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Annita D. Henry

Annita D. Henry
Date: 1925
This black and white photograph shows Annita D. Henry preparing to go to the Hoosier Valley School in Stanton County, Kansas.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Johnson, Kansas

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Johnson, Kansas
Creator: Bohi, Charles W., 1940-
Date: Between 1970 and 1979
These two photographs show the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot in Johnson, Kansas.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Manter, Kansas

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Manter, Kansas
Creator: Kelley, Frank O.
Date: 1970
This photograph shows the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot at Manter, Kansas.

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee correspondence

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee correspondence
Date: 1918
This collection consists of correspondence between individuals and committee members to the state chair of the Woman's Committee of the Kansas Council of National Defense. The Council of National Defense was established at the federal level in 1916 as an emergency agency under the Army Appropriation Act and abolished in 1921. It was created in reaction to World War I to coordinate resources and industries for national defense and improve civilian morale. The Woman's Committee of the Kansas Council of National Defense performed the same functions at the state and local levels, coordinating women's activities for national defense. The materials are organized alphabetically by county. The digitization of this collection was paid for through the Margot R. Swovelan Endowment Fund.

County Affairs, Stanton County

County Affairs, Stanton County
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
These letters, spanning 1887, are from the residents and offices of Stanton County, Kansas regarding its organization to Kansas Governor John Martin. Many of the letters are signed petitions confirming the population requirements are met for its organization. There is a Governor's Proclamation electing an official to verify the requirements. Other letters and signed petitions discuss the appointment of a temporary county seat, census taker, commissioners, clerk, and sheriff. Stanton County was organized on June 17, 1887 and named for Edwin M. Stanton, Abraham Lincoln's Secretary of War.

Dugout belonging to Luther Kreigh, Stanton County, Kansas

Dugout belonging to Luther Kreigh, Stanton County, Kansas
Date: Between 1960 and 1965
This dugout was located on the homestead of Luther Kreigh, on the west side of present-day Highway 27, seven miles north of Johnson City, Stanton County, Kansas. Luther Kreigh ran the stage line and mail hack between Syracuse and Richfield and this dugout served as a stage stop on that line. The stage changed teams here and a post office located in the building was called on the maps "Liverpool."

Dust storm in Stanton County, Kansas

Dust storm in Stanton County, Kansas
Date: 1935
This photograph shows a dust storm in Stanton County, Kansas.

Eighth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1891-1892

Eighth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1891-1892
Creator: Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Date: 1893
This biennial report from the Kansas State Board of Agriculture contains two parts and the page numbering starts over at the beginning of Part II. The volume contains a section on each county, providing summary information about the history of the county, a description of the landscape, crops, livestock, schools, and churches. A large number of tables with statistics about Kansas residents and crop yields, broken down by county, are also included. Other chapters are devoted to interesting subjects such as apiculture, artificial forests, loco weeds, and chinch bugs.

Eleventh biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1897-98

Eleventh biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1897-98
Creator: Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Date: 1899
This biennial report from the Kansas State Board of Agriculture includes information on beef and pork production, farm poultry, Kansas mineral products, livestock, and other agricultural topics. Also covered are county statistics for population, acreages, productions, livestock, assessed valuation of property, and a listing of churches for each county. Proceedings and other activities of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture are included.

Exhibits at the Seward County fair in Liberal, Kansas

Exhibits at the Seward County fair in Liberal, Kansas
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
Here are two photographs of exhibits at the Seward County fair in Liberal, Kansas. The image with the ears of corn and other agricultural products has a sign that says "Stanton Co. Exhibit By L. Dickey & Co." The other image has a steer's head and a spinning wheel, with some quilts in the background.

Fifteenth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1905-1906

Fifteenth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1905-1906
Creator: Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Date: 1907
This biennial report from the Kansas State Board of Agriculture includes information on the selection, cultivation, and harvesting of Indian corn, ideas for improving the conditions of farm life, and information on commercial fertilizers. There are various kinds of statistics for each county that include population, acreages, livestock, and assessed valuation of property. There are also a number of tables listing statistics for all counties. The proceedings and activities of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture are included beginning on page 977. Please see the table of contents on image 8 to determine appropriate page numbers. Page numbering starts over after page 1264. This section contains compiled statistics from the 1905 Kansas decennial census but individuals are not listed. A general index starts on page 61 of the Decennial Census section at the back of the volume.

George Henry family, Stanton County, Kansas

George Henry family, Stanton County, Kansas
Date: 1919
This black and white photograph shows members from the George Henry family slicing into watermelons on their farm in Stanton County, Kansas.

Governor Lorenzo Lewelling, Correspondence, Box 2

Governor Lorenzo Lewelling, Correspondence, Box 2
Creator: Lewelling, Lorenzo Dow, 1846-1900
Date: 1892-1894
These folders contain correspondence subject files with Governor Lewelling, twelfth governor of the State of Kansas, 1893-1895, and the first Populist governor of the state. Subjects included are applications for jobs, endorsements, and remonstrances, as well as appointments to State positions; bonds; charitable and correctional institutions; cities and towns; claims; counties and county organization; crime and criminals, extraditions, and rewards; fairs; immigration; Indians; invitations; Indian, school, railroad, & other land; legislation; federal and State military affairs; railroads; relief; aerial navigation, forestry, livestock, pharmaceuticals, mines, silk, the State soldiers (orphans) home, and the United States government.

Grain Elevators, Dillwyn, Kansas

Grain Elevators, Dillwyn, Kansas
Creator: Walker, Russell W.
Date: 1948
This black and white photograph shows the silhouettes of grain elevators near Dillwyn, Kansas, with partly cloudy skies overhead. Electrical power lines can be seen in the background.

History of Kansas newspapers

History of Kansas newspapers
Creator: Kansas State Historical Society. Department of Archives
Date: 1916
The subtitle of this publication is "A History of the Newspapers and Magazines Published in Kansas From the Organization of Kansas Territory, 1854, to January 1, 1916." This history includes biographical sketches and some portraits of prominent editors. The bulk of the book contains listings of all of the newspapers published in the state, organized by county and then towns within that county. This listing begins on page 137. Newspapers that were being published in 1916 include the name of the editor/publisher, the frequency, how long it had been published, and notes about any predecessor papers. The information for each county also includes a list of all discontinued newspapers from that county. Each county listing begins with the date it was organized, the origin of the name, and some basic statistics. This volume is an excellent source on the early newspaper history of Kansas. A detailed index begins on page 323. The Kansas State Historical Society was founded by Kansas newspaper editors and its newspaper holdings represent an almost comprehensive collection of the newspapers published in all parts of Kansas, most of which are available on microfilm through interlibrary loan.

Justices of the Peace, Stanton County

Justices of the Peace, Stanton County
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
This letter, dated April 1st, 1887, is from E. B. Spurgeon regarding the Justice of the Peace for Stanton County Kansas to Kansas Governor John Martin. Spurgeon included a signed official petition asking for the appointment of H. E. Ellingwood.

Kansas Board of Pharmacy reports

Kansas Board of Pharmacy reports
Creator: Kansas. Board of Pharmacy
Date: 1887-1972
These reports, published by the Kansas Board of Pharmacy, may include the secretary's annual report to the governor, board proceedings, cases prosecuted, laws, rules and regulations, legal decisions, and lists of registered pharmacists, pharmacies, and assistants. Names are frequently listed alphabetically and by county. Some reports contain short sketches of deceased members. A fifth annual report is not known to exist. The fourth and sixth reports were both published in 1891. Gaps in publication or holdings exist in 1900; 1917-1934; 1936; 1939; 1941-1947; 1949-1954; 1956-1957; 1959-1966; 1968-1971; and post 1972. Funds to underwrite the digitization of these reports, Board of Pharmacy Examination questions (Item # 214023), and the Board of Pharmacy Rules and Regulations (Item #214924) were provided by the Jere Matchett Memorial Fund. This donation also funded the scanning of photographs of drug stores across Kansas to include them in Kansas Memory.

Kansas Film Commission site photographs, miscellaneous subjects

Kansas Film Commission site photographs, miscellaneous subjects
Creator: Kansas Film Commission
Date: 1980s-2000s
These are panoramic photographs of locations in Kansas created by the Kansas Film Commission to promote scenes to film companies. The panoramics were created by taking individual photos and taping them together. The photographs are arranged alphabetically by subject and then location. This box includes a variety of subjects, including auto salvage yards, catering units, energy plants, libraries, and telephone booths. Some subjects in this box are represented in other boxes of the collection, such as churches (see Kansas Memory unit 303440), courthouses (see Kansas Memory unit 304620), crops (see Kansas Memory unit 304621), farmhouses (see Kansas Memory unit 304731), parks (see Kansas Memory unit 305577), and ranches (see Kansas Memory unit 307231).

Kansas Film Commission site photographs, subject roads and highways

Kansas Film Commission site photographs, subject roads and highways
Creator: Kansas Film Commission
Date: 1980s-2000s
These are panoramic photographs of locations in Kansas created by the Kansas Film Commission to promote scenes to film companies. The panoramics were created by taking individual photos and taping them together. The photographs are arranged alphabetically by subject and then location. Roads and highways, arranged by county, are the subject included in this part of the collection.

Kansas Film Commission site photographs, towns Leavenworth-Norway

Kansas Film Commission site photographs, towns Leavenworth-Norway
Creator: Kansas Film Commission
Date: 1988-2001
These are panoramic photographs of Kansas towns beginning with Leavenworth and ending with Norway. The Kansas Film Commission created the photos to promote Kansas locations to film companies. Many of the photographs show business districts and buildings. The panoramics were created by taking individual photos and taping them together. Towns and cities included in this part of the collection are: Leavenworth, Ludell, Luray, Lyndon, Lyons, Manchester, Manter, Marion, Mayetta, McCune, McDonald, McFarland, McPherson, Medicine Lodge, Melvern, Menlo, Meriden, Merriam, Milan, Miltonvale, Mission, Moline, Monument, Morganville, Morrill, Moscow, Mulberry, Mullinvale, Mulvane, Munden, Narka, Natoma, Nekoma, Neodesha, Neosho Falls, Neosho Rapids, Netawaka, New Albany, Newton, Nicodemus, Norcatur, Norton, Nortonville, and Norway. Photos of courthouses are included for several communities. Some of the photos of communities show churches, grain elevators, water towers, parks, public/government buildings, railroad depots and tracks, and residences. There are some aerial photographs for McFarland and Melvern.

Kansas Woman's Press Association correspondence

Kansas Woman's Press Association correspondence
Date: 1890-1894
This item is correspondence related to the Kansas Woman's Press Association. The postcards are, primarily, a listing of the names of female newspaper editors, typesetters, reporters, publishers, and contributors from Kansas counties. The other correspondence deals with the work of the organization. Miss Zu Adams, who assisted her father as secretary of the Kansas Historical Society, acted as secretary for the Kansas Woman's Press Association in Topeka, Kansas.

Map of Johnson City and Stanton County, Kansas

Map of Johnson City and Stanton County, Kansas
Creator: Hall & O'Donald Topeka Litho. Co.
Date: Between 1890 and 1899
This is a map showing a plat of Johnson City and Stanton County, Kansas, presented by Van Noorden & Starnes, Johnson City, Kansas. The map shows the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad; Wichita & Western Railroad; and Montana, Kansas, Texas Railway lines in Stanton County. Also, the Southern Stage line is shown on the county map. The text on the map promotes the settlement of Johnson City and Stanton County.

Model T Ford, Stanton County, Kansas

Model T Ford, Stanton County, Kansas
Date: 1918
This black and white photograph shows George L. Henry, Dora Le Henry, and Mrs. J.B. Spires sitting inside a Model T Ford. The group are on their way to shop in the town of Johnson City in Stanton, County, Kansas.

Native stone house of John Raney, Stanton County, Kansas

Native stone house of John Raney, Stanton County, Kansas
Date: Between 1960 and 1965
The native stone home of John Raney, built about 1885 when the Raney family homesteaded in Stanton County, Kansas. The Raneys grew peaches and other orchard produce on their farm.

Official State Atlas of Kansas

Official State Atlas of Kansas
Creator: Everts, L.H. & Co., Philadelphia, PA
Date: 1887
Town maps taken from the Official Atlas of Kansas, published in 1887. These individual maps were cut out of the atlas and each was labeled "Everts, 1886". Not every town found in the original atlas is represented here. Towns are arranged alphabetically.

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