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110th Sanitary Train, camped in Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma

110th Sanitary Train, camped in Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma
Date: February 07, 1918
This panoramic photograph shows the 110th Sanitary Train, 35th Division, camped in the Wichita Mountains in southwestern Oklahoma. It shows soldiers, wagons and tents, with the mountains in the background. The 110th Sanitary Train had a field hospital and a field ambulance section. The 35th Infantry Division was formed, initially, with Kansas and Missouri National Guard units in response to the need for soldiers in World War I.

130th Field Artillery, 35th Division regimental officers at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma

130th Field Artillery, 35th Division regimental officers at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma
Creator: Willard
Date: October 15, 1917
This is a panoramic photograph showing the 130th Field Artillery, 35th Division regimental officers at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma. Captain James Clark Hughes is ninth from the left in the front row.

16th Company, 164th Depot Brigade

16th Company, 164th Depot Brigade
Creator: Anderson Photo Co.
Date: Between 1917 and 1919
This is a panoramic photograph showing members of the 16th Company, 164th Depot Brigade.

17th Annual Kansas State Fair

17th Annual Kansas State Fair
Creator: Hutchinson Gazette
Date: September 02, 1917
This is an advertisement for the 17th Annual Kansas State Fair published in the Hutchinson Gazette, September 2, 1917.

18th - 28th Annual Kansas Day Meetings

18th - 28th Annual Kansas Day Meetings
Creator: Ackerman, Gertrude
Date: 1909-1919
This series is part of a bigger collection from Gertrude Ackerman. These documents represent participant lists, speeches and addresses, and correspondence from the 18th to 28th annual Kansas Day meetings. These documents included annotations throughout.

$190,235,814 For Dairy Products

$190,235,814 For Dairy Products
Date: 1917
Promotional brochure designed as a talk to encourage the construction of good roads in the state of Kansas highlighted by comparable rural roads in Wisconsin that promote farm crop and diary production.

1911 Mount Hope High School football team in Mount Hope, Kansas

1911 Mount Hope High School football team in Mount Hope, Kansas
Date: 1911
This is a postcard showing the 1911 Mount Hope High School football team in Mount Hope, Kansas. People in the photograph are back row (left to right) HenryTihen, Glen Hill, LeRoy Kaufman, Doc Watt, Lucian Tucker, Fern Lumbert; second row (left to right) Everett Dilley, Clyde Harris, Chas. Merryfield, John Caffrey, Ross Hitt; and front row (left to right) Earl Rhodes, John Culk, Frank Royse, Zade Jordan, and Herman Johnson.

1912 threshing crew, Butler County, Kansas

1912 threshing crew, Butler County, Kansas
Date: 1912
This photograph shows a Butler County threshing crew posing with their equipment and mules. Standing third from the left of the largest wheel is Oscar L. Griffith, owner. This publication was funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1914 Lecompton Fourth Grade; Lecompton, Kansas

1914 Lecompton Fourth Grade; Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1914
Photograph, black and white glued on board. Class picture taken outside in front of school. 4th Grade Lecompton, 1914. Written on verso: "Taken in 1914--when Dorothy [Baughman] was in the 4th grade." Names for photograph taken from two written pages (placed in accession folder). Back row: Margrite (sp?) Wright, teacher, Olma Huey, Gerne Rogers, Ross Carlson, Julia Sehon, Mary Heise, Dale Bartlett, Russel Kerr, Hiram Scott, Don Taylor, Dorothy Drake Baughman, Horace Slavens, Paul Wagenar, George Shaw,; 2nd row: Bryan (or Carry or Harry?) Brisbine, Walter Rist, Rosa Osborn, Ollie Carter, Sarah Dummer, Alice Osborn, Eva Boswell, Edna Anderson, Joe Bronson, Fred Smith; Front Row: Welford Harmon, Frank Luckey, Grace Belcher, Fae Carlson, Catherine (or Kathrine?) Walters, Helen Hogan (or Hoagen?). Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

1916 Graduating Class of Lecompton High School, Lecompton, Kansas

1916 Graduating Class of Lecompton High School, Lecompton, Kansas
Date: 1916
Photograph of graduating class of 1916 of Lecompton High School, eight seniors sitting on a merry-go-round holding a banner "L.H.S. 1916." On postcard stock. Only one student is identified on verso: "Geo. F. Bahnmaier first man standing on left." Other students are: Louis Schott, Harry Fleenor, Frank Shirley, Louis Jackson, Mabel Cole, Esther Ingham. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

19th Annual Kansas Day Club Banquet

19th Annual Kansas Day Club Banquet
Creator: Kansas Day Club
Date: 1910
These records contain the program and addresses for the 19th Annual Kansas Day Club Banquet.

1st Infantry Division - Memorial in Vicksburg Park

1st Infantry Division - Memorial in Vicksburg Park
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper)
Date: 1915
This file includes general correspondence relating to the Memorial in Vicksburg Park honoring the 1st Infantry Division. Topics included but not limited in the correspondence includes: inscription proposals and cost of the Memorial, blueprints, and printed material relating to the siege and defense of Vicksburg. This is part of a bigger collection of Governor Arthur Capper correspondence.

29th Company 164th Depot Brigade

29th Company 164th Depot Brigade
Creator: Anderson
Date: Between 1917 and 1919
This is a panoramic photograph of members of the 29th Company, 164th Depot Brigade, taken during World War I.

300 Mile Race over New Santa Fe Trail

300 Mile Race over New Santa Fe Trail
Creator: Moore Studio
Date: May 26, 1913
This black and white photograph shows one of the three Buick cars used during the 300-mile race over the new Santa Fe Trail in front of the Kansas City Star newspaper office. The three automobiles left the Hutchinson News office at 5:01 a.m., arriving at the Kansas City Star office at 4:24 p.m. proving a 300-mile automobile trip could be made on Kansas dirt highways in twelve hours. The only stop during the race was for lunch in Emporia, Kansas. Seated in the Buick are the following individuals from left to right: M.P. Newton, O.M. Wilhite, Ralph Faxton, in the middle, Kansas Governor George H. Hodges, and Fred Trigg.

314 Sanitary Train band at Camp Funston

314 Sanitary Train band at Camp Funston
Date: Between 1917 and 1919
This is a postcard showing the 314 Sanitary Train band at Camp Funston. The photograph was possibly taken during World War I.

353rd Infantry at Camp Funston, Kansas

353rd Infantry at Camp Funston, Kansas
Creator: Powell, Eyre
Date: 1918
This is a photograph showing the Red Cross practicing with members of the 353rd Infantry at Camp Funston, Kansas. Camp Funston was located on the Fort Riley military reservation near Junction City, Kansas. The facility, named after Brigadier General Frederick Funston, was the largest of 16 divisional cantonment training camps built during World War I to house and train soldiers for military duty.

353rd Infantry Band at Camp Funston, Kansas

353rd Infantry Band at Camp Funston, Kansas
Date: Between 1910 and 1919
This is a photograph of the members of the 353rd Infantry, 89th Division, All Kansas Band posed in the Y.M.C.A. Auditorium building at Camp Funston, Kansas.

353rd Infantry Band, Camp Funston, Kansas

353rd Infantry Band, Camp Funston, Kansas
Date: Between 1910 and 1919
This is a view, taken from behind, of the 353rd Infantry, 89th Division, All Kansas Band, performing in front of the YMCA Auditorium building at Camp Funston, Kansas. Visible are the band, its audience, and camp buildings.

353rd Infantry Band, Camp Funston, Kansas

353rd Infantry Band, Camp Funston, Kansas
Date: Between 1910 and 1919
This is a formal view of the members of the 353rd Infantry, 89th Division, All Kansas Band seated in the Y.M.C.A. Auditorium building at Camp Funston, Kansas.

35th Division, 130th Field Artillery, Battery C at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma

35th Division, 130th Field Artillery, Battery C at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma
Creator: Willard
Date: October 20, 1917
This is a photograph showing members of the 35th Division, 130th Field Artillery, Battery C at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma. Captain James Clark Hughes is seated on the ground fifth from the right.

35th Division marching on Topeka Avenue in Topeka, Kansas

35th Division marching on Topeka Avenue in Topeka, Kansas
Date: May 1919
Here are four photographs showing the 35th Division marching on Topeka Avenue in Topeka, Kansas. The photographs were taken after the 35th Division returned from France.

35th Division parade, Topeka, Kansas

35th Division parade, Topeka, Kansas
Date: May, 1919
This photograph shows the 35th Division Band and soldiers parading through the Kansas State Capitol grounds in celebration of their return after World War I.

35th Division parade, Topeka, Kansas

35th Division parade, Topeka, Kansas
Date: May, 1919
This is a photograph of the 35th Division Band, marching in a parade across the Kansas State Capitol grounds, celebrating the return of the 35th Division after World War I.

365-day roads an investment, not a tax

365-day roads an investment, not a tax
Date: 1910-1919
Brochure promoting good roads as a investment comparable to other enhancements financed by the farmer and found on his individual land holding.

50 Camp, Crawford County, Kansas

50 Camp, Crawford County, Kansas
Date: Between 1870 and 1920
A photograph of 50 Camp, or Camp 50, a small unincorporated community in Crawford County approximately 2 miles west of Arma. It was a company town of Central Coal and Coke and continues as a small residential community. Visible is a mine and mining equipment.

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