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1904 University of Kansas Paleontology Expedition Camp

1904 University of Kansas Paleontology Expedition Camp
Date: 1904
Little is known about this view of a camp being set up by University of Kansas paleontologists other than it may have been printed in 1904 in a Chicago newspaper. Early paleontologists sometimes served an archeological role in addition to paleontological.

50 Camp, Crawford County, Kansas

50 Camp, Crawford County, Kansas
Date: Between 1870 and 1920
A photograph of 50 Camp, or Camp 50, a small unincorporated community in Crawford County approximately 2 miles west of Arma. It was a company town of Central Coal and Coke and continues as a small residential community. Visible is a mine and mining equipment.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th anniversary
Date: 1986
Shown in this photograph in Senator Billy McCray (1927-2012) who served in public office from 1966 to 1993 speaking at the 9th & 10th Cavalry's 116th anniversary in Wichita, Kansas.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
Shown in this photograph is a speaker for the 9th & 10th Cavalry's 116th anniversary banquet in Wichita, Kansas. On the reverse of the photo it calls the speaker the "Parlimentian" which may have been misspelling to represent a parliamentarian, a member of parliament.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
Sergeant at Arms Riley Banks is shown addressing the 9th and 10th Cavalry at their 116th Anniversary held in Wichita, Kansas in this photograph.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
Photograph of Chief Warrant Officer George Johnson holding an award at the 116th reunion of the 9th and 10th Cavalry in Wichita, Kansas. George was given the award for receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross award in 1965 for his service in the Vietnam War. Johnson served in Korea and Japan from 1962 to 1965 and was transferred to Vietnam where he was the first African American to receive the award.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
Shown in this photograph is United State Air Force Lieutenant Colonel M. Jordan addressing the 9th & 10th Cavalry's 116th anniverary in Wichita, Kansas.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
This photograph shows Senator Eugene Adams addressing the 116th Anniversary of the 9th and 10th Cavalry.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
This photograph shows a Chaplain addressing the 9th & 10th Cavalry at their 1116th Anniversary in Wichita, Kansas.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
Two men and a woman are shown sitting at a table in evening dress at the 9th & 10th Cavalry's 116th Anniversary banquet in Wichita, Kansas. The man seated at the far right is identified as Charles Scott.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
This photograph shows men standing on stage at the 9th and 10th Calvary's 116th Anniversary in Wichita, Kansas.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary, Buffalo Soldier's awards

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary, Buffalo Soldier's awards
Date: 1986
This photograph shows Senator Billy McCray (1927-2012) who served in public office from 1966 to 1993 presenting awards at the 116th anniversary of the 9th and 10th Cavalry for Buffalo Soldiers. Buffalo Soldiers were part of the 10th Cavalry Regiment established in 1866 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th anniversary dinner

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th anniversary dinner
Date: 1986
This photographs shows a dinner for the 9th & 10th Cavalry's 116th anniversary event in Wichita, Kansas in 1986.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Reunion, Wichita, Kansas

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Reunion, Wichita, Kansas
Date: 1986
This photographs shows one of the guest speakers at the 9th & 10th Cavalry's 116th reunion in Wichita, Kansas in 1986.

A.B. Campbell to Governor John Martin

A.B. Campbell to Governor John Martin
Creator: Campbell, A. B.
Date: April 1, 1886
A.B. Campbell, Kansas Adjutant General, of Parsons, telegrams Kansas Governor John Martin, of Topeka, stating that another railroad engine has been killed and that he is leaving to investigate. This is in response to the local authority's request for National Guard troops during the railroad strike in the three state area.

ACME mine volunteer personnel

ACME mine volunteer personnel
Date: December 5, 1919
In this document, the names of 31 volunteers assigned to the Acme Mine are listed. Included is the date they arrived for work in Pittsburg, Kansas, and the date they reported to the mine for work. These volunteers were recruited from surrounding areas to replace mine workers who refused to return to work following state takeover. In November 1919, the Kansas supreme court granted authority to the state of Kansas to operate the mines. This followed a series of strikes in the area. Court appointed receivers were put in place to operate the mines during this period. The state takeover lasted until mid- December when labor leaders in the area agreed to return mine workers to their jobs.

Adaline Beedle Sorace

Adaline Beedle Sorace
Date: Between 1930 and 1939
These fifteen photographs show Adaline Beedle Sorace, author of Addie of the Flint Hills, at various periods in her life. The first photograph is Addie at age sixteen. While the next four images have her attending nursing school at Bell Memorial Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas. Images six through ten show Addie with her friends from Matfield Green, Kansas, and a view of the high school in Matfield Green. Images eleven and twelve show Addie with unidentified friends. The last three images have her with members from the Jr. Century Club in Matfield Green.

A. E. Gillett to Governor Henry J. Allen

A. E. Gillett to Governor Henry J. Allen
Creator: Gillett, A.E.
Date: December 19, 1919
In this letter, Mayor A. E. Gillett of Bartlett, Kansas, writes to Kansas Governor Henry J. Allen, of Topeka, asking his assistance in getting a car load of coal for the schools. Following a series of coal strikes in southeast Kansas, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled in favor of the state securing and operating the coal mines for a period of time. Coal operations were delayed following seizure of the minefields. Volunteers were called in to complete mine operations after miners refused to return to work. The court appointed "receivers" to oversee all coal deliveries and payments during this period.

A Glimpse of the Smoky Hills

A Glimpse of the Smoky Hills
Creator: Coy Avon Seward
Date: 1927
Black lithographed scene on tan kid finish Bristol paper. Depicts the Smoky Hills of Kansas through an arch formed by trees. The artist was Coy Avon Seward (1884-1939), born in Chase, Kansas, and trained at both Washburn and Bethany colleges. Seward was a founding member of the Prairie Print Makers Association. This group believed art should be affordable for all people, not just collectors. Seward produced this print in 1927.

A handbook of useful information for immigrants and settlers

A handbook of useful information for immigrants and settlers
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: 1880-1889
Published by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, this pamphlet encouraged agricultural settlement on railroad lands in Kansas by glorifying the state's natural resources including water, soil, mineral deposits and plant life. Printed by the Kansas Farmer in Topeka, Kansas.

Albert Krhut's map of Township 12 South, Range 24 West, Trego County

Albert Krhut's map of Township 12 South, Range 24 West, Trego County
Creator: Krhut, Albert F., 1895-1965
Date: 1909
A map drawn by Albert Krhut, from Voda, Kansas, showing creeks, the railroad and the school house in Township 14 South, Range 24 West, Trego county. On a separate sheet, Albert includes a legend for the map. This is one of several maps drawn by school children for a contest organized by Judge J. C. Ruppenthal of Russell, Kansas. The maps were to meet a "requirement of presenting historical data, together with excellence and accuracy of drawing." This submission won the 5th place prize of twenty-five cents in the map contest of 1909.

Albert Rogler & William Crouch at Rogler Ranch

Albert Rogler & William Crouch at Rogler Ranch
Date: Between 1896 and 1897
This black and white photograph shows Albert Rogler and William Crouch hauling slop to the sow pens on the Rogler Ranch in Chase County, Kansas. The pens were on the south side of the big hedge fence about 200 feet south of the Rogler house.

All industrial disputes affect the public

All industrial disputes affect the public
Date: June 11, 1921
This bulletin issued by the publicity committee of the printing crafts is part of a series of publications issued during the Topeka printers strike. The strike centered around a dispute over the forty-four hour week between trade union printers, employers, and a newly formed association of employed printers. Trade union printers and employers agreed that a newly proposed forty-four hour week would take effect on May 1, 1921. The new printers association did not agree to the forty-four hour week. This resulted in a dispute between the two groups of printers.

Alysia Kysar to Governor Joan Finney

Alysia Kysar to Governor Joan Finney
Creator: Kysar, Alysia
Date: March 19, 1991
Alysia Kysar of Liberal, Kansas, writes Governor Joan Finney of Topeka concerning a water rights conflict at Cheyenne Bottoms wetlands in Barton County, Kansas. Kysar is eleven years old. She argues that the importance of wildlife habitats and communal ownership of natural resources, like water, supercede the rights of individual water users along Wet Walnut Creek. Kysar further questions the suitability of irrigated agriculture to an arid environment. In Wet Walnut Irrigators v. Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area (1992), the Kansas Supreme Court ruled in favor of Cheyenne Bottoms, citing its earlier claim to water rights.

Amazon army, near Pittsburg, Kansas

Amazon army, near Pittsburg, Kansas
Creator: New York Times
Date: December 25, 1921
This newspaper clipping, from the New York Times, features a group of women gathered during a coal mine strike near Pittsburg, Kansas. Dubbed the "Amazon Army," the women marched through the coal fields carrying large American flags to show their support for better wages and improved working conditions for their family members who worked in the camps. The caption reads: "Women Raiders Invading a Mine. Near Pittsburg, Kan., forcing the workmen to drop their tools and kiss the American flag."

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