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.50-70 Cartridges from Fort Wallace, 14WC303

.50-70 Cartridges from Fort Wallace, 14WC303
Date: 1865-1882
These .50-70 cartridges were recovered from Fort Wallace in Wallace County at the Enlisted Men's Barracks. Both were recovered in the vicinity of the Enlisted Men's Barracks. Fort Wallace was built in 1865 along the Smoky Hill Trail and abandoned in 1882. Archeologists from the Kansas Historical Society conducted excavations at the fort in 1997.

70th anniversary celebration of Wallace County, Kansas

70th anniversary celebration of Wallace County, Kansas
Date: 1938
The children of pioneer settler Sam Chisum ride in a wagon pulled by mules. Chisum came to Wallace County, Kansas by trail from Texas in 1872. The event, held on Aug. 31, 1938 in Sharon Springs, marked the 70th anniversary of Wallace County, Kansas.

70th anniversary celebration of Wallace County, Kansas

70th anniversary celebration of Wallace County, Kansas
Date: 1938
Alfred Nelson displays his whiskers, grown for the 70th anniversary celebration of the creation of Wallace County, Kansas. The celebration was held in August 1938 in Sharon Springs.

70th anniversary celebration of Wallace County, Kansas

70th anniversary celebration of Wallace County, Kansas
Date: 1938
Actors portray pioneers, Native Americans, and Abraham Lincoln for the 70th anniversary celebration of the creation of Wallace County, held in Sharon Springs on Aug. 31, 1938. R.R. Dollarhide portrayed Lincoln and Mr. Weed, the cashier at the Peoples State Bank, portrayed a Native American.

7th Cavalry drill team, Fort Wallace, Wallace County, Kansas

7th Cavalry drill team, Fort Wallace, Wallace County, Kansas
Date: 1961
The 7th Cavalry drill team reenactment troop perform for the Fort Wallace memorial association, Fort Wallace, Wallace County, Kansas, May 1961.

7th Cavalry reenactment, United States government cemetery, Fort Wallace, Kansas

7th Cavalry reenactment, United States government cemetery, Fort Wallace, Kansas
Date: 1961
A 7th Cavalry reenactment troop line up at the United States government cemetery at Fort Wallace, Wallace County, Kansas.

Adobe house in Sharon Springs, Kansas

Adobe house in Sharon Springs, Kansas
Date: Between 1950 and 1955
This is a photograph of an adobe house located near Sharon Springs, Kansas. The people in the photograph are (left to right) Eleanor Graham, who was born in the house, Darlene Graham and Charles Graham, the children of Elmer David Graham and Alice Steele Graham.

Aerial view of Sharon Springs, Kansas

Aerial view of Sharon Springs, Kansas
Date: Between 1925 and 1929
This is a postcard with an aerial view of Sharon Springs, Kansas showing the main street.

Appointment of William H. Bush to postmaster at Pond Creek, Wallace County, Kansas

Appointment of William H. Bush to postmaster at Pond Creek, Wallace County, Kansas
Creator: Post Office Department
Date: February 02, 1869
These are appointment papers for William H. Bush from the Post Office Department. He was named the Post Master at Pond Creek, Wallace County, Kansas.

A traveling group of entertainers from Sharon Springs at Tribune, Greeley County, Kansas

A traveling group of entertainers from Sharon Springs at Tribune, Greeley County, Kansas
Date: 1925
A traveling group of actors from Sharon Springs, Kansas perform at Tribune, Greeley County, Kansas in June 1925.

Axel Lindberg's map of Township 15 South, Range 42 West, Wallace County

Axel Lindberg's map of Township 15 South, Range 42 West, Wallace County
Creator: Lindberg, Axel, 1895-
Date: 1910
A map drawn by Axel Lindberg, born in 1895, "a boy at Weskan who has been in this country less than one year from Sweden, and he has only attended school five months." This map is one of several drawn by grade school children for a contest organized by Judge J. C. Ruppenthal of Russell, Kansas. The maps were to meet a "requirement of presenting historical data, together with excellence and accuracy of drawing." The maps are drawn over a template representing a numbered township and have keys on the back or on separate sheets. The map covers Township 15 South, Range 42 West, the Stockholm Township. It features creeks, farms, churches and schools. A letter relating to this contest can be viewed at Unit ID 309731.

Barracks, Fort Wallace, Kansas

Barracks, Fort Wallace, Kansas
Date: 1868
This photograph shows the barracks building at Fort Wallace, Wallace County, Kansas.

Bird's eye view of Sharon Springs, Wallace County, Kansas

Bird's eye view of Sharon Springs, Wallace County, Kansas
Date: 1908
This post card of a bird's eye view of Sharon Springs, Wallace County, Kansas was sent to mother and father Dr. and Mrs. J.W. Graves in Parsons, Kansas by daughter Laura Graves who was visiting in western Kansas.

Buildings at Fort Wallace, Kansas

Buildings at Fort Wallace, Kansas
Date: Between 1880 and 1885
A view of several buildings at Fort Wallace, Kansas, including the mess hall on the west side of the parade ground, the powder house which was southwest of the mess hall, and the guard house. The mess hall (the long building in the center of the picture) faces east. The fort was abandoned in 1882 and the mess hall was torn down by settlers in 1888.

Cattle, Peter Robidoux ranch, Wallace County, Kansas

Cattle, Peter Robidoux ranch, Wallace County, Kansas
Date: 1900
Peter Robidoux (on horse in background on the left) and Mrs. Robidoux (in buggy) pose with some of their cattle herd on the Robidoux ranch 10 miles north of Wallace, Wallace County, Kansas.

Central Hotel, Sharon Springs, Kansas

Central Hotel, Sharon Springs, Kansas
Date: Between 1880s and 1890s
This black and white photograph shows the Central Hotel in Sharon Springs, Kansas. The two-story wooden structure was also known as the Martin Hotel.

Children swimming in Beaver Creek, Wallace County, Kansas

Children swimming in Beaver Creek, Wallace County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
A group of children swim in the "old swimming hole" on Beaver Creek in Wallace County, Kansas.

Christmas program at a school near Sharon Springs, Kansas

Christmas program at a school near Sharon Springs, Kansas
Date: Between January 1927 and December 1928
This is a photograph of children in a Christmas program at a school south of Sharon Springs in Wallace County, Kansas.

Class photo, rural school, Wallace County, Kansas

Class photo, rural school, Wallace County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
A rural school class pose with their teacher outside their frame schoolhouse, Wallace County, Kansas.

Class picture at a rural school in Wallace County, Kansas

Class picture at a rural school in Wallace County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
A group of children pose outside their frame schoolhouse in Wallace County, Kansas. Neither the school nor any of the children is identified.

Class picture at a rural school in Wallace County, Kansas

Class picture at a rural school in Wallace County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1915
A class picture taken inside a rural school in Wallace County, Kansas. Neither the school nor any of the students is identified. The photo was submitted to the Woman's Kansas Day Club by Ruth Jackson of Sharon Springs, Kansas.

Class picture outside a frame schoolhouse in Wallace County, Kansas

Class picture outside a frame schoolhouse in Wallace County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
Students of a rural school in Wallace County, Kansas pose outside their frame schoolhouse. Neither the school nor any of the students is identified.

Counties : Wallace

Counties : Wallace
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1879-1881
The documents in this file mostly pertain to matters concerning the office of County Clerk for Wallace in the State of Kansas. One letter provides a recommendation of a certain person to be appointed as County Clerk. A separate letter asks Kansas Governor St. John the name of the County Clerk and his deputies. Further letters discuss the organization of, appointing County Commissioners, and extra sessions with the Kansas Legislature in regard to actions for criminal cases in Wallace County.

County Affairs, Wallace County (1)

County Affairs, Wallace County (1)
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
These letters, spanning 1886 to 1888, are from the residents and offices of Wallace County, Kansas regarding its organization to Kansas Governor John Martin. Many letters discuss the fraudulent organization of the county, while others request re-organization and the appointment of sheriff, probate judge, and other temporary officers with signed petitions. Wallace County was named after Fort Wallace. It was first organized on August 25, 1868, but when it was discovered the county did not have the required population, the governor ordered it dissolved in 1879. The county was reorganized on January 5, 1889.

County Affairs, Wallace County (2)

County Affairs, Wallace County (2)
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
These letters, dated 1888, are from the census taker, C. L. Vanderpool, regarding the organization of Wallace County, Kansas to Kansas Governor John Martin. The letters are signed forms, from Vanderpool and the residents, verifying the population requirements are met for the county's re-organization. Some of the forms are blank. Wallace County was named after Fort Wallace. It was first organized on August 25, 1868, but when it was discovered the county did not have the required population, the governor ordered it dissolved in 1879. The county was reorganized on January 5, 1889.

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