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1995 Excavations at the Havana Stage Station, 14OS1301

1995 Excavations at the Havana Stage Station, 14OS1301
Date: 1995
Shown are eleven images taken during the excavation at the Havana Stage Station in Osage County during the Kansas Archeology Training Program field school in 1995. The Havana Stage Station was built along the Santa Fe trail in 1858 and by the early 1870s had ceased to function as station and became part of the outbuildings of a farm. Shown is a view of the former station taken in the 1950s, a sketch of the site in 1995, a sketch of the station ruins in 1995, five views of the station's foundations and walls, two views of mapping and recordkeeping, and the nearby stone corral.

5 & 7 Greenwood Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

5 & 7 Greenwood Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Date: Between 1890 and 1899
This is a photograph showing homes at 5 & 7 Greenwood Avenue located in the community of Potwin, which is part of Topeka, Kansas.

6th & Broadway Pittsburg, KS, Fleischaker's

6th & Broadway Pittsburg, KS, Fleischaker's
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: 1917
Two horse-drawn wagons on brick streets in downtown Pittsburg, Kansas. A row of commercial buildings is in the background. In 1917 James C. Hughes was Captain of Battery C, 130th Field Artillery, Kansas National Guard. Battery C was organized in Pittsburg, Kansas. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available on Kansapedia.

6th Street, Pittsburg, Kansas, American Express & Ringling Brothers Circus

6th Street, Pittsburg, Kansas, American Express & Ringling Brothers Circus
Creator: Hughes, James Clark, 1888-1964
Date: 1917
Horse-drawn freight wagon for American Express Company in front of store by same name in Pittsburg, Kansas. A freight wagon nearby holds two milk cans and a large trunk. In 1917 James C. Hughes was Captain of Battery C, 130th Field Artillery, Kansas National Guard. Battery C was organized in Pittsburg, Kansas. A full biography of James Clark Hughes is available on Kansapedia.

A.A. Jones' wagon shop, Bennington, Kansas

A.A. Jones' wagon shop, Bennington, Kansas
Date: Between 1880 and 1900
This photograph shows a group of men standing in the showroom of the A.A. Jones' wagon shop in Bennington, Kansas. According to the back of the photograph the business sold Studebaker, Courtland and Bradley Buggies along with water pumps.

A.A. Rassicot family

A.A. Rassicot family
Date: Between 1870 and 1899
This photograph shows the A.A. Rassicot family leaving Ransom, Kansas in a covered wagon heading to St. Anne, Illinois.

Abraham Eitzen farm, Marion County, Kansas

Abraham Eitzen farm, Marion County, Kansas
Date: 1904
This is a photograph of the Abraham Eitzen farm located 2 miles east and 2 1/2 miles south of Hillsboro, Kansas. It shows the home, farm buildings and a windmill. It is a snow scene and there is a horse drawn sled in the image.

A. C. Davis & Co. grain elevator, Kansas

A. C. Davis & Co. grain elevator, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1915
A view of men and horse-drawn wagons in line at the A. C. Davis grain elevator in, possibly, Pratt or Almena, Kansas. A steam locomotive is visible in the background.

A child on horseback

A child on horseback
This is a photograph of an unidentified Pottawatomie Indian child on horseback.

Address before the Old Settler's Reunion, Lincoln, Kansas

Address before the Old Settler's Reunion, Lincoln, Kansas
Creator: Stanley, Arthur Jehu, 1874-1967
Date: September 17, 1915
An address given by Arthur Stanley before the Old Settler's Reunion in Lincoln, Kansas. Stanley recounts life in Lincoln, of living in a dugout, the fear of prairie fires, prairie schooners passing through, the naming and meaning of places in Lincoln, and many other stories of the county and prairie life in general.

A. E. Blake and others on the plains in Seward County, Kansas

A. E. Blake and others on the plains in Seward County, Kansas
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: Between 1900 and 1912
In this photograph, A. E. Blake is seated in an automobile, a man is standing next to that automobile, a man is seated in the driver's seat of a horse-drawn wagon, and two young girls and a dog are standing next to the wagon. All are present in an unidentified field in Seward County, Kansas.

A field of wheat, Kearney [Kearny] County, Kansas

A field of wheat, Kearney [Kearny] County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows a field of wheat and a binder pulled by several horses in Kearny County, Kansas.

A gathering at Jonathan Erickson's home, Russell County, Kansas

A gathering at Jonathan Erickson's home, Russell County, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: June 12, 1913
View of people gathered at Jonathan Erickson's home in Russell County, Kansas. Also visible are a carriage and many automobiles parked in the front yard, and a large group of people standing either on the porch or in the yard.

Agricultural scene, Finney County, Kansas

Agricultural scene, Finney County, Kansas
Date: 1916
The photograph shows farm wagons and a grain elevator on an unidentified farm in Finney County, Kansas. The photograph was taken in 1916.

Agricultural scenes, Finney County, Kansas.

Agricultural scenes, Finney County, Kansas.
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows different agricultural scenes on R. J. Mefford's farm west of Garden City in Finney County, Kansas.

A group of men at a cookout

A group of men at a cookout
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: Between 1891 and 1912
This is a view of a large group of men, some in suit coats, eating around a campfire in Seward County, Kansas. Also visible are a wagon, chuckwagon, and carriage.

A. J. Eastman Drug Store, Burlington, Kansas

A. J. Eastman Drug Store, Burlington, Kansas
Date: 1897
This photograph shows an exterior view of the A. J. Eastman Drug Store in Burlington, Kansas. Also visible is the Pioneer Hardware and Implement Store. A few people are visible in front of the stores, and a carriage and a bicycle are also visible.

Albert J. Stratton Drug Store, Reading, Kansas

Albert J. Stratton Drug Store, Reading, Kansas
Date: Between 1885 and 1895
This photograph shows an exterior view of the Albert J. Stratton Drug Store in Reading, Kansas. There are several men visible in front of the store, and a horse and carriage are visible on the right of the picture.

Albert Martinek hauling wood, Rossville, Kansas

Albert Martinek hauling wood, Rossville, Kansas
Date: 1921
Albert Martinek is using two mules to haul wood in Rossville, Kansas, on April 18, 1921. This photograph is provided through a pilot project to host unique cultural heritage materials from local libraries on Kansas Memory and was accomplished by mutual agreement between the Northeast Kansas Library System, the Rossville Community Library, and the Kansas Historical Society.

Albert R. Greene to Franklin G. Adams

Albert R. Greene to Franklin G. Adams
Creator: Greene, A.R.
Date: August 18, 1897
In this letter to Franklin G. Adams, Albert R. Greene explains that he recently met with Charles C. Haynes, with whom he discussed the waning days of the Overland Stage. Greene explains that Haynes was old but that his eye was as "keen as when he ran the gauntlet of hostile Indians and brought his coach into the home station bristling with arrows."

Alfalfa field, Barber County, Kansas

Alfalfa field, Barber County, Kansas
Date: Between 1880s and 1900s
This photograph shows a group of farmers in a field surrounded with stacks of alfalfa hay. Two women in a buggy are also visible. On the back of the image "Kiowa, Kansas" and "Barber County" appear in script.

Alfred M. Landon's Notification Day Parade, Topeka, Kansas

Alfred M. Landon's Notification Day Parade, Topeka, Kansas
Date: July 23, 1936
View of an unidentified marching band in the Notification Day Parade celebrating Kansas governor Alfred M. Landon's notification of his nomination to run as the Republican party's candidate in the 1936 presidential election. Also visible are crowds of spectators, automobiles, flags and bunting, utility poles and power lines, Welcome GOP banners, and buildings and businesses along the city streets. Landon was defeated in November by a landslide vote for incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Allena (Mrs. D.E.) Snell and R.G. Snell in buggy on the Snell homestead, Thomas County, Kansas

Allena (Mrs. D.E.) Snell and R.G. Snell in buggy on the Snell homestead, Thomas County, Kansas
Date: 1905
Allena (Mrs. D.E.) Snell and R.G. Snell sit in a buggy on the Snell homestead in Thomas County, Kansas. A man leans on a lean-to behind them. The farm was located in the southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 10, Range 35.

Along the trail west of Ingalls, Kansas

Along the trail west of Ingalls, Kansas
Date: September 5, 1914
This is a colored photograph of a covered wagon traveling along the trail west of Ingalls, Kansas. Next to the trail is one of Soule's irrigation ditches.

Altoona Ice Company, Wilson County, Kansas

Altoona Ice Company, Wilson County, Kansas
Date: 1890-1920
This photograph shows a horse and wagon and a horse and buggy at the loading dock of the Altoona Ice Company in Wilson County, Kansas. The man in the wagon is loading a block of ice.

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