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1880 census of Farmer Township, Wabaunsee County, Kansas

1880 census of Farmer Township, Wabaunsee County, Kansas
Creator: United States. Census Office. 10th census, 1880
Date: June 1, 1880 through June 2, 1880
This excerpt of a census schedule provides details--including the name, age, race, and occupation--of settlers in Farmer Township in Wabaunsee County, Kansas. The county included a black population (B=Black) who had settled there in 1879 with the help of the Freedmen's Relief Association.

1880 census of Nicodemus Township, Graham County, Kansas

1880 census of Nicodemus Township, Graham County, Kansas
Creator: United States. Census Office. 10th census, 1880
Date: June 8, 1880 through June 23, 1880
This census schedule provides details--including the name, age, race, and occupation--of both white and black settlers in Nicodemus Township in Graham County, Kansas. This township had been settled by African Americans in 1877 along the south fork of the Solomon River.

1880 census of Rock Creek Township, Wabaunsee County, Kansas

1880 census of Rock Creek Township, Wabaunsee County, Kansas
Creator: United States. Census Office. 10th census, 1880
Date: June 11, 1880
This excerpt of a census schedule provides details--including the name, age, race, and occupation--of settlers in Rock Creek Township in Wabaunsee County, Kansas. The county included a black population (B=Black) who had settled there in 1879 with the help of the Freedmen's Relief Association.

A Clock's Spring Mechanism from 14CT380

A Clock's Spring Mechanism from 14CT380
Date: 1900-1965
This clock's spring mechanism was recovered in 1995 during an archeological salvage project undertaken by Kansas Historical Society archeologists at a Chautauqua County farmstead. The clock spring controlled the wheels to keep accurate time. Such clocks required periodic winding. This mechanism would have been for a mantle or table top sized clock.

Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas

Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: March 27, 1929
This is a view of people and dairy cattle on the Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas. A man and woman are each posed with cows, and a second woman is in the center of the photograph with a dog. Also visible are a milking machine, part of the barn, and dairy cows in a fenced corral to the right of the barn.

A farm near Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas

A farm near Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas. Industrial Development Division
Date: 1966
A typical farm scene near Ottawa, Kansas, in Franklin County. This photograph shows a two-story house, large barn, silo and multiple out-buildings.

A flock of chickens

A flock of chickens
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: Between 1891 and 1912
This photograph shows a flock of chickens, a man, chicken coops, farm buildings, and a windmill on an unidentified farm, presumed to be in Haskell County, Kansas. Poultry was a very important food source before refrigeration was commonplace in rural households on the prairie. Chickens and turkeys also provided a much-needed source of income through the sale of live birds and eggs.

A flock of turkeys, Logan County, Kansas

A flock of turkeys, Logan County, Kansas
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows a woman feeding turkeys on Elmo Hamm's farm, Logan County, Kansas. A large barn is visible in the background.

Agricultural development, wealth and rural population of the states on the tributory to the Union Pacific Railroad for the years of 1900-1910

Agricultural development, wealth and rural population of the states on the tributory to the Union Pacific Railroad for the years of 1900-1910
Creator: Union Pacific Railway Company
Date: September 17, 1912
Union Pacific Railroad Company Agricultural Bulletin (No. 104). Union Pacific Railroad promotional advertisement showing aggregate statistical wealth values and population figures for areas west of the Mississippi River during a ten year period of time.

Agriculture class at the Johnson farm, Butler County, Kansas

Agriculture class at the Johnson farm, Butler County, Kansas
Date: 1911 or 1912
This photograph shows group of men and women making up an agricultural class visiting the Johnson Farm in rural Butler County, Kansas. Front row, left to righ: Dorothy Faye Johnson, Faye McClellan, Unknown, ? Kennedy, Unknown, Howard Ramsey, Carl Lyman, Unknown, Unknown. Back row, left to right: J .J. Johnson, J. W. Zahnley, Myrtle Johnson, Lucretia Stearns, Mr. Zahnley, Edith Buskirk, Frances Freeman, Minnetta Newacheck, Verna McKaig. This publication was funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

A handbook of useful information for immigrants and settlers

A handbook of useful information for immigrants and settlers
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: 1880-1889
Published by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, this pamphlet encouraged agricultural settlement on railroad lands in Kansas by glorifying the state's natural resources including water, soil, mineral deposits and plant life. Printed by the Kansas Farmer in Topeka, Kansas.

A.J. Anthony's home, Ford County, Kansas

A.J. Anthony's home, Ford County, Kansas
Date: 1873
This is an exterior image of A. J. Anthony's home, one mile west of Dodge City in Ford County, Kansas.

Allen County Cow Testing Association tour

Allen County Cow Testing Association tour
Date: Between 1910 and 1940
This is a photograph of the Allen County Cow Testing Association tour leaving F.J. Dudley's farm.

A man feeding chickens

A man feeding chickens
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: Between 1891 and 1912
View of a man feeding chickens on an unidentified farm presumed to be in Haskell County, Kansas. Also visible in the photograph are a farmhouse and several farm buildings.

A man holding a milking machine

A man holding a milking machine
Date: Between 1910 and 1950
This is a photograph showing a man holding a milking machine in Allen County, Kansas.

Amelia Kejr's map of Township 15 South, Range 12 West, Russell County

Amelia Kejr's map of Township 15 South, Range 12 West, Russell County
Creator: Kejr, Amelia, 1898-
Date: 1910
A map drawn by Amelia Kejr from Dorrance, Kansas, showing creeks, school houses, churches, farms and fences of Township 15 South, Range 12 West, in Russell County. This is one of several maps drawn by school children for a contest organized by Judge J. C. Ruppenthal of Russell, Kansas. The maps were to meet a "requirement of presenting historical data, together with excellence and accuracy of drawing." A legend is provided on the back of the map.

Amos Bull's farm garden, Logan County, Kansas

Amos Bull's farm garden, Logan County, Kansas
Date: Between 1930 and 1939
This photograph represents a field of pumpkins along with other produce in the garm gardens of Amos Bull in Logan County, Kansas.

A new home in an old settlement

A new home in an old settlement
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: 1878?
A large poster distributed by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad to encourage land settlement in the Pottawattomie Reserve in eastern Kansas. Included on the poster is a full page map of the Pottawattomie Reserve on one side and four pictures of the land on the other. The poster/brochure was encouraging farming and settlement in this area because of ready access via the railroad to all markets east of Topeka. Included are brief descriptions of Topeka, Wamego, St. Mary's, Alma and other small towns. Prices and ways to purchase the land are detailed.

Annual Morris County 4-H Judging School

Annual Morris County 4-H Judging School
Date: 1945
In this photograph, 4-H boys judge hogs at the Annual Morris County Judging School. Approximately 500 boys attended this school. This photograph was included in the Chase County Extension Office Annual Report, 1945.

Appeal for the Kansas sufferers!

Appeal for the Kansas sufferers!
Creator: Foster, Daniel, 1816-1864
Date: 1860
This pamphlet, written by Daniel Foster, general agent of the New England Kansas Relief Committee, attempts to dispel any doubts about the severity of the nine-month drought in Kansas Territory. Many settlers had left Kansas Territory, and those remaining needed relief. Foster calls on people to provide aid to those in Kansas by contributing money or goods. The pamphlet lists names of people serving on a Boston committee who had met to discuss relief efforts in Kansas, including such well-known individuals as John A. Andrew, George Luther Stearns, Samuel Gridley Howe, and Thomas H. Webb.

Arnold Schmitz farm and residence, Wabaunsee County, Kansas

Arnold Schmitz farm and residence, Wabaunsee County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
A photograph showing the barn, chicken house, and residence on Arnold Schmitz's farm located west of Alma on old highway 10, Wabaunsee County, Kansas.

Ashley Rood

Ashley Rood
Date: 1874
This is a studio portrait of (Edgar) Ashley Rood, son of George H. and Helen Mars (Thomas) Rood, at the age of three. The couple's only son and sole surviving child, Rood became a partner in his parents' farm, livestock, and feed business outside of Peabody, Kansas, when he graduated from high school.

Augusta Bruchmiller memorandum book

Augusta Bruchmiller memorandum book
Creator: Bruchmiller, Augusta
Date: Between January 1890 and March 1896
Augusta Bruchmiller recorded income and expenditures for the family farm from 1890 through 1896 in this ledger book. Otto (husband) and Carl (son) may also have made entries. Expenditures are very detailed and illustrate the types of products and supplies purchased by this farm family. Items purchased include fabric, furniture, magazines, shoes, toothpicks, photographs, soap, starch, and numerous other items. Food supplies that were purchased include baking powder, soda, cranberries, coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. According to the donor, in November 1895, daughter Vera died of "inflammation of the stomach" and entries in the book reflect expenses for a doctor and the graveyard. Income came from the sale of butter, eggs, and other items grown on the farm as well as money earned by the children. The family lived in Sarcoxie Township, Jefferson County, ten miles north of Lawrence, Kansas. Brookmiller was an alternate form of the surname Bruchmiller. This book was loaned for copying by family members.

August Schulz diary

August Schulz diary
Date: 1872-1878
This diary was written by August(us) Schulz, who resided in McPherson County, Kansas. The diary describes the work and events that took place on the family farm in Canton Township, McPherson County. Schulz and his wife Luisa were born in Germany, according to the 1880 U. S. census. Augustus's age was listed as 54 and Luisa was 58. The first two pages of content labeled 1872 and 1873 are in German. They have four children, The two girls were Agnes, 24 years old, and Ottilie, age 16. The two boys were Alexander (23) and Hugo (20). In 1880 they were all living at home. Schulz provides details about the crops he is planting and several entries describe planting several hundred trees. The diary also mentions establishing land claims for the older children.

Avery Manufacturing Company catalog

Avery Manufacturing Company catalog
Creator: Avery Manufacturing Company
Date: 1906
This catalog was published by Avery Manufacturing Company advertising their engines, threshers, self feeders, pneumatic straw stackers, water tanks, and farm machinery. All of the pages of the catalog have illustrations and text about the equipment being advertised. There is an index on page 64 and the front and back covers are in color. The company was located in Peoria, Illinois, but it is assumed the catalog was distributed to Kansas farmers.

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