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Abstract of articles purchased during the 4th quarter, 1878

Abstract of articles purchased during the 4th quarter, 1878
Creator: Potawatomi Indian Agency
Date: October 01, 1878-December 14, 1878
This item details the goods and services purchased for the Kansas Agency in the final quarter of 1878. This abstract lists who purchased the item, what item was purchased, as well as the price of the item. Items purchased include buttons, coffee, nails, rice, scissors, and many other items needed for the Kickapoo tribe that lived on the Kansas Agency. During this period, the Kansas Agency was officially known as the Potawatomi Agency but was often referred to as the Kansas Agency because it was the only one in Kansas at the time.

Abstract of articles purchased during the third quarter of 1879

Abstract of articles purchased during the third quarter of 1879
Creator: Linn, H.C.
Date: July 01, 1879-September 01, 1879
This item contains a list of items purchased by U.S. Indian Agent H.C. Linn for the Kansas (Potawatomi) Agency in the third quarter of 1879. Items include beef, bastard files, bacon, lye, nails, and other things. The abstract indicates that the purchases were for the Kickapoo tribe living at the Kansas Agency.

Account of provisions and supplies issued to destitute Shawnees

Account of provisions and supplies issued to destitute Shawnees
Creator: Abbott, James Burnett, 1818-1897
Date: 1861
This account book belonging to an Indian agent named James Burnett Abbott lists the names of Shawnee Indian heads of household, the number of family members within their household, and the amount of pork, corn, and meal provided by the government to each Shawnee. The Shawnee had emigrated to Kansas after the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Only an excerpt is included here.

Bark house, Kickapoo Reservation

Bark house, Kickapoo Reservation
Creator: Parkman, Mary
Date: 1935
This photograph, taken in 1935 as part of the New Deal Federal Indian program, depicts a bark house on the Kickapoo Reservation in northeast Kansas. This was the home of Marie Pewamo, who is presumably the woman standing out front. This style of house had been used since the nineteenth century by both the Kickapoo and Pottawatomi tribes.

B.F. Robinson to General James William Denver

B.F. Robinson to General James William Denver
Creator: Robinson, B.F.
Date: March 15, 1858
In this letter to General James W. Denver, Indian Agent B.F. Robinson addresses the subject of the ferry near Lawrence, Kansas. Robinson explains that "the question presents itself whether or not the Delawares under the late treaty with the United States returned the right of the ferry up from their side."

Carl "Ado" Hunnius diary

Carl "Ado" Hunnius diary
Creator: Hunnius, Ado, 1842-1923
Date: January 10 - 24, 1876
Carl J. A. "Ado" Hunnius kept this diary while visiting the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes in Indian Territory. The diary contains detailed information about the trip and sketches (drawn illustrations) of some of the things he saw during the course of his travels. A complete transcription is available by clicking on Text Version below.

C.C. Isley to Reverend W.C. McGuire, and accompanying manuscript

C.C. Isley to Reverend W.C. McGuire, and accompanying manuscript
Creator: Isely, Charles C.
Date: September 06, 1943
These two items, from C.C. Isely of Dodge City, Kansas, contain Isely's thoughts on his experience at the Kickapoo Indian Reservation in the late 1890s. In the letter to Reverend W.C. McGuire of Hoyt, Kansas, Isely asks McGuire if he was familiar with two Potawatomies that Isely appeared with in a picture taken at the time of his 1897 visit. The accompanying story, titled "Democracy in the Primitive" contains Isely's recollections of his visit to the Kickapoo Indian Reservation near Powhattan, Kansas.

Charles R. Green to George W. Martin

Charles R. Green to George W. Martin
Creator: Green, Charles R.
Date: June 28, 1910
In this letter to George W. Martin, Charles R. Green addresses details of Sac and Fox history.

Cheyenne cradleboard and log cabin

Cheyenne cradleboard and log cabin
Date: 1930-1940
This is a photograph that features two separate images. The first image is of a child in a cradleboard posed outside a log building. The second image is of a large group of children holding hands along with adults supervising in the front yard of a log cabin. The photographs are attributed to Alfred Habegger. Habegger was a Mennonite preacher in Busby, Montana on the Cheyenne Reservation. Funds for digitization provided by Mr. Steve Peckel in memory of William Chalfant.

Chief American Horse family portrait

Chief American Horse family portrait
Date: Between 1890 and 1908
This is most likely a group portrait of Chief American Horse the Younger, Chief of the Oglala Tribe of the Lakota, and his family. The location of where the photograph was taken is unknown, but it could have been taken on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota

Chief Wiskigeamatyuk

Chief Wiskigeamatyuk
Creator: Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan)
Date: 1921
This is a photograph of Chief Wiskigeamatyuk who was a chief and holy man in the Potawatomi tribe. Geronimo, who had heard rumors of Chief Wiskigeamatyuk's magic powers, was intrigued and wanted to meet the chief and holy man. The photograph was taken by Jesse Nusbaum, anthropologist, who visited Chief Wiskigeamatyuk with William Hale, a Potawatomi interpreter. According to the information written on the back of the photograph, Chief Wiskigeamatyuk was a prisoner of war for disruption towards the government. He and his brother Wah Quah Bosh Kuk were arrested for refusing to send children from their tribe to an Indian school where they would be Americanized.

Council meeting at Kickapoo Agency

Council meeting at Kickapoo Agency
Creator: Baldwin, Royal
Date: 1857
This is a transcribed copy of a conversation between Keotuck and his fellow Potawatomi leaders and their Indian agent, Royal Baldwin. The Potawatomi and Kickapoo had been living on the same lands, and since they had just planted their crops, the Potawatomi were expressing their desire to remain settled on this land. Apparently the United States government had not given the Potawatomi their full annuity payment and had asked them to move, but Keotuck's band protested because they had paid $8,009 to remain with the Kickapoo. The back of the document includes a transcription of the compact joining the Kickapoo and Potawatomi, written in 1851. This item demonstrates that many Native Americans lived in the middle of a very precarious situation due to the nature of the treaties they signed with the U.S. Government.

Dance hall and ring, Pottawatomie Indian reservation

Dance hall and ring, Pottawatomie Indian reservation
Date: Between 1890 and 1920
This is a photograph of the dance hall and ring, Pottawatomie Indian Reservation, Jackson County, Kansas.

Daniel Read Anthony, Sr. to sister

Daniel Read Anthony, Sr. to sister
Creator: Anthony, D. R. (Daniel Read), 1824-1904
Date: August 07, 1857
The following is a letter from Daniel Read Anthony, Sr. to his sister describing his recent land acquisitions and providing a sketch drawing of her claim (at the edge of the Kickapoo Tribe reservation) that he has prepared for her once she arrives in the territory. American Indian lands were in high demand as white settlers poured into the territory. It is not clear if the "sister" to whom the letter is addressed is Susan B. Anthony but there are references to a claim for Susan and the map (last page) shows her cabin.

Dr. Fenn's history and sketch of their days with the Indians

Dr. Fenn's history and sketch of their days with the Indians
Creator: Fenn, Elbridge Burke
Date: Between 1900 and 1920
Elbridge Burke Fenn moved to Kansas in 1866 with several others, first settling in a "vacant cabin" on the Sac and Fox Agency. This item contains information on several Sac and Fox bands. In addition, it highlights the tensions that existed "on the part of the common Indians and one or two of their chiefs against whites for driving them off the Kansas Reservation."

Eastman's map of Kansas and Nebraska territories showing the location of the Indian reserves according to the treaties of 1854

Eastman's map of Kansas and Nebraska territories showing the location of the Indian reserves according to the treaties of 1854
Date: Between 1854 and 1856
This map shows the locations of the new or reduced lands of Indian tribes according to the treaties of 1854. With the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854, the former Indian Territory was opened to white settlement, and the government looked for ways to relocate the native tribes who had made their homes in Kansas. To create more land for white settlement, George Manypenny, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, negotiated treaties with Indian tribes that ceded much of the Indians' lands to the government. This land could then be sold to white emigrants. Naturally, these events helped to exacerbate existing tensions between settlers and Native Americans, contributing to the Indian Wars that occupied the U.S. Army during and after the American Civil War.

Ezra A. Hayt to H.C. Linn

Ezra A. Hayt to H.C. Linn
Creator: Hayt, Ezra A.
Date: December 10, 1878
In this item, U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs explains to U.S. Indian Agent H.C. Linn that the U.S. Secretary of the Interior has approved the purchase of school and shop supplies on the "open market."

Fannie Nadeau to Ida M. Ferris

Fannie Nadeau to Ida M. Ferris
Creator: Nadeau, Fannie
Date: June 09, 1910
In this letter to Ida M. Ferris, Fannie Nadeau addresses various elements of Sac and Fox history. Nadeau explains that she cannot tell Ferris much about the Pawnee War because their were not any veterans of the conflict living at the Sac and Fox Agency near Stroud, Oklahoma. In addition, Nadeau explains that she may get more information from the Sac and Fox members living in Iowa.

Fannie W. Nadeau to George W. Martin

Fannie W. Nadeau to George W. Martin
Creator: Nadeau, Fannie
Date: June 18, 1910
In this postcard note to George W. Martin of the Kansas State Historical Society, Fannie W. Nadeau explains to Martin that Shawpaw kaw kah shot himself around 1863, shortly after completing his will. The picture on the front of the postcard is of the Sac and Fox Indian School near Stroud, Oklahoma, which was the city in which Nadeau lived at the time she corresponded with Martin and with Ida M. Ferris of Osage City, Kansas.

Farms and homes in Kansas

Farms and homes in Kansas
Creator: Union Pacific Railroad Company
Date: 1878
This publication promotes the sale of railroad lands held by the Central Branch of the Union Pacific Railroad in the Republican and Solomon Valley's of Kansas from Atchison to Beloit. It includes specific information on counties, towns, settlement and agriculture. It also includes two illustrations, one of water power and improvements, and the other of a church built of limestone, both of Blue Rapids, Marshall County, Kansas.

Gary Wiskigeamatyuk

Gary Wiskigeamatyuk
Date: 1967
This is a photograph of Gary Wiskigeamatyuk (Nanaquiba), son of James Wahbnosah and Rhodie Shen-Shesh (Kaukemaquah), who was a member of the Potawatomi tribe and lived on the reservation in Jackson County, Kansas.

Gary Wiskigeamatyuk

Gary Wiskigeamatyuk
Date: 1963
This is a photograph of Gary Wiskigeamatyuk (Nanaquiba), son of James Wahbnosah and Rhodie Shen-Shesh (Kaukemaquah) riding a horse near Mayetta, Kansas. He was a member of the Potawatomi tribe and lived on the reservation in Jackson County, Kansas.

George Washington Deitzler to Bradford R. Wood

George Washington Deitzler to Bradford R. Wood
Creator: Deitzler, George Washington, 1826-1884
Date: April 7, 1856
Deitzler, writing from Lawrence, offered recommendations to Wood, a New York State Kansas Committee representative, on the best emigration route to Kansas. Deitzler suggested that New York emigrants consider settling on Shawnee Reserve land in Kansas as soon as it was opened to settlement. He also requested monetary aid from the New York State Kansas Committee for free state settlers already in Kansas.

Government Land Office (GLO) survey maps for portions of Wyandotte  and Johnson Counties

Government Land Office (GLO) survey maps for portions of Wyandotte and Johnson Counties
Creator: U.S. Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska
Date: 1855-1867
These three Government Land Office survey maps are for Township 11 South, Range 23 East, for portions of Wyandotte and Johnson Counties, Kansas. The first image, dated 1861 and signed by Mark Delahay as Surveyor General. It provides detail for all of the sections (except those south of the Kansas River) for the entire range and township including the Delaware Diminshed Reserve, the Kansas River, and various roads in the area. The second image is dated 1857 with J. Calhoun as the Surveyor General. It shows detail for only sections 32 through 36, including the Kansas River. The third image is dated 1868 and shows detail for Section 32 only. Apparently, only the portions of sections south of the Kansas River are in Johnson County.

Groundbreaking on Kickapoo Tribe water plant near Horton, Kansas

Groundbreaking on Kickapoo Tribe water plant near Horton, Kansas
Date: 1978
Multiple photographs showing the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kickapoo Tribe water treatment plant near Horton, Kansas. The photographs include Steve Cadue, Kickapoo Tribe member and Kansas Tribal Chairman, Governor Robert Bennett, along with officials, members of the tribe, and community.

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