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A and B Drug Company, Marysville, Kansas

A and B Drug Company, Marysville, Kansas
Date: October 23, 1931
These three photographs show interior views of the A and B Drug Company located at 905 Broadway in Marysville, Kansas. The first photograph shows the display cases and shelves along the right side of the store. Magazines are visible in a rack on the right side of the picture, and various items are visible in the cases and on the shelves. A few tables and chairs are visible towards the back of the store, and the stools along the soda fountain service counter are visible on the left side of the picture. The second photograph shows the opposite side of the store from the first photograph. Shelves and a display case that appears to contain boxes of cigars are visible on the left side of the picture, and the soda fountain and service counter are visible near the middle of the picture. More shelves are visible along the back wall of the store. The third photograph shows a different view with more of the shelves and display cases to the left of the soda fountain counter visible. Various items are partially visible on the shelves and cases.

A and B Drug Company on Broadway, Marysville, Kansas

A and B Drug Company on Broadway, Marysville, Kansas
Date: 1926
This photograph shows an exterior view of the A and B Drug Company on Broadway west of 10th Street in Marysville, Kansas. The sign on the side of the building also reads, "The Rexall Store, where you get what you call for." To the left of the drug store, a sign for W. H. Grindle's Dental Office is visible. Other businesses partially visible along the street include Electric Signs Talk, Isis Theatre, Exchange Bank, a shoe store, the City Bakery, a grocery store, another drug store, Independent Garage, and Pioneer Tire Service. A few people are visible walking on the sidewalks, and many automobiles are visible parked or driving along the street.

A & B Drug Company, Marysville, Kansas

A & B Drug Company, Marysville, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: October 23, 1931
This is a view of the soda fountain counter and pedestal stool seats at the A & B Drug Company located at 905 Broadway Street in Marysville, Kansas. The fountain's menu and prices are posted on the wall above the Art Deco embellished mirror.

Abstract of census returns

Abstract of census returns
Creator: Undersigned Citizens of Kansas Territory, John Stroup (first signature),
Date: 1859
This 1859 abstract of census returns shows information at the township level for most Kansas counties. Some counties are listed without data. The census lists the number of voters in three different ways--the number of votes cast June 7, 1859; number of voters on June 7, 1859 who were under 6 month provision; and number of voters under 3 month provision. It also lists the number of inhabitants. The election on June 7, 1859, was to elect delegates to the Wyandotte constitutional convention.

Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas

Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: March 27, 1929
This is a view of people and dairy cattle on the Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas. A man and woman are each posed with cows, and a second woman is in the center of the photograph with a dog. Also visible are a milking machine, part of the barn, and dairy cows in a fenced corral to the right of the barn.

Agriculture equipment, Marysville, Kansas

Agriculture equipment, Marysville, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: September, 1938
This is an elevated view of men examining agriculture equipment on display in the 700 block of Broadway Street in Marysville, Kansas. Also visible are people walking along the sidewalk, parked automobiles and a truck, and several businesses including Anderson-Boss Motor Company, Triangle Drugs & Sodas, Kraemer Hardware, Rialto Hotel, and Potter's Barbershop.

Albert G. Patrick

Albert G. Patrick
Date: Between 1865 and 1869
This is an engraving of Albert G. Patrick, who came to Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, on February 12, 1856. He became involved in the free-state party. Patrick joined Captain Wright's Stranger Creek company and participated in the Hickory Point engagement on September 14, 1856. He was captured by United States troops and sent to Lecompton where he was held by Governor Geary under indictment for murder. He was later acquitted. In the summer of 1857, he was elected clerk of the Supreme Court and, in the fall of that year, was elected to the Council of the first Free-state Legislature, serving two years. Although a free-state man, he was elected to the Senate under the Lecompton constitution. In 1867 he was elected to the legislature from Marshall County. Patrick moved to Jefferson County in 1868 and, in 1869, he was elected clerk of the county, serving two years. He owned and published the Valley Falls New Era newspaper.

Albert R. Greene to Franklin G. Adams

Albert R. Greene to Franklin G. Adams
Creator: Greene, A.R.
Date: August 18, 1897
In this letter to Franklin G. Adams, Albert R. Greene explains that he recently met with Charles C. Haynes, with whom he discussed the waning days of the Overland Stage. Greene explains that Haynes was old but that his eye was as "keen as when he ran the gauntlet of hostile Indians and brought his coach into the home station bristling with arrows."

Albert Walker Irion at the Union Pacific depot, Axtell, Kansas

Albert Walker Irion at the Union Pacific depot, Axtell, Kansas
Date: Between 1939 and 1964
Three photographs of Albert Walker Irion, depot agent at the Union Pacific depot in Axtell, Kansas. Irion served for over 25 years as the agent in Axtell, retiring on August 31, 1964. Albert's retirement notice appears in the Axtell Standard newspaper, August 1964.

Annunciation Catholic Church and parish house in Frankfort, Kansas

Annunciation Catholic Church and parish house in Frankfort, Kansas
Creator: H. G. Zimmerman & Co.
Date: Between 1915 and 1920
These are two postcard views of the Annunciation Catholic Church and parish house, located at 213 East 5th Street, in Frankfort, Kansas.

Arbuthnot Motor Company, Marysville, Kansas

Arbuthnot Motor Company, Marysville, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: December 13, 1927
This is a view of people looking at advertisements for new Ford automobiles and trucks at the Arbuthnot Motor Company showroom at 709 Broadway in Marysville, Kansas. The advertisements provide photographs and prices for the several available models.

Arbuthnot Motor Company, Marysville, Kansas

Arbuthnot Motor Company, Marysville, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: December 13, 1927
This is a view of men inspecting the first Model A Ford in the Arbuthnot Motor Company showroom located at 709 Broadway in Marysville, Kansas. Advertisements for other Ford models are displayed on the wall.

Atlas of Marshall County, Kansas

Atlas of Marshall County, Kansas
Creator: Anderson Publishing Company
Date: c1922
This atlas shows maps of each township with the names of landowners. It has a patrons' directory, and plats of towns as of the year of publication, a map of the state, United States, and world. The Farmers' Directory is by township and lists the wife and children.

Auburn Drum Corps in Marysville, Kansas

Auburn Drum Corps in Marysville, Kansas
Date: 1930
This is a photograph showing the Auburn Drum Corps in a Labor Day parade in Marysville, Kansas.

Autograph dog

Autograph dog
Date: 1960
Stuffed dog made of heavy white cotton fabric. The dog has a dachshund-like shape, with short legs, a long body, and droopy ears. Facial features are painted in black. The donor received the dog as gift from a family friend, who probably purchased it at a store in Marysville, Kansas. The donor received most of the autographs while attending a Brownie Day Camp held in Marysville during the summer of 1960. Her family was preparing to move to New York, and her Brownie friends signed the dog. The most notable signature on the dog is that of Forrest C. "Phog" Allen, who was the basketball coach at the University of Kansas from 1919 to 1956. The donor's father played under Allen while attending KU in the late 1920s. He visited the family before they moved and signed the dog.

Automobile race, Marshall County, Kansas

Automobile race, Marshall County, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: Between 1911 and 1914
This photograph shows three automobiles racing on a dirt track in Marshall County, Kansas. A small crowd of people is watching the race from the grandstands.

Baseball players, Marshall County, Kansas

Baseball players, Marshall County, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: July 4, 1914
This is a view of a baseball player at bat, with a catcher standing behind, during a July 4th baseball game in Marshall County, Kansas. Also visible are a crowd of spectators and other baseball players.

Baseball team, Marysville, Kansas

Baseball team, Marysville, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: 1930
This photograph shows the managers and members of the Athletic Club baseball team of Marysville, Kansas, posed in their uniforms on the city's baseball field. The members of the team are identified, from left to right, as: Dunning, Ford, Hall, Siebert, Kramer, Sweet, Woods, Thompson, Kirkman, Ebert, L. Cook, H. Cook, and Gerkins. Also visible are a young girl, parked automobiles, and spectators on the field's bleachers in the background.

Beatrice American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps in Marysville, Kansas

Beatrice American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps in Marysville, Kansas
Date: 1930
This is a photograph showing the Beatrice American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps possibly performing in a Labor Day parade in Marysville, Kansas.

Beatty cemetery, Marshall County, Kansas

Beatty cemetery, Marshall County, Kansas
Date: Between 1905 and 1915
This is a photograph of Beatty Cemetery, located near Summerfield, Marshall County, Kansas.

Beulah Griffis Winter,  Marshall County, Kansas

Beulah Griffis Winter, Marshall County, Kansas
Date: Between 1915 and 1920
This is a postcard image of Beulah Griffis Winter with her doll, Bigelow, in Marshall County, Kansas. Beulah was around 5 years old.

Bifaces from the Wullschleger Site, 14MH301

Bifaces from the Wullschleger Site, 14MH301
Date: 1-1800 CE
These bifaces were collected from the Wullschleger site in Marshall County and donated to the Kansas Historical Society in 1961. The bifaces, or cutting tools, were made of Permian chert that outcrops in Flint Hills of Kansas and Oklahoma. With additional work, they could have been made into other types of tools. The site was occupied periodically throughout the Early, Middle and Late Ceramic periods.

Big Blue River Basin

Big Blue River Basin
Date: 1968
This map shows the Big Blue River Basin, covering parts of Kansas and Nebraska. It is a letter size map and the map's scale is unknown.

Big blue union

Big blue union
Creator: Manning, Edwin Cassander, 1835-1915
Date: March 29, 1862 - May 19, 1866
View and search this newspaper by clicking on the Chronicling America link below. This newspaper comes from the collections of the Kansas Historical Society and was digitized with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program. The Big Blue Union was published in Marysville, Kansas, appearing on Saturday mornings beginning with the first issue on March 29, 1862, and continuing through its last on May 19, 1866. Taking its title from the Big Blue River that flows through the town, the paper boasted a Republican affiliation and maintained a pro-Union stance in a community whose founder and early residents were decidedly proslavery.

Book's Cafe, Marysville, Kansas

Book's Cafe, Marysville, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: May 2, 1932
This photograph shows waitresses and cooks posed outside of Book's Cafe in Marysville, Kansas. The cafe was located one half block south of Broadway on Seventh Street.

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