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Thematic Time Period - Early Peoples, 10000 BCE - 1820 CE

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Showing 1 - 9 of 9 (results per page: 10 | 25 | 50)

Bifaces from Riley County

Bifaces from Riley County
Date: Unknown
These two large bifaces were both recovered from Riley County. The largest biface was donated to the Kansas Historical Society in 1880 and is made from Florence chert. Its pink cast comes from being heat-treated, a process to improve the knapping qualities of a chert. The small biface, though thicker and not heat-treated, is also made of Florence chert. It was donated to the Kansas Historical Society in 1925 and carries a label which reads "Spearhead found on the (unreadable word) on College Hill Riley Co KS."

Bifaces from the Wullschleger Site, 14MH301

Bifaces from the Wullschleger Site, 14MH301
Date: 1-1800 CE
These bifaces were collected from the Wullschleger site in Marshall County and donated to the Kansas Historical Society in 1961. The bifaces, or cutting tools, were made of Permian chert that outcrops in Flint Hills of Kansas and Oklahoma. With additional work, they could have been made into other types of tools. The site was occupied periodically throughout the Early, Middle and Late Ceramic periods.

Chipped Stone Artifacts from the Garret Site, 14TO327

Chipped Stone Artifacts from the Garret Site, 14TO327
Date: 2000 BCE-1000 CE
This stemmed dart point and two bifaces were recovered during the 1997 Kansas Archeological Training Program field school at the Garret Site in Trego County. The artifacts are made of Smoky Hill silicified chalk, a good quality knapping material that is exposed in linear beds in northwestern Kansas and western Nebraska. The bifaces could have been used as a cutting tool or, with more work, turned into specific tools.

Dart Point from 14WO310

Dart Point from 14WO310
Date: 1000 BCE-500 CE
This slightly expanding stemmed dart point was recovered from an archeological site in Woodson County. It is made of Smoky Hill silicified chalk, a good quality knapping material that is exposed in linear beds in northwestern Kansas and western Nebraska.

Dart Points from 14WY408

Dart Points from 14WY408
Date: Unknown
These five dart points, made of Winterset chert, were collected from a multicomponent (multiple occupations) archeological site in Wyandotte County and donated to the Kansas Historical Society in 2018. Shown are one contracting stemmed dart, one parallel stemmed dart, and three expanding stemmed darts.

El Quarteleja

El Quarteleja
Date: Unknown
El Quarteleja-Site

Pawnee Indian Village Museum earthlodge floor with artifacts

Pawnee Indian Village Museum earthlodge floor with artifacts
Date: Unknown
Drafted map of the excavated floor of House 5 at 14RP1, now exposed beneath the museum at Pawnee Indian Museum State Historic Site. House 5 was excavated in 1967 by Kansas Historical Society archeologists.

Portheus Molossus fossil, Oakley, Kansas

Portheus Molossus fossil, Oakley, Kansas
Date: Between 1920 and 1929
This is a view of a fossilized fish at a school in Oakley, Kansas. The photograph is a reverse image and includes the hands and a leg of a man engaged in cleaning an area beneath the fossil's lower jaw. The man in the photo may be George F. Sternberg. The label on the fossil reads Portheus Molossus.

Through Quivira to El Dorado

Through Quivira to El Dorado
Creator: Howes, Charles C.
Date: Between 1960 and 1961
This is a motion picture film showing a reenactment of wagons and other vehicles traveling on the Santa Fe Trail. The film was produced for the Kansas Statehood Centennial celebration. Among other things, the film highlights Fort Osage, the Shawnee Indian Mission, the Santa Fe Trail Memorial Highway, the Old Castle at Baldwin, the Post Office Oak and Last Chance Store at Council Grove, Fort Zarah, Pawnee Rock, the treaty of Medicine Lodge, Fort Dodge, the Cimarron Valley, the Point of Rocks, Wagon Mound, and Fort Union.

Showing 1 - 9

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