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13th Officers Bridge Club, Hawaii

13th Officers Bridge Club, Hawaii
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: June 6, 1922
Captain Hughes' photos from the time he was stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii provides a lens into the life of an officer. This photo taken June 6, 1922, is of the 13th Field Artillery Officers' Bridge Club. Notice the formality of both the men's uniforms and women's dresses. After Captain Hughes' assignment at Motor Transport School, Camp Holabird, Maryland, he had applied for a position in the Regular Army. He was accepted in September 1920 and assigned to a post at Ft. Lewis, Washington as a Battery Commander of the 13th Field Artillery. In October he was transferred to the Battery Commander Headquarters for the 13th Field Artillery at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Hughes and wife, Mabel, along with the children moved to Hawaii and remained there until September of 1923. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available at the link below to Kansapedia.

161st Field Artillery Band, Emporia, Kansas

161st Field Artillery Band, Emporia, Kansas
Creator: Razac, Olivier
Date: 1927
View of the 161st Field Artillery Band, Kansas National Guard, in Emporia, Kansas. They are posed, possibly, on the steps in front of the Presbyterian Church in Emporia. The man in the back row without uniform is O.M (Mit) Wilhite.

1924 Class of Lecompton Elementary School, Lecompton, Kansas

1924 Class of Lecompton Elementary School, Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1924
1924 Class Photograph of Lecompton Elementary School. Two rows of students are standing in front of the Lane University building. The students have been identified on verso from left to right: Front Row: unknown, Paul Maust, Maybelle Slavens, unknown, teacher, Julia Sehon, Dorothy Drake, Edna Lasswell, Ruth Baughman; Back Row: Sarah Dummer, Ruth Nace, Flossie McRea, unknown, ? Belcher, George Shaw, unknown, unknown. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1924 Lecompton High School Football Team, Lecompton, Kansas

1924 Lecompton High School Football Team, Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1924
Photograph of the 1924 Lecompton High School Football Team. The team is posed in front of Lane University which served as the High School from 1902-1928. The team members are seated on the entrance stairs in four rows with the coach standing on the left side in the back row. The uniforms worn by the team members consists of a dark sweater jersey, knee length pants and leather helmets. One player in the center of the second row is holding a football with "LHS 1924" written on it. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1926 Kaffir Corn Carnival baby court, El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas

1926 Kaffir Corn Carnival baby court, El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas
Date: 1926
This photograph shows the child Kaffir Corn "Fairy Queen" and her Baby Court at the 1926 Kaffir Corn Carnival in El Dorado, Kansas. Shown are Dorothy Jean Feder, Billie Wallace Smith, Lollie Caroline Ewing (sitting), Sarah Margaret Blair (sitting), Lucile Sluss, Ruth Dudley (Queen, wearing crown), Peggy Smith, and Virginia Lee Lathrop. This publication was funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1926 Kaffir Corn queen and her court, Kaffir Corn Carnival, El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas

1926 Kaffir Corn queen and her court, Kaffir Corn Carnival, El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas
Date: 1926
This photograph shows the 1926 Kaffir Corn Queen and her Court during the Kaffir Corn Carnival in El Dorado, Kansas. On the top step are Kaffir Corn Queen Iva Lorene Ferrier, left, and Miss El Dorado Ruth Armour, right. Miss El Dorado is incorrectly labeled as Carrie Penner on back of photograph. This publication was funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1927 Kaffir Corn Queen float, El Dorado, Kansas

1927 Kaffir Corn Queen float, El Dorado, Kansas
Date: 1927
This postcard photograph shows the float of the 1927 Kaffir Corn Queen and her Court, created for the Kaffir Corn Carnival Parade in El Dorado. This publication was funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1927 Lecompton High School Women's Basketball Team, Lecompton, Kansas

1927 Lecompton High School Women's Basketball Team, Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1927
Photograph of 1927 Lecompton High School Women's Basketball Team. Eight young women and the women's basketball coach are kneeling in front of the Lane University building which served as the high school from 1902-1928. The young women are dressed in dark sailor style blouses and pleated bloomers. One of the players is holding a basketball with "L.R.H.S. 1927" written on it. The identities from Left to Right: Back Row: Helen McClanahan, Mary McRae, Professor Browning, Roberta McClanahan, Elsie Lasswell; Front Row: Arlette Fulton, Mary Smith, Grace Gray, Martha James. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1927 Lecompton Rural High School Basketball team, Lecompton, Kansas

1927 Lecompton Rural High School Basketball team, Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1927
Photograph of the 1927 Lecompton High School basketball team. The six man team is attired in two-toned striped jerseys with "LRHS" lettering and dark shorts. Some team members are wearing knee length striped socks as well with laced hightop athletic shoes. The coach is attired in a suit and he is standing behind the front row of team members. The player in the center is holding a basketball with "L.R.H.S. 1927" written on it. The identities of the team from left to right: Delmar Parrish, Edgar Lancaster, Billy Glenn, Frank Smith, Roy Browning (coach). Raymond Foree, Joe Smith. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1928 Lecompton High School Girls Basketball team, Lecompton, Kansas

1928 Lecompton High School Girls Basketball team, Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1928
Photograph of Lecompton High School Girls Basketball team. The team is posed in three rows in front of the entrance to the Lecompton High School. A girl in the front row is holding a basketball with "L.R.H.S. 1928" written on the front. The girls in the front two rows are wearing a dark uniform consisting of knee length bloomer style shorts and sailor style blouses. The back row are wearing similar uniforms except the blouses are white. The following team members have been identified: Front Row: Mary Smith, Lavina DeKat, Elsie May Lasswell, Arlete Fulton; Second Row: Louise Clark, Edith Leslie, Roy Browning, Mary McRae, Helen McClanahan. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1928 Senior Class, Lecompton Rural High School, Lecompton, Kansas

1928 Senior Class, Lecompton Rural High School, Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1928
Photograph of the Lecompton High School Senior Class of 1928. Three rows of students are standing at the entrance of the Lecompton Rural High School. The students are identified as: Front Row: Sara Slavens, Ruth Shaffer, Hazel Taylor, Roberta McClanahan, Elsie Lasswell; Middle Row: Mary McRae, Mary Agnes Walter, Romanus DeKat; Back Row: Raymond Foree, Billy Glenn, William C. "Billie" Schroyer, Albert Hamlin, Roy Browning (coach); Raymond Sanford was not included in the photograph. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1929 Lecompton High School Football Team, Lecompton, Kansas

1929 Lecompton High School Football Team, Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1929
Photograph of the 1929 LHS football team. The team is dressed in uniforms consisting of a dark jersey, lighter colored pants, striped socks and leather helmets. The coach is standing in the middle of the back row. The identities of the team members are undocumented. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1st National Bank blueprints, Clay Center, Kansas

1st National Bank blueprints, Clay Center, Kansas
Date: 1923
These blueprints show the First National Bank in Clay Center, Kansas. The designs were drawn by Architect Frederick C. Klawiter of St. Paul, Minnesota and the bank was built by A. Moorman and Company Bank Builders. The blueprints show precise detail by providing the viewer different angles, viewpoints, and elevations of the bank.

29th - 38th Annual Kansas Day Meetings

29th - 38th Annual Kansas Day Meetings
Creator: Ackerman, Gertrude
Date: 1920-1929
This series is part of a bigger collection from Gertrude Ackerman. These documents represent participant lists, speeches and addresses, and correspondence from the 29th to 38th annual Kansas Day meetings. These documents included annotations throughout.

344th FA - Capt. Stanley

344th FA - Capt. Stanley
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: March 20, 1928
Captain James C. Hughes photographed these men of the 344th Field Artillery Regiment, March 20, 1928. He mentioned Captain Stanley in his caption to the photo, perhaps he is the officer seated in front of the rest. They were probably taking part in ORC (Officer Reserve Corps) at Waco, Texas, as Captain Hughes had gone from ORC duty in Houston to Waco, Texas and was there from December, 1927 to July, 1929. James Clark Hughes was born in Topeka, Kansas, in 1888, and served in the Mexican Border Conflict, World War I, and World War II. He used an autographic camera to take pictures of friends, family, and places in the United States and Europe during and just after World War I. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available at the link below to Kansapedia.

34th Annual 8th Grade Graduation Exercises Douglas County Common Schools,  Douglas County, Kansas

34th Annual 8th Grade Graduation Exercises Douglas County Common Schools, Douglas County, Kansas
Creator: Lawrence Studio
Date: 1923
Photograph of the 34th Annual Graduation Exercises Douglas County Common Schools. Combined group photogragh of the 1923 8th grade graduates from all rural schools in Douglas County, Kansas. Identified students in 1st Row, assumed to be left to right: 6th - Wayne Hall, 7th - ? Moust, 9th - Harley Dark, 11th - Roy ?, 13th - Delmar Parrish; 2nd Row - Fae McClanaghan; 3rd Row - Grace Dark, Almira Kittering. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

34th Western District Mennonite Conference

34th Western District Mennonite Conference
Creator: Harden, Homer Thomas, 1882-1939
Date: October 20, 1925-October 23, 1925
This is a panoramic photo of the attendees of the 34th Western District Mennonite Conference in Buhler, Kansas, standing outside a tent and a church building.

34th Western District Mennonite Conference

34th Western District Mennonite Conference
Date: October 20 - October 23, 1925
This is a panoramic photo of the delegates to the 34th Western District Mennonite Conference in Buhler, Kansas, standing outside a tent and a church.

40th Annual GAR Encampment, Manhattan, Kansas

40th Annual GAR Encampment, Manhattan, Kansas
Date: 1921
This panorimic photograph shows the Civil War veterans and others who attended the 40th Annual Encampment of the Kansas Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). It was held at Community Hall, Manhattan, Kansas, May 18, 19, and 20, 1921. The GAR was the veterans organization for Civil War soldiers. This image shows the veterans, some members of the women's auxiliary, and some young boys in the front row. There is also a drum near the center of the image for the Civil War Veterans Drum Corps, No 25, Garfiled Post, Wichita, Kansas. There are several other drums and musical instruments in the photograph.

4146 Cambridge Street, Hanover Heights, Kansas City, Kansas

4146 Cambridge Street, Hanover Heights, Kansas City, Kansas
Date: 1920
This series of photographs represents 4146 Cambridge Street in Hanover Heights, in Kansas City, Kansas.

4156 Cambridge Street, Kansas City, Kansas

4156 Cambridge Street, Kansas City, Kansas
Date: 1920
This photograph shows the exterior of 4156 Cambridge Street in Hanover Heights in Kansas City, Kansas.

4th and Utah intersection

4th and Utah intersection
Date: 1920-1930
An image taken sometime before 1936 at the intersection of 4th and Utah in Atchison, Kansas. This intersection would become the four way stop at the foot of the Mo-Kan free bridge. Digitization funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

5 big days chautauqua Redpath Vawter

5 big days chautauqua Redpath Vawter
Creator: Redpath Vawter Chautauqua
Date: July 08, 1923-July 12, 1923
This is a program for Redpath Vawter Chautauqua held in Laurens, Iowa. The program includes information on artists and acts including Phillips Sisters Orchestra, John G. Abraham, Edna Means, Black and White Minstrels Filipino Jackies, Governor George A. Carlson, Robert Burlen, Colonial Players and Singers, and Pattison Kline. The program also contains a performance schedule. Chautauquas brought entertainment and culture to communities featuring speakers, teachers, musicians, entertainers, preachers and specialists of the day. Chautauquas expanded and spread throughout rural America until the mid-1920s.

60th Field Artillery Brigade at Camp Whiteside

60th Field Artillery Brigade at Camp Whiteside
Creator: Holt, O. W.
Date: November 9, 1926
This is a panoramic photograph showing the 60th Field Artillery Brigade at Camp Whiteside, Fort Riley, Kansas.

60th Field Artillery Brigade at Camp Whitside

60th Field Artillery Brigade at Camp Whitside
Date: November 27, 1928
This is a panoramic photograph showing the 60th Field Artillery Brigade at Camp Whitside, Fort Riley, Kansas.

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