Spanish American War.

9th Cavalry Regiment, Fort Riley, Kansas

9th Cavalry Regiment, Fort Riley, Kansas
Date: Between 1898 and 1919
This set of photographs show members of the 9th Cavalry Regiment from Fort Riley, Kansas practicing mounted drills, cavalry tactics and riding.

A. A. Hamilton to Arthur Capper

A. A. Hamilton to Arthur Capper
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper)
Date: March 5, 1915
In this letter, A. A. Hamilton of Pittsburg, Crawford County, argues that Kansas does not need a child labor law. According to Hamilton, there should be limitations on the number of hours that children can work, but he does not see why able-bodied youth should be prevented from getting an after-school job. Attached to the letter is a clipping from the St. Louis Globe Democrat regarding child labor legislation. In 1915 the Industrial Welfare Act declared that minors could not be employed in any industry or occupation that may be detrimental to their welfare.

A. Barnes to Governor John St. John

A. Barnes to Governor John St. John
Creator: Barnes, A.
Date: August 22, 1880
A letter from A. Barnes of Junction City to Kansas Governor St. John. Barnes sends a list of speakers he would prefer attend the upcoming campaign and also references a controversial temperance article written by noted Kansas lawyer, Judge Humphrey.

A. B. Ferguson to Governor John St. John

A. B. Ferguson to Governor John St. John
Creator: Ferguson, A. B.
Date: August 18, 1880
This is a letter from A. B. Ferguson, Burlingame, Kansas, to Kansas Governor John St. John inviting the Governor to a Sunday School gathering the next day at Burlingame.

A. B. Nettleton to Governor John St. John

A. B. Nettleton to Governor John St. John
Creator: Nettleton, A. B.
Date: November 08, 1880
A letter from editor A. B. Nettleton of the Minneapolis Tribune to Kansas Governor St. John seeking answers to several probing and relevant questions regarding the disposition and implementation of the recently adopted prohibition amendment.

A boquet of flowers in rhyme on the liquor trade

A boquet of flowers in rhyme on the liquor trade
Creator: Hampe, H. W.
Date: 1890
A small pamphlet written by Reverend H.W. Hampe on the duty and work of the Gospel Ministry to "strike at the root of all evils in Church", one being the liquor trade, and the need for all to be independent from "King Alcohol".

About labor trusts

About labor trusts
Creator: Martin, George W. (George Washington), 1841-1914
Date: June 6, 1900
A letter written by George W. Martin of Kansas, to Representative Chester I. Long in Washington, D.C., on labor trusts and their economic impact on the nation.

A.B. Treadwell and Phillip Searls, prisoners 6949 and 9065

A.B. Treadwell and Phillip Searls, prisoners 6949 and 9065
Creator: Kansas. Dept. of Corrections
Date: January 25, 1905
This photograph shows inmates A.B. Treadwell, prisoner #6949, and Phillip Searls, prisoner #9065. A.B. Treadwell was received at the Kansas State Penitentiary on May 14, 1894 from Lyon County, Kansas for burglary, escaping prison and larceny. Phillip Searls was received at the penitentiary on October 6, 1899 from Oklahoma for larceny. Varient spelling of his names includes Phillip Searls.

A common-sense view of the anarchist case, with some points apparently unnoticed by others

A common-sense view of the anarchist case, with some points apparently unnoticed by others
Creator: Clemens, G. C. (Gaspar Christopher), 1849-1906
Date: 1890s
This pamphlet, apparently, was written by G. C. Clemens. It presents the populist perspective on events related to the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago, Illinois, on May 4, 1886. It is dedicated to Gov. Oglesby of Illinois who commuted the sentences of two of the men convicted in the case from death to life terms. The original is fragile but most of the text is available. A few letters or a word may be missing from what were the inside margins of the item.

A. C. Pettitt to Governor John St. John

A. C. Pettitt to Governor John St. John
Creator: Pettitt, A. C.
Date: May 22, 1880
In this letter, the State Executive Committee Chairman of New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, speaking for the prohibitionists of his state, sends Kansas Governor St. John a hearty note of support for his efforts to suppress the "Liquor Traffic" in Kansas.

A. C. Pierce to Governor John St. John

A. C. Pierce to Governor John St. John
Creator: Pierce, A. C.
Date: November 10, 1880
A letter from A. C. Pierce of Junction City to Kansas Governor St. John in which Pierce comments on organizing the House and expresses doubt about candidates being considered for Speaker and Clerk.

A. Crabb to Governor John St. John

A. Crabb to Governor John St. John
Creator: Crabb, A.
Date: June 10, 1880
This letter from Reverend Crabb thanks Kansas Governor St. John for the temperance information sent him, and he pledges his support for the Governor in the upcoming election. Crabb has little doubt the prohibition amendment will pass. The letter was written in Omio, Kansas.

A. Crabb to Governor John St. John

A. Crabb to Governor John St. John
Creator: Crabb, A.
Date: May 28, 1880
In this letter from Rev. Crabb of Omio, Kansas, he regrets not having a place where the Kansas Governor can present a temperance lecture and asks for statistical information related to intemperance to help his community battle the opposition.

A Crisis for the Husbandman

A Crisis for the Husbandman
Creator: Daniels, Percy
Date: 1889--1891
The contents of this book are six lectures that were delivered to the Girard, Kansas, Grange by Colonel Percy Daniels, a civil engineer. The chapters correspond to individual speeches with titles such as "The Condition of Agriculture," "The Cause, a Living Octopus and a Dead Industry," "The Cause, The Annual Penalty Imposed on Labor," Our Idolatry--the Golden Calf," "The Remedy," and "American Despots to the Rear." Reviews of various lectures as well as some addition materials are included. Daniels later served as a Populist Lieutenant Governor of Kansas. Dates in the publication range from 1889 through 1891. It was published by Western Herald Print of Girard, Kansas.

A. Cutler residence in Council, Grove, Kansas

A. Cutler residence in Council, Grove, Kansas
Creator: Anderson, Walt
Date: December 09, 1897
This photograph shows the Cutlers standing on the back porch of their home in Council Grove, Kansas.

Ada L. James to Lucy B. Johnston

Ada L. James to Lucy B. Johnston
Creator: James, Ada L.
Date: November 6, 1912
Ada James, President of the Political Equality League of Wisconsin, sent this telegram to Lucy Johnston, President of the Kansas Equal Suffrage Association in Topeka, Shawnee County. James congratulated Johnston on the successful passage of a full suffrage amendment to the state constitution.

Addie Colburn to Governor John St. John

Addie Colburn to Governor John St. John
Creator: Colburn, Addie M.
Date: Between May 25, 1879 and May 28, 1879
Addie M. Colburn of Tecumseh, Kansas, requests Kansas Governor St. John drop by the Teft House in Topeka to discuss temperance business with her.

Address and Platform of the Allied and True People's Party of Kansas.

Address and Platform of the Allied and True People's Party of Kansas.
Creator: Allied People's Party of Kansas
Date: 1902
This pamphlet probably represents that last formal activity of Populists in Kansas. By 1902, a number of Populists had aligned with the Democratic Party, leaving the "Allied and True People's Party of Kansas" as the political party still using that name. The address states the general political position of the party. It includes the names of those running for various offices on the Populist ticket, the party platform signed by the executive committee members (most of whom were from Topeka), a short biography of Maxwell Thorp, their candidate for attorney general, and a speech by D. W. Boutwell who was secretary and treasurer of the party. The candidate for governor, James H. Lathrop, received just over 600 votes in the general election.

Adjutant General

Adjutant General
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
These letters are from the Adjutant General's office in regards to adjutant general affairs to Kansas Governor John Martin. A. B. Campbell, Adjutant General, and S. M. Lauham wrote letters concerning military shipments, Governor turnover, and Rock Island Arsenal and other ordinances as well as appointing military officials to the office. Signed certificates are also included in this file.

Adjutant general & National Guard

Adjutant general & National Guard
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
These letters are from various individuals regarding positions in the Adjutant General's offices to Kansas Governor John Martin. John T. Bradley, A. B. Campbell, and R. A. Friedrich all wrote to Martin about the Adjutant General position and had endorsements as well. Individuals also applied for Brigade General, Aide-de-camp, and surgeon for the 3rd Regiment.

Administration building at the Osawatomie State Hospital, Osawatomie, Kansas

Administration building at the Osawatomie State Hospital, Osawatomie, Kansas
Date: Between 1917 and 1940
A photograph showing the administration building at the Osawatomie State Hospital in Osawatomie, Kansas. The hospital was established by the State of Kansas in 1866 and had beds for 12 patients when it opened. By the end of the next year it housed 22 with applications for 50 more.

Adolph Fontroy and William Gentry, prisoners 9303 and 9498, Kansas State Penitentiary

Adolph Fontroy and William Gentry, prisoners 9303 and 9498, Kansas State Penitentiary
Creator: Kansas. Dept. of Corrections
Date: January 25, 1901
Glass plate negative of Adolf Fontroy and William Gentry, prisoners 9303 and 9498, of the Kansas State Penitentiary in Lansing, Kansas.

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