Kansas MemoryKansas Memory

Kansas Historical SocietyKansas Historical Society

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Abbott, Elizabeth Watrous, 1831-1899 (3)
Abbott, James Burnett, 1818-1897 (60)
Achenbach, Abbie Bright, 1848-1926 (1)
Adair, Florella Brown, 1816-1865 (35)
Adair, Samuel Lyle, 1811-1898 (78)
Adams, F. G. (Franklin George), 1824-1899 (28)
Adams, Henry Joseph (3)
Adams, Nelson (1)
Adams, Stanley T., 1922-1999 (1)
Adams, Zu (Azubah), 1859-1911 (19)
Alderson, Lewis Allen, 1812-1881 (28)
Alexander, Fred, d. 1901 (1)
Allen, Forrest C., 1885-1974 (4)
Allen, Henry Justin, 1868-1950 (122)
Allen, Lyman (2)
Anderson, James (1)
Anderson, John, Jr., 1917-2014 (23)
Angell, Charlie John (4)
Anthony, Daniel Read (7)
Anthony, Daniel Read, Jr. (1)
Anthony, George Tobey, 1824-1896 (93)
Arms, Leonard (2)
Armstrong, John, b. 1824 (3)
Armstrong, John M. (3)
Armstrong, Lucy Bigelow (4)
Armstrong, Silas, 1810-1865 (1)
Arn, Edward F., 1906-1998 (12)
Arny, William Frederick Milton, 1813-1881 (27)
Avery, William Henry, 1911-2009 (42)
Bailey, Willis Joshua, 1854-1932 (5)
Baker, Gilbert, 1951-2017 (1)
Baker, Nancy Landon Kassebaum, 1932- (41)
Barbee, William, -1856 (3)
Barker, Francis, Dr. (3)
Barkis, Marvin W. (2)
Barnard, Augustus H. (1)
Barnd, J.K. (1)
Barnes, Ebenezer, 1811-1858 (1)
Bartholomew, Elam (10)
Bassett, Charles E., 1847?-1896 (2)
Baude, Eliza J. (1)
Beach, William K. (1)
Beck, Edward S. (1)
Beck, M. M. (4)
Beech, Olive Ann Mellor, 1903-1993 (6)
Beech, Walter Herschel, 1891-1950 (10)
Beeson, Chalkey McCarty (2)
Bender family, 1869-1872 (13)
Bennett, Robert F. (Robert Frederick), 1927-2000 (19)
Bickerdyke, Hiram (7)
Bickerdyke, James (5)
Bickerdyke, Mary Ann, 1817-1901 (9)
Bigtree, Mary Solomon, 1830-1860 (1)
Billard, Philip, 1891-1918 (9)
Black Horse (1)
Blood, James (14)
Blue Jacket, Charles, 1817-1897 (4)
Blunt, James Gillpatrick (18)
Bodwell, Edwin (1)
Bogina, August, Jr. (2)
Boissiere, Ernest Valeton De, 1810-1894 (1)
Bolman, G.T. (1)
Bondi, August (3)
Boone, Albert Gallatin, 1806-1884 (1)
Boone, Napoleon, 1828-1850 (1)
Boyd, McDill "Huck", 1907-1987 (1)
Branscomb, Charles Henry (11)
Breidenthal, John William, 1857-1910 (4)
Brewer, David Josiah (4)
Brewster, Sardius Mason (3)
Brinkley, John Richard, 1885-1942 (79)
Bristow, Joseph Little, 1861-1944 (11)
Brooks, Louise (1)
Brooks, Mary A. (1)
Brown, Esther Swirk (2)
Brown, Frederick (7)
Brown, George Washington (27)
Brown, Jason, 1823-1912 (2)
Brown, John, 1800-1859 (221)
Brown, John, Jr. (26)
Brown, May Belleville, b. 1867 (2)
Brown, Neil, 1847?-1926 (2)
Brown, Orville C. (24)
Brown, Owen, 1771-1856 (4)
Brown, Salmon, -1919 (4)
Brown, Spencer Kellogg, 1842-1863 (3)
Brownback, Sam, 1956- (6)
Bryant, Debbie (1)
Burnett, Abraham, 1811?-1870 (3)
Burnett, McKinley L. (2)
Burris, J.T. (1)
Butterfield, John Warren, 1801-1869 (1)
Caffaro, Edeardo (1)
Caldwell, Alexander (2)
Caldwell, Martha B. (1)
Call, Henry Laurens, 1867-1917 (1)
Cannon, Laura Gregg (1)
Capper, Arthur, 1865-1951 (392)
Carlin, John, 1940- (87)
Carlin, Ramona Hawkinson (1)
Carlson, Frank, 1893-1987 (27)
Carney, Dan, 1931- (1)
Carney, Frank, 1938- (1)
Carney, Thomas, 1824-1888 (44)
Carver, George Washington, 1864-1943 (4)
Cessna,Clyde,1879-1954 (14)
Chapman, June (Reininger), 1868-1946 (1)
Chase, Julia A. (7)
Chisholm, Jesse (4)
Chitwood, Avis, 1893-1994 (3)
Chouteau, Cyprion (1)
Chouteau, Francis (3)
Chouteau, Frederick (3)
Chrysler, Walter Percy, 1875-1940 (4)
Chute, Dr. J.A. (1)
Clemens, G. C. (Gaspar Christopher), 1849-1906 (8)
Clevenger, C. C., 1853-1913 (2)
Clutter family (3)
Clymer, Rolla Anderson (7)
Coburn, Foster Dwight (7)
Cody, William F. "Buffalo Bill", 1846-1917 (11)
Cole, Albert McDonald, 1901-1994 (1)
Coleman, William Coffin, 1870-1957 (2)
Colmery, Harry W, 1890-1979 (24)
Colton, Gustavus A., 1828-1894 (1)
Colyer, Jeffrey William (2)
Compchau, Chief (1)
Conard, Frank Durnell, 1884-1966 (15)
Cone, W.W. (2)
Connelley, William E, 1855-1930 (14)
Conway, Martin Franklin, 1827-1882 (33)
Cook, Hugh A., 1827-1901 (4)
Cooprider, Henry (1)
Corbett, Boston, b. 1832 (16)
Cornatzer, Cyrus C. (1)
Cornatzer, Samuel M. (1)
Coues, Elliot, 1842-1899 (1)
Coville, A.M. (2)
Crane, Franklin Loomis (25)
Crawford, George Arthur (1)
Crawford, Reverend J.T. (2)
Crawford, S. J. (Samuel Johnson), 1835-1913 (93)
Crihfield, Samuel Arthur, 1849-1919 (1)
Crozier, Robert, 1827-1895 (2)
Crumbine, Samuel Jay, 1862-1954 (29)
Cunningham, Glenn, 1909-1988 (26)
Curry, John Steuart, (1897-1946) (36)
Curtis, Charles, 1860-1936 (68)
Curtis, O. A. (1)
Curtis, Samuel Ryan (4)
Cutter, George, 1833-1874 (1)
Dalton, Emmett (6)
Daniels, Percy, 1840-1916 (4)
Davies, Gomer T. (1)
Davis, Dowdal, 1913-1957 (1)
Davis, John, 1826-1901 (2)
Davis, Jonathan McMillen, 1871-1943 (11)
Dawson, John Shaw (3)
Deger, L. E. (2)
Deitzler, George W. (9)
Delahay, Mark William, 1818-1879 (27)
Denison, Joseph, 1815-1900 (21)
Denver, James William (20)
DiDonato, Joyce (1)
Dick, LeRoy Franklin, 1842- (1)
Dickey, Milton C., 1824-1879 (4)
Diggs, Annie L. (Annie Le Porte), 1853-1916 (6)
Dillard, W. P. (William Peake),1861-1934 (2)
Dobbs, Mary E. (13)
Docking, George, 1904-1964 (12)
Docking, Robert Blackwell, 1925-1983 (32)
Docking, Thomas R., 1954- (5)
Dole, Robert Joseph, 1923- (16)
Donaldson, George T., 1832-1869 (1)
Doster, Frank H., 1847-1933 (1)
Douglas, Aaron, 1899-1979 (1)
Doy, Charles (7)
Doy, John, b. 1812 (15)
Dudley, Guilford, 1835-1905 (5)
Duitsman, Wilbert W., 1918-1982 (1)
Dull Knife, 1828-1879 (8)
Dunlap, Horace L., 1832-1904 (1)
Dunsmore, John M., 1844-1922 (1)
Dyche, Lewis L. (1)
Eagle Shirt (1)
Earhart, Amelia 1897-1937 (29)
Earp, Wyatt, 1848-1929 (7)
Eastin, Lucien Johnston, 1814-1876 (1)
Edwards, Charles L., 1828-1916 (1)
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 1890-1969 (38)
Eldridge, Shalor W. (11)
Ellsworth, Bertha H. (1)
Elmore, Rush (18)
Emery, James Stanley (24)
Engle, Joe Henry (4)
Engstrom, J. Eric (1)
Ericsson, H. C. (1)
Estes, Ron (1)
Etheridge, Melissa (1)
Evans, Ronald E. (2)
Ewing, Thomas, Jr. (21)
Fairfax, Alfred (2)
Farley, Alan W. (1)
Farley, Jerry (1)
Farnsworth, H. W. (13)
Farnsworth, Martha, 1867-1924 (38)
Faulkner, Roy (1)
Felten, Peter F. "Fritz", Jr. (1)
Ferris, Ida M. (13)
Finney, Joan, 1925-2001 (8)
Finney, Warren W. (1)
Fishburn, Phillip A. (1)
Forman, John W., 1818- (1)
Fouquet, Leon Charles, 1849-1936 (1)
Fox, Simeon M. (7)
Freeland, Roy A., 1912-2003 (1)
Frizell, Edward Everett, 1860-1949 (1)
Funston, Edward Hogue (5)
Funston, Frederick, 1865-1917 (67)
Furley, C. C. (1)
Gailland, Maurice 1815-1877 (1)
Gardner, Joseph, 1820-1863 (4)
Garvey, Edward C.K., -1884 (1)
Garvey, Ray Hugh (R. H.) (1)
Geary, John White (1)
Gibbs, Hiram (1)
Gibson, James S. (1)
Giles, Frye W., 1819-1898 (3)
Gillette, Harry E. (1)
Gilpatrick, Rufus, 1813-1863 (1)
Gleed, Charles S. (1)
Glick, George Washington, 1827-1911 (122)
Glickman, Daniel "Dan" Robert, 1944- (2)
Goodin, Joel Kishler (5)
Goodnow, Isaac T., 1814-1894 (141)
Goodnow, William Eaton, 1807-1876 (25)
Goodrich, Dewitt C., 1844-1920 (1)
Gowing, Clara (1)
Grant, George, 1822-1878 (1)
Graves, Bill, 1953- (13)
Gray, Alfred (6)
Gray, Georgia Neese Clark (1)
Gray, Georgia Neese Clark, 1900-1995 (5)
Green, C. W. (1)
Green, Charles R. (8)
Green, Elmer (1)
Green, Nehemiah, 1837-1890 (10)
Greene, Albert Robinson (3)
Greene, Jesse (1)
Grieme, Fred H. (1)
Griffing, James Sayre, 1822-1882 (3)
Grinstead, Minnie Tamar (Johnson), 1869-1925 (3)
Grinter, Annie Marshall (21)
Grinter, Moses (22)
Grisnik, Marijana (1)
Gryden, H. E. (1)
Guthrie, Abelard, 1814-1873 (4)
Hagaman, Frank Leslie, 1894-1966 (4)
Haldeman, John A. (34)
Hall, Frederick Lee, 1916-1970 (18)
Hanway, James (3)
Hardage, Sam (1)
Harford, Robert Latimore, 1837-1883 (1)
Harger, Charles Moreau (1)
Harman, Moses (1)
Harrington, Grant W. (4)
Harris, William H. (3)
Hartman, Louis (1)
Harvey, E.D. (1)
Harvey, Fred (65)
Harvey, James A., -1858 (1)
Harvey, James Madison, 1833-1894 (137)
Haskell, Dudley Chase, 1842-1883 (2)
Haskell, John Gideon (2)
Hatterscheidt, John G. (1)
Hawkins, Coleman Randolph, 1904-1969 (2)
Hawley, Steven A. (3)
Hay, George (3)
Hayden, Mike, 1944- (53)
Hays, Alexander, 1819-1864 (1)
Hays, Seth Millington, 1811-1873 (2)
Heisler, Emanuel F. (2)
Henry, Theodore C, 1841-1914 (2)
Herod, E.A. (1)
Hertzler, Arthur E., 1870-1946 (1)
Hickock, Richard Eugene, 1931-1965 (2)
Hickok, James Butler, 1837-1876 (26)
Higgins, William (1)
Highley, Brewster M, 1822?-1911 (6)
Hill, Esther Mary Clark (1)
Hill, Hiram (107)
Hillyar, George S., 1820-1874 (4)
Hinkle, George (1)
Hinton, Richard (7)
Hoch, Edward Wallis, 1849-1925 (12)
Hockaday, F.W. ("Woody"), 1884-1947 (1)
Hodges, George H. (George Hartshorn), 1866-1947 (13)
Hoisington, Perry M. (8)
Holliday, Cyrus Kurtz, 1826-1900 (104)
Hoogland, Edward, 1820-1862 (7)
Hoover, Charles Oliver, 1881-1973 (7)
Hope, Clifford Ragsdale, 1893-1970 (3)
Horne, Daniel H. (Daniel Hussey), 1828-1894 (2)
Horton, Albert Howell, 1837-1902 (4)
Howat, Alexander (1)
Howe, Edgar W. (3)
Howes, Charles Cecil (8)
Hoyt, David Starr (9)
Hoyt, George Henry (3)
Huelskamp, Timothy Alan (1)
Huffaker, Thomas Sears (2)
Huggins, William Lloyd, 1865-1941 (7)
Hughes, Captain James Clark (67)
Hughes, Col. James C. (74)
Hughes, Col. James White Frierson (1)
Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967 (1)
Hughes, Major James Clark (1)
Humbarger, Solomon (1)
Hume, Lou E. (1)
Humphrey, Lyman Underwood, 1844-1915 (90)
Hunnius, Carl Julius Adolph (12)
Hunt, A.E. (2)
Huntoon, Andrew Jackson (1)
Hurd, H. B. (7)
Hurley, Patrick (2)
Hutchinson, William (28)
Huxman, Walter Augustus, 1887-1972 (24)
Hyde, Albert Alexander, 1848-1935 (1)
Ingalls, John James, 1833-1900 (32)
Inge, William (4)
Inman, Henry (2)
Irvin, Samuel McLeary, 1815-1887 (5)
Isely, Charles C. (1)
Jackson, Wes (3)
Jardine, William Marion (2)
Jarrell, J. F. (8)
Jeffries, James Edmund, 1925-1997 (1)
Jenkins, Gaius (9)
Jenkins, Lynn (1)
Jennison, Charles Ransford, 1834-1884 (13)
Jessye, Eva (3)
Johns, Laura M. (8)
Johnson, Alexander Soule, 1832-1894 (2)
Johnson, Martin, 1884-1937 (7)
Johnson, Osa, 1894-1953 (8)
Johnson, Reverend Thomas, 1802-1865 (6)
Johnson, Reverend William, 1805-1842 (4)
Johnson, Thomas, 1802-1865 (2)
Johnson, Thomas, 1802-1865 (8)
Johnson, Walter Perry, 1887-1946 (2)
Johnson, William McKendree, 1845-1924 (1)
Johnston, Lucy Browne, 1846-1937 (11)
Johnston, Sanders Walker, 1816-1905 (1)
Johnston, William Agnew (4)
Jones, Charles Jesse, 1844-1919 (4)
Jones, John Tecumseh (Tauy) (9)
Jones, Samuel J. (5)
Judd, Charles Pratt, 1840- (1)
Jump, Gordon (2)
Kapaun, Emil, 1916-1951 (2)
Kassebaum, Nancy Landon (13)
Keaton, Buster, 1895-1966 (1)
Kelley, Samuel J. (1)
Kelly, Fanny (6)
Kelly, Laura J. (2)
Kerr, Fred (2)
King, Henry, 1841-1915 (2)
Kingman, Samuel Austin, 1818-1904 (4)
Klaine, Nicholas B. (1)
Knight, J. Lee, 1837-1915 (1)
Kobach, Kris (3)
Kuhn, Henry (8)
Lady, Wendell (2)
Laird, Emil Matthew (3)
Lambertson, W.P. (William Purnell) 1880-1957 (2)
Landon, Alfred M. (Alfred Mossman), 1887-1987 (129)
Landon, Theo Cobb, 1898-1996 (16)
Lane, James Henry, 1814-1866 (171)
Lane, Thomas (1)
Larcom, Lucy, 1824-1893 (1)
Larzelere, Alfred, 1811-1881 (1)
Leahy, Tom, 1922-2010 (1)
Lear, William Powell, Sr., 1902-1978 (2)
Lease, Mary Elizabeth, 1853-1933 (14)
Lecompte, Samuel, 1814-1888 (24)
Leedy, John Whitnah, 1849-1935 (8)
Leland, Cyrus, Jr. (18)
Lewelling, Lorenzo Dow, 1846-1900 (23)
Lewis, Cora G. (1)
Lieurance, Thurlow (3)
Lindley, E. H. (1)
Lines, C. B. (3)
Linn, H.C. (4)
Little Wolf, -1904 (1)
Livgren, Kerry (2)
Logan, Herschel C., 1901-1987 (34)
Long, Chester Isaiah, 1860-1934 (3)
Longren, Albin K. (30)
Lovejoy, Julia Hardy, 1812-1882 (3)
Lum, Samuel Y., 1821-1895 (1)
Lykins, Johnston (13)
Lykins, William (5)
MacLennan, Frank P. (4)
Majors, Alexander (1)
March, George M., 1886-1954 (1)
Marlatt, Washington, 1829-1909 (2)
Marsh, Roy D. (1)
Martin, Albert Bugal, 1898-1986 (1)
Martin, George Washington (42)
Martin, Glenn L. (1)
Martin, Glenn Luther (1)
Martin, John Alexander, 1839-1889 (434)
Martin, Samuel E. (3)
Masterson, Ed, 1852-1878 (1)
Masterson, William Barclay (Bat), 1853-1921 (12)
Mathewson, William E., 1830-1916 (1)
Matney, John R. (1)
Matthews, William D. (1)
Maurer, A.B. (1)
McCabe, Edward P. (4)
McCarrick, Jason A. (1)
McCarthy, Kathryn O'Loughlin (1)
McCarty, T. L. (1)
McClain, Frank (2)
McCoy, Christiana (1)
McCoy, Elizabeth (1)
McCoy, Isaac, 1784-1846 (29)
McCoy, John Calvin, 1811-1889 (4)
McCoy, Joseph Geiting, 1837-1915 (9)
McCoy, Rice, Dr. (1)
McCuish, John B. (1)
McFarland, Kay (1)
McGill, George S., 1879-1963 (1)
McGuire, Reverend W.C. (1)
McHenry, Mrs. Myra Gains (Warren), 1848-1939 (1)
McIntosh, J.W. (1)
Mead, James R. (14)
Mechem, Kirke (2)
Medary, Samuel, 1801-1864 (7)
Meeker, Jotham, 1804-1855 (10)
Menninger, Catherine Wright (11)
Menninger, Charles Fredrick (C. F.), 1862-1953 (43)
Menninger, Constance Libbey, 1931-2008 (1)
Menninger, Edwin A., 1896-1995 (11)
Menninger, Edwin Arnold, 1896-1995 (6)
Menninger, Flo V., 1863-1945 (14)
Menninger, Karl Augustus, 1893-1990 (141)
Menninger, Philip (Philip Bratton), 1928- (13)
Menninger, Robert Gaines, 1922- (16)
Menninger, Roy W., 1926- (42)
Menninger, W. Walter, 1931- (25)
Menninger, William Claire, 1899-1966 (75)
Mermis, J. A. (1)
Merritt, James S. (1)
Metcalf, Wilder Stevens, 1855-1935 (6)
Meyers, Jan (1)
Miller, Josiah, 1828-1870 (2)
Miller, Robert H. (2)
Miller, Solomon (7)
Miller, Vern (36)
Millikan, Emily L. (1)
Mize, Chester Louis, 1917-1994 (1)
Moffet, Charles W. (1)
Mohler, J. C. (3)
Monroe, Lilla Day, 1858-1929 (15)
Monroe, Mrs. G. (1)
Montgomery, James, 1814-1871 (33)
Moonlight, Thomas, 1833-1899 (2)
Moore, Henry Miles (12)
Morehouse, George Pierson (2)
Morgan, Pearl W. (1)
Morgan, William Y. (2)
Morning Star, 1810-1883 (1)
Morrill, E. N. (Edmund Needham), 1834-1909 (9)
Morris, Mark Loren, Sr. (3)
Morrison, V. L. (1)
Mudge, Benjamin Franklin, 1817-1879 (1)
Murdock, Marshall Marcellus, 1837-1908 (10)
Murdock, Thomas Benton, 1841-1909 (2)
Murdock, Victor, 1871-1945 (2)
Murie, James R. (2)
Naismith, James, 1861-1939 (3)
Nation, Carry Amelia,1846-1911 (66)
Nichols, Clarina Irene Howard, 1810-1885 (16)
Nute, Ephriam, 1819-1897 (5)
O'Hare, Kate Richards, 1876-1948 (1)
Orr, Patrick R., 1808-1862 (1)
Osborn, Thomas Andrew, 1836-1898 (84)
Overmyer, David Hicks, 1889-1973 (2)
Paddock, George Washington, 1823-1907 (1)
Palenske, Louis, 1858-1943 (5)
Parker, C. W. (Charles Wallace), 1864-1932 (1)
Parkinson, Mark V. (2)
Parks, Blanche Cecile (5)
Parks, Gordon, 1912-2006 (3)
Parks, Joseph, 1794-1859 (1)
Parks, Sherman A., Jr. (1)
Parks, Sherman A., Sr. (1)
Parrott, Marcus J. (18)
Parsons, William Bostwick, 1833-1885 (1)
Paulen, Ben Sanford, 1869-1961 (18)
Payne, Florence M (1)
Pearson, James Blackwood (1)
Peery, John Thompson, 1817-1890 (4)
Peffer, William Alfred, 1831-1912 (18)
Peppard, Samuel (2)
Perkins, Alice (1)
Perkins, Stephen (2)
Perry, Barbara Rondelli (1)
Petillon, W. F. (1)
Phillips, William Addison, 1824-1893 (9)
Pike, Joshua A., 1833-1922 (4)
Plumb, Preston B., 1837-1891 (23)
Pocatello, Chief (2)
Pomeroy, S. C. (Samuel Clarke), 1816-1891 (81)
Popenoe, Frederick Oliver, 1863-1934 (2)
Praeger, Sandy (1)
Pratt, Abraham, 1827-1901 (4)
Pratt, J. G. (John Gill), 1814-1900 (7)
Pratt, John Fenton, 1856-1937 (8)
Prentis, Noble L., 1839-1900 (1)
Price, G. F. (1)
Price, J.C. (1)
Priddle, Harland E. (1)
Purvis, William J. (1)
Randolph, Anna Margaret (Watson), 1838-1917 (1)
Rankin, John K. (2)
Ratner, Payne, 1896-1974 (32)
Reader, Samuel James, 1836-1914 (75)
Redpath, James, 1833-1891 (11)
Reed, Clyde Martin, 1871-1949 (385)
Reeder, Andrew H. (Andrew Horatio), 1807-1864 (83)
Rees, Richard Ridgway, 1812-1875 (2)
Reid, Albert T. (10)
Remsburg, George Jacob (1)
Rich, Ben C. (1)
Richardson, William P., 1802-1857 (2)
Riddle, Taylor, 1851-1916 (2)
Rightmire, William F., 1849-1929 (2)
Ritchie, John, 1817-1887 (14)
Robb, George Seanor, 1887-1972 (3)
Roberts, Charles Patrick "Pat", 1936- (2)
Roberts, G. W. (1)
Robertson, Fred (4)
Robinson, Charles, 1818-1894 (240)
Robinson, Sara T. L. (Tappan Lawrence), 1827-1911 (35)
Robison, Carson Jay, 1890-1957 (1)
Robitaille, Robert (1)
Roenigk, Adolph, 1847-1938 (1)
Rogers, Charles "Buddy", 1904-1999 (3)
Rogers, Cynthia Conklin (10)
Rogers, Richard Dean (44)
Roman Nose, 1823-1868 (4)
Romig, Joseph (5)
Rondelli, Barbara (1)
Root, George A. (11)
Root, Joseph P., 1826-1885 (1)
Root, Joseph Pomeroy, (1826-1885) (4)
Ropes, Hannah Anderson (1)
Roscoe, Nelson J., 1820-1918 (1)
Ross, Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson), 1826-1907 (17)
Roy, L. William (1)
Roy, William Robert (3)
Ruppenthal, J.C. (18)
Ruppenthal, J.C. (47)
Russell, Edward, 1833-1898 (2)
Russell, Reb, 1905-1978 (13)
Russell, William H. (4)
Salter, Susanna Madora, 1860-1961 (6)
San Romani, Archie (1)
Sandzen, Birger, 1871-1954 (3)
Santee, David Wesley, 1932-2010 (2)
Sarbach, L. (1)
Sarrahass, John (1)
Satanta (1)
Sawhill, Raymond M., 1881-1959 (1)
Schellenberg, Theodore R. (1)
Schmidt, Carl Bernhard (5)
Schnebly, Joseph Gilbert, 1830-1895 (1)
Schoeppel, Andrew Frank, 1894-1962 (59)
Schooler, J.N.N. (1)
Scott, Charles F. (4)
Scott, Dowthard (1)
Scott, Elisha (3)
Searl, Albert Dwight, 1831-1902 (2)
Seaton, Samuel T. (1)
Sebelius, Kathleen (5)
Sebelius, Keith Gary (1)
Sebelius, Keith George (1916-1982) (3)
Semple, Robert H., -1926 (2)
Senix, Jacob (3)
Sessions, Charles H. (1)
Seward, C. A. (Coy Avon), 1884-1939 (4)
Shannon, Frank (1)
Shannon, Wilson (14)
Shar-I-Tar-Ish (1)
Sheldon, Charles Monroe, 1857-1946 (35)
Sherman, Henry (3)
Sherman, William (4)
Shore, Samuel T. (1)
Short, Luke L., 1854-1893 (4)
Shriver, Garner Edward, 1912-1998 (2)
Simerwell, Robert W. (8)
Simerwell, Sarah P. (1)
Simmons, Thomas (3)
Simms, William, 1831-1888 (1)
Simpson, Benjamin Franklin (2)
Simpson, Jeremiah, 1842-1905 (11)
Simpson, Samuel Newell (36)
Singleton, Benjamin, 1809-1900 (15)
Skubitz, Joseph, 1906-2000 (1)
Slattery, James Charles, 1948 (1)
Slavens, Robert B. (1)
Smarsh, Sarah (1)
Smith, George W., 1806-1878 (5)
Smith, Glee S., Jr. (11)
Smith, Mary Alice, 1896-1970 (1)
Smith, Perry Edwards, 1928-1965 (2)
Smith, William A. (7)
Soule, Silas Stillman, 1838-1865 (4)
Spencer, A.B. (1)
Spencer, Joab (3)
St. John, John Pierce, 1833-1916 (996)
Stanley, William Eugene, 1844-1910 (9)
Stanton, Frederick P. (6)
Stauffer Oscar, 1886-1982 (3)
Stearman, Lloyd C., 1898-1975 (6)
Sternberg, Charles Hazelius, 1850-1943 (2)
Sternberg, George Fryer, 1883-1969 (3)
Stevens, Robert S. (8)
Stewart, John E (6)
Stinson, Thomas N. (15)
Stone, Fred Andrew, 1873-1959 (4)
Stone, George Melville, 1858-1931 (3)
Strickler, Hiram Jackson (33)
Stringfellow, B.F. (Benjamin F.), 1816-1891 (3)
Stringfellow, John Henry, 1819-1905 (1)
Stubbs, Stella H. (2)
Stubbs, Walter Roscoe, 1858-1929 (15)
Stutz, John Godfrey, 1893-1995 (12)
Sutton, Fred (1)
Swogger, (Leo) Glenn, Sr. (1)
Swogger, Glenn, Jr. (1)
Tappan, Samuel Forster (19)
Taylor, Harry H., 1869- (1)
Taylor-Hobbs, Lucy B, 1833-1910 (3)
Tenskwatawa, Shawnee Prophet (4)
Terwilliger, W.R. (1)
Thompson, William Howard, 1871-1928 (2)
Three Fingers, 1859-1917 (2)
Tice, Arthur L., 1871-1955 (1)
Tilghman, Bill (2)
Tipton, W. T. (1)
Todd, Lucinda Wilson, 1903-1996 (9)
Tombaugh, Clyde, 1906-1997 (3)
Tomlinson, J. B. (1)
Trego, Joseph Harrington (15)
Twente, Esther Elizabeth, 1895-1971 (1)
Updegraff, William Wales, 1820- (1)
Usher, John Palmer (1)
Valentine, Arthur Hoyt, 1891-1954 (2)
Valentine, Daniel Mulford, 1830-1907 (3)
Van Voorhis, Harvey B., c. 1854- (1)
Vance, Vivian (2)
Vincent, Leopold, 1863- (3)
Vincent, William Davis, 1852-1922 (1)
Wade, Achilles B., 1829-1891 (1)
Wagnon, Joan (2)
Wait, Anna C. (3)
Walker, Joel, 1813-1857 (1)
Walker, Matthew Rankin, 1810-1860 (1)
Walker, Robert John (3)
Walker, Samuel, 1822-1893 (5)
Walker, William, 1800-1873 (4)
Walsh, Hugh Sleighton (2)
Walt, Lewis William, 1913-1989 (1)
Ward, Fenn (1)
Ware, Eugene F., 1841-1911 (5)
Warkentin, Bernhard (2)
Waterman, Myron A., 1855-1937 (51)
Watkins, Elizabeth M. (2)
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Webb, Alfonso (1)
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White, William Lindsay, 1900-1973 (15)
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130th Gun Pits

130th Gun Pits
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: November 8, 1917
Soldiers of the 130th Field Artillery digging gun pits at Fort Sill. Captain Hughes may be the soldier at the far right. One soldier is holding a pick ax. Others are working with shovels. In 1917 James C. Hughes was Captain of Battery C, 130th Field Artillery, Kansas National Guard. He was stationed at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma, for field artillery training. Camp Doniphan is adjacent to Fort Sill which is just outside Lawton, Oklahoma. The 130th Field Artillery, Kansas National Guard, trained at both in 1917 and 1918 as part of the 35th Division. The 35th Division was constituted in 1917 as one of the 17 National Guard divisions authorized for service in World War I. The division was organized from the National Guard of Kansas and Missouri. The 35th included three machinegun battalions, three field artillery regiments, four infantry regiments, one engineer regiment and one signal battalion with a total strength of 26,373. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available at the link below to Kansapedia.

155 Howitzer

155 Howitzer
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: Undated
This is a side view of a 155 mm Howitzer. It is the type that would have been used during World War I. Captain James Hughes took this photo but did not identify the location or date. James C. Hughes, as part of the 35th Division, left Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and traveled to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he boarded the troop ship "Ceramic" on May 18, 1918. Hughes arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 1, 1918 and then landed at Le Havre, France, on June 9, 1918. Hughes fought in the battles of St. Michael and the Meuse-Argonne. He was at Verdun on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. He took no photos of the actual fighting. He did take many photographs after the war as part of the Army of Occupation until he left France on July 18, 1919. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available on Kansapedia.

155 Howitzer

155 Howitzer
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: Undated
This closeup is of a 155 mm Howitzer which would have been used during World War I. Captain James Hughes took this picture but did not identify the location or date. James C. Hughes, as part of the 35th Division, left Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and traveled to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he boarded the troop ship "Ceramic" on May 18, 1918. Hughes arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 1, 1918 and then landed at Le Havre, France, on June 9, 1918. Hughes fought in the battles of St. Michael and the Meuse-Argonne. He was at Verdun on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. He took no photos of the actual fighting. He did take many photographs after the war as part of the Army of Occupation until he left France on July 18, 1919. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available on Kansapedia.

155 Howitzer

155 Howitzer
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: Undated
This is a 155 Howitzer which would have been used during World War I. Captain James Hughes took this picture but did not identify the location or date. James C. Hughes, as part of the 35th Division, left Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and traveled to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he boarded the troop ship "Ceramic" on May 18, 1918. Hughes arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 1, 1918 and then landed at Le Havre, France, on June 9, 1918. Hughes fought in the battles of St. Michael and the Meuse-Argonne. He was at Verdun on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. He took no photos of the actual fighting. He did take many photographs after the war as part of the Army of Occupation until he left France on July 18, 1919. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available on Kansapedia.

155 Howitzer

155 Howitzer
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: Undated
This 155 mm Howitzer is of the type used during World War I. Captain James Hughes took this picture but did not identify the location or date. James C. Hughes, as part of the 35th Division, left Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and traveled to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he boarded the troop ship "Ceramic" on May 18, 1918. Hughes arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 1, 1918 and then landed at Le Havre, France, on June 9, 1918. Hughes fought in the battles of St. Michael and the Meuse-Argonne. He was at Verdun on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. He took no photos of the actual fighting. He did take many photographs after the war as part of the Army of Occupation until he left France on July 18, 1919. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available on Kansapedia.

1851 Colt Navy Revolver

1851 Colt Navy Revolver
Creator: Colt Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company
Date: between 1851 and 1852
1851 Colt Navy Revolver with engraved cylinder. Six shot, .36 caliber single action steel revolver with walnut grips. William F. Arny reportedly gave this Colt Navy revolver to John Brown in 1856 in recognition of his efforts for the Free State cause. According to Arny, Brown returned the revolver to him when he learned that Arny did not support his methods. Arny came to Kansas in 1857 and was involved in the Free State movement, serving as a delegate to the Grasshopper Falls Convention and as a member of the Leavenworth Constitutional Convention. He was also elected to the first State Legislature. Arny donated the revolver to the Kansas Historical Society in 1879. Alternatively, it is possible that the revolver was one of fifty purchased by John Brown supporters back East and sent to him in Kansas. Because he was keeping a low profile, Brown couldn't receive the shipment and the revolvers were distributed to Kansans who might be able to use them to support the cause. Brown later attempted to retrieve the weapons with little success. Arny may have received this revolver and kept it until the time of donation.

1853 - Sac and Fox Agency

1853 - Sac and Fox Agency
Creator: Green, Charles R.
Date: September 1, 1853
This item lists tribes under the Superintendency of Indians Affairs in St. Louis headed by B.A. James and Colonel Alfred Cummings. In particular, the item lists the Ottawas, Chippewas of Swan Creek, and the Black River Sacs and Foxes.

1855 rescue of free stater Jacob Branson

1855 rescue of free stater Jacob Branson
Creator: Abbott, James Burnett, 1818-1897
Date: Between 1855 and 1860
James Abbott, a free state activist who participated in several Kansas Territory conflicts (including the rescues of John Doy and Jacob Branson), wrote this account of the 1855 rescue of Jacob Branson. In his account, Sheriff Jones, supported by the proslavery "bogus" legislature, had arrested Jacob Branson, a free state man who witnessed the murder of Charles W. Dow by Franklin Coleman, a proslavery neighbor. Abbott and his cohorts successfully rescued Branson, although their actions were controversial even among fellow free state supporters. Certain aspects of Abbott's account of these events disagreed with an earlier account provided by Samuel Wood, and Abbott addressed those discrepancies in this document. [Abbott's account, obtained either by handwritten manuscript or personal interview, is presented here as an annotated typed transcript.]

18th FA, Miller and Self

18th FA, Miller and Self
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: June 1919
The photo shows Captain James Hughes on the right and a friend and fellow soldier, indentified only as Miller, on the left. They are with the 18th Field Artillery as part of the Army of Occupation and probably in western Germany at the time this photo was taken in June 1919. James C. Hughes, as part of the 35th Division, left Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and traveled to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he boarded the troop ship "Ceramic" on May 18, 1918. Hughes arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 1, 1918 and then landed at Le Havre, France, on June 9, 1918. Hughes fought in the battles of St. Michael and the Meuse-Argonne. He was at Verdun on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. He took no photos of the actual fighting. He did take many photographs after the war as part of the Army of Occupation until he left France on July 18, 1919. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available at the link below to Kansapedia.

1906 Kansas University basketball team

1906 Kansas University basketball team
Creator: Squires, C. F.
Date: 1906
This is a photograph of the 1905-06 Kansas University basketball team. The player on the floor is Phog Allen and the player in the second row, second from left is Chester Alexander Smith. The photograph was taken in 1906.

1st Infantry Division - Memorial in Vicksburg Park

1st Infantry Division - Memorial in Vicksburg Park
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper)
Date: 1915
This file includes general correspondence relating to the Memorial in Vicksburg Park honoring the 1st Infantry Division. Topics included but not limited in the correspondence includes: inscription proposals and cost of the Memorial, blueprints, and printed material relating to the siege and defense of Vicksburg. This is part of a bigger collection of Governor Arthur Capper correspondence.

1st Kansas Colored Infantry flag

1st Kansas Colored Infantry flag
Date: between 1862 and 1864
Blue silk regimental flag of the 1st Kansas Colored Infantry, the first African American regiment from a northern state in the Civil War. Recruitment began August 1862, although they weren't mustered into Federal service until January 13, 1863. They saw their first action at Island Mound, Missouri on October 29, 1862. The flag bears the names of eight battle honors. In 1864 the regiment was redesignated the 79th United States Colored Regiment.

20th Kansas Infantry Regiment

20th Kansas Infantry Regiment
Date: Between 1898 and 1899
This poster shows scenes of the 20th Kansas Infantry Regiment during the Spanish American War.

20th Kansas Regiment Company G.

20th Kansas Regiment Company G.
Date: June 1898
This photograph shows members of the 20th Kansas Regiment Company G at a unidentified location. There is some identifying information on the back of the photo. An impression of Fredrick Funston is also visible.

20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry flag

20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry flag
Date: between 1898 and 1899
Silk regimental flag of the Twentieth Kansas Volunteer Infantry, which served in the Spanish-American War from 1898 to 1899. The flag is blue with the State Seal in the center. Gold fringe is attached to three sides. The regiment saw service in the Philippines, both in combat and as an occupation force at the conclusion of the fighting. Frederick Funston served as its commander. The Twentieth was the only of the four Kansas regiments to see action during the war.

24th Dir. Circus, Ahrweiler, Germany

24th Dir. Circus, Ahrweiler, Germany
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: 1919
Captain James Hughes is shown in this photo with members of the 24th Dir. Circus troupe in Ahrweiler, Germany. The photo was taken in 1919 while he was in Germany during the Army of Occupation. James Hughes, as part of the 35th Division, left Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and traveled to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he boarded the troop ship "Ceramic" on May 18, 1918. Hughes arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 1, 1918 and then landed at Le Havre, France, on June 9, 1918. Hughes fought in the battles of St. Michael and the Meuse-Argonne. He was at Verdun on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. He took no photos of the actual fighting. He did take many photographs after the war as part of the Army of Occupation until he left France on July 18, 1919. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available on Kansapedia.

2nd Kansas Colored Infantry flag

2nd Kansas Colored Infantry flag
Date: 1863
Blue silk regimental flag of the 2nd Kansas Colored Infantry. The flag bears the names of six battle honors. The 2nd Kansas Colored Infantry was organized in mid-1863 and saw action in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Its commander was Colonel Samuel J. Crawford, who later served as the governor of Kansas.

300 Mile Race over New Santa Fe Trail

300 Mile Race over New Santa Fe Trail
Creator: Moore Studio
Date: May 26, 1913
This black and white photograph shows one of the three Buick cars used during the 300-mile race over the new Santa Fe Trail in front of the Kansas City Star newspaper office. The three automobiles left the Hutchinson News office at 5:01 a.m., arriving at the Kansas City Star office at 4:24 p.m. proving a 300-mile automobile trip could be made on Kansas dirt highways in twelve hours. The only stop during the race was for lunch in Emporia, Kansas. Seated in the Buick are the following individuals from left to right: M.P. Newton, O.M. Wilhite, Ralph Faxton, in the middle, Kansas Governor George H. Hodges, and Fred Trigg.

.38 Short Colt Cartridge from the Grinter Place, 14WY316

.38 Short Colt Cartridge from the Grinter Place, 14WY316
Date: 1867-1900
This cartridge casing is a ".38 Short Colt" and was recovered from Grinter Place State Historic Site in Wyandotte County. This was an early metallic pistol cartridge often used in conversions of the popular Colt 1851 Navy .36 revolver, a popular sidearm during and immediately after the American Civil War. The .38 Short Colt was superseded by other .38 calibers soon after it was introduced and is now very uncommon. Grinter Place is a two-story brick home overlooking the Delaware Crossing on the Kansas River, and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1971. Moses and Annie Grinter, the latter was a member of the Lenape (Delaware) tribe, owned and operated a ferry and trading post there.

4th Kansas Infantry muster rolls

4th Kansas Infantry muster rolls
Date: 1862
These are the muster rolls of the 4th Kansas Infantry. The muster roll identifies the officers and enlisted men, their age, birthplace, the location from which they came to Kansas, and their Kansas residence.

75,000 Legionnaires capture New York

75,000 Legionnaires capture New York
Creator: Illustrated Current News, Inc.
Date: August 29, 1952
These are picturegrams from the American Legion Convention in New York in 1952. "As some 3 million New Yorkers cheer their lagging footsteps, the delegates to the American Legion Convention, West Point Cadets, many bands, etc., parade on Fifth Ave. for 9 1/2 hours." 1. A zany 'Leapin Lena' gives the crowd a lot of laughs. 2. Presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Harry W. Colmery, march with the Kansas delegation. 3. Claude Buzich, Minneapolis, gives a reluctant policeman a great big kiss.

75mm American, gun

75mm American, gun
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: 1919
This is a 75mm American gun which was photographed by Captain Hughes while with the Army of Occupation. James C. Hughes, as part of the 35th Division, left Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and traveled to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he boarded the troop ship "Ceramic" on May 18, 1918. Hughes arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 1, 1918 and then landed at Le Havre, France, on June 9, 1918. Hughes fought in the battles of St. Michael and the Meuse-Argonne. He was at Verdun on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. He took no photos of the actual fighting. He did take many photographs after the war as part of the Army of Occupation until he left France on July 18, 1919. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available at the link below to Kansapedia.


Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1879-1883
This file includes letters on topics such as agriculture, the American Institute of Christian Philosophy, bondsmen, and acknowledgement of receipts. In the first letter to Kansas Governor St. John the person requests the governor speak to the Legislature to adjust measures in securing the Fort Hays reservation as a school for the promotion of agriculture. There is a letter from Joe Anderson of Kansas City, Kansas requesting that Governor St. John be a bondsman for the Olathe Asylum. Other letters in this file discuss appointments, advocacy for temporary amendments, as well as other matters.

A.A. Graham to Governor Henry J. Allen

A.A. Graham to Governor Henry J. Allen
Creator: Graham, A. A. (Albert Adams), 1848-
Date: December 11, 1919
Attorney A.A. Graham writes Governor Henry Allen with a model for the proposed industrial court that expands the authority of the Public Utilities Commission. The governor has called a special session of the Kansas Legislature to end labor strikes and resolve industrial disputes.

Aaron Dwight Stevens

Aaron Dwight Stevens
Creator: Reader, Samuel James, 1836-1914
Date: 1856
A cyanotype of Aaron Dwight Stevens, 1831-1860, from a drawing made by Samuel J. Reader of Shawnee County, Kansas Territory. Stevens, reported to be one of abolitionist John Brown's bravest men, used the alias Captain Charles Whipple while following Brown. Stevens was convicted of treason and conspiring with slaves for his part in Brown's October 16, 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and was hung at Charles Town, Virginia on March 16, 1860.

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