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137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Division, Sainlez, Belgium

137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Division, Sainlez, Belgium
Creator: United States Army Signal Corps
Date: January 09, 1945
This photograph shows members of the 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Division, laying down a harassing fire to give cover to advancing infantry men. The individuals have been identified from left to right as: Private Ken McKeever of Holton, Kansas and Private Lloyd Gottemyller from Vancouver, Washington.

Abstract of census returns

Abstract of census returns
Creator: Undersigned Citizens of Kansas Territory, John Stroup (first signature),
Date: 1859
This 1859 abstract of census returns shows information at the township level for most Kansas counties. Some counties are listed without data. The census lists the number of voters in three different ways--the number of votes cast June 7, 1859; number of voters on June 7, 1859 who were under 6 month provision; and number of voters under 3 month provision. It also lists the number of inhabitants. The election on June 7, 1859, was to elect delegates to the Wyandotte constitutional convention.

Albert McDonald Cole

Albert McDonald Cole
Date: Between 1945 and 1953
This black and white photograph shows Albert McDonald Cole. A lawyer and a county attorney from Jackson County, Kansas. Cole began his political career, in 1941, when he was elected to the Kansas Senate as a representative for the counties of Atchison and Jackson. He served in the legislature until 1945 before successfully being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Kansas' first congressional district, (1945-1953). In his 1952 bid for re-election, Cole was narrowly defeated but the loss was attributed to his support for the construction of the Tuttle Creek Dam. After his career in Kansas politics came to a close, Cole later served during the Eisenhower adminsitration as Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency (1953-1959). From 1959 to-1961, he served as vice president of Reynolds Aluminum Service Corp. and president of Reynolds Metals Development Corp.(1961-1967).

Alice Sudlow Ash

Alice Sudlow Ash
Creator: Lenak Studios
Date: 1944
This is a photograph of Alice Sudlow Ash enlisted in the WAVE: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service for the U.S. Navy in 1943 and served until 1945. In an Interview conducted by Suzette McCord-Rogers on Nov 3, 2007, Ash talked about military experiences in the Second World War. She was sent to Bronx, New York, for basic training and then to Oklahoma to attend aviation mechanic school. She served the rest of her enlistment in Jacksonville, Florida, repairing airplane engines. She was born in Holton in 1924 and graduated from Holton High School in 1942. After she married Don Ash, she lived in Circleville, Kansas. A transcript of the interview is available at http://www.kansasmemory.org/item/218588.

Alice Sudlow Ash video interview on experiences in World War II (transcript)

Alice Sudlow Ash video interview on experiences in World War II (transcript)
Creator: Ash, Alice Sudlow
Date: November 3, 2007
Alice Sudlow enlisted in the WAVE: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (U.S. Navy) in 1943 and served until 1945. Interviewed by Suzette McCord-Rogers on Nov 3, 2007, Ash talked about military experiences in the Second World War. She was sent to Bronx, New York, for basic training and then to Oklahoma to attend aviation mechanic school. She served the rest of her enlistment in Jacksonville, Florida, repairing airplane engines. She was born in Holton in 1924 and graduated from Holton High School in 1942. After she married Don Ash, she lived in Circleville, Kansas. The 2005 Kansas Legislature passed a bill funding the WWII Veterans Oral History grant program. This transcript is from one of the community institutions receiving grants. The transcript of the interview is presented here; the original video copy of the interview is available through the Doniphan County Historical Society (Troy) and through the Kansas State Historical Society.

A New Home in an Old Settlement:  Come  and see the "New Land in an Old Country"

A New Home in an Old Settlement: Come and see the "New Land in an Old Country"
Date: May 1, 1876
This paper advertises for sale land, formerly owned by the Pottawatomie Nation, from 1837 to 1868, and then purchased by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Road Company. On the reverse side of the paper is a sectional map showing the area and identifying those lands that were still for sale by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Company. The text gives brief descriptions of the cities and towns in the area; the railroads available; fuel and lumber that are native to the area; and, descriptions and prices of the land.

Anna Hittle souvenirs

Anna Hittle souvenirs
Date: 1900-1903
This series of high school souvenirs are from Jackson County, Kansas. Included with the souvenirs is a program and a merit certificate.

Barn on the Capsey farm in Nemaha County, Kansas

Barn on the Capsey farm in Nemaha County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
A photograph showing a barn on the Capsey farm. This barn was located in Nemaha County, Kansas.

Baseball team in Hoyt, Kansas

Baseball team in Hoyt, Kansas
Date: 1922
This photograph shows the Hoyt baseball team in Hoyt, Kansas. Players are identified through inscriptions on the image itself, and also from a note glued to the back of the frame holding the photograph. In the back row are (l to r): Jeff Williams; Harry Hozel (c); Jim Sparks (mgr); L. Boies (ss); and George Tolin (umpire). In the middle row are (l to r): Jess Root (1b); Billy Beck (c); Russ Warner (p); and Dick O'Brien (lf). Seated in the front row are (l to r): Jack Preston (c); Ole Hudson (p); Kenneth Boies (cf); Ira Kirkwood (3b); and Oliver Raymond.

Brookly Bridge, Solider, Kansas

Brookly Bridge, Solider, Kansas
Creator: Reed & Son, Solider, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1909
This postcard shows a stone arch bridge in Solider, Kansas commonly referred to as the "Brookly Bridge".

Business in Holton, Kansas

Business in Holton, Kansas
Date: 1910
This is a photograph showing (left to right) Henry Smith Hancuff, an unidentified man, and Clarence Monett standing in front of a business at 108 West 5th Street in Holton, Kansas. The front window is labeled "E.J. Richey."

Business men, property owners to Governor John Martin

Business men, property owners to Governor John Martin
Creator: Kansas Community Leaders
Date: March 26, 1886
In this telegram, business men and property owners from several Kansas communities plead with the governor to issue a proclamation to resume traffic on all rail lines operated by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company during the railroad strike of 1886.

Campbell College, Holton, Kansas

Campbell College, Holton, Kansas
Date: Bulk 1883-1887
These photographs show Campbell College, (or Holton University) when Charles F. Menninger was a teacher and Flo V. Knisely was a student. Charles became a doctor and with sons Will and Karl, founded the Menninger Clinic, which was the nation's first group psychiatry practice, in 1919 in Topeka. In 1925, they established a inpatient hospital, the Menninger Clinic.

Captain William F. Creitz, 5th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry

Captain William F. Creitz, 5th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry
Creator: Bankes, T. W.
Date: Between 1860 and 1870
This photograph is of Captain William F. Creitz of the Fifth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, Company A, during the Civil War. He was from Holton, Kansas.

Case Broderick to Governor John St. John

Case Broderick to Governor John St. John
Creator: Broderick, Case
Date: June 26, 1880
In this letter, attorney Case Broderick of Holton, Kansas, invites Kansas Governor St. John to address the Teachers Session regarding the prohibition amendment, sometime after July 5th.

C.C. Isley to Reverend W.C. McGuire, and accompanying manuscript

C.C. Isley to Reverend W.C. McGuire, and accompanying manuscript
Creator: Isely, Charles C.
Date: September 06, 1943
These two items, from C.C. Isely of Dodge City, Kansas, contain Isely's thoughts on his experience at the Kickapoo Indian Reservation in the late 1890s. In the letter to Reverend W.C. McGuire of Hoyt, Kansas, Isely asks McGuire if he was familiar with two Potawatomies that Isely appeared with in a picture taken at the time of his 1897 visit. The accompanying story, titled "Democracy in the Primitive" contains Isely's recollections of his visit to the Kickapoo Indian Reservation near Powhattan, Kansas.

Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad offers land from Atchison to Kirwin and Bull City

Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad offers land from Atchison to Kirwin and Bull City
Creator: Union Pacific Railroad, Central Branch
Date: January 1880
This brochure encourages the purchase of land twenty miles either side of the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad. The Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad lies primarily from Atchison to Concordia and north. There is a full map of the area on the reverse side of the brochure. Also included are brief descriptions of Marshall, Brown, Jackson, Riley, Pottawatomie and Nemaha counties. There is a drawing of the Blue Rapids Woolen Mills and power plant.

Charles A. and Frank Richard

Charles A. and Frank Richard
Date: Between 1897 and 1899
This is a photograph of Charles A. and Frank Richard, the twin sons of Frank and Olive Jane Richard. They lived in Holton and attended Campbell College. Charles A. Richard was a minister and lecturer in Seneca, Nemaha County, Kansas. Later, he was a minister at the First Christian Church in Lawrence, Kansas. He served as a Republican representing District 17 in the Kansas State Senate in 1937, SS1938, and 1939.

Charles Scheidegger video interview on experiences in World War II (transcript)

Charles Scheidegger video interview on experiences in World War II (transcript)
Creator: Scheidegger, Charles E.
Date: November 9, 2007
Charles Scheidegger was inducted into the Army (Artillery) on August 15, 1941 and served until October 31, 1945 with Field Artillery. He was stationed at Virginia Beach, Virginia; Camp Chaffee, Arkansas; and mechanics school at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Scheidegger was sent overseas, landing in LeHarve, France, and going on to Germany. He did maintenance for a field artillery group. He was born in Dawson, Nebraska, December 7, 1916, and his family mover to a farm near Holton, Kansas in 1924. He was interviewed by Suzette McCord-Rogers on Nov 9, 2007. The 2005 Kansas Legislature passed a bill funding the WWII Veterans Oral History grant program. This transcript is from one of the community institutions receiving grants. The transcript of the interview is presented here; the original video copy of the interview is available through the Doniphan County Historical Society (Troy) and through the Kansas State Historical Society.

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Holton, Kansas

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Holton, Kansas
Creator: Killam, H.
Date: February 12, 1956-September 15, 1957
These two photographs show the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot and possible the freight depot in Holton, Kansas. The structures were part of the Missouri-Kansas Division, Sub. Division 36-A at milepost 60.1

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Hoyt, Kansas.

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Hoyt, Kansas.
Creator: Killam, H.
Date: February 12, 1956
This photograph shows the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, in Hoyt, Kansas. The two-story structure was part of the Missouri-Kansas Division, Sub Division 36-A at milepost 75.8. The depot no longer stands.

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Mayetta, Kansas

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Mayetta, Kansas
Date: 1961
This photograph shows the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot in Mayetta, Kansas. The one-story structure no longer stands.

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Mayetta, Kansas

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Mayetta, Kansas
Creator: Killam, H.
Date: February 12, 1956
This photograph shows the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot in Mayetta, Kansas. The depot was located on the Missouri-Kansas Div., Sub Div. 36-B at milepost 69.4. The one-story structure no longer stands.

Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railroad sign board, Hoyt, Kansas

Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railroad sign board, Hoyt, Kansas
Creator: Killam, H.
Date: May 25, 1957
This photograph shows the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company's sign board in Hoyt, Kansas. The tracks were part of the Missouri-Kansas Division, Sub. Division 36-A at milepost 75.8.

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad sign board, Whiting, Kansas

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad sign board, Whiting, Kansas
Creator: Killam, H.
Date: September 15, 1957
This photograph shows the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad sign board in Whiting, Kansas. The sign and tracks were once part of the Missouri-Kansas Division, Sub Division 36-B at milepost 49.0.

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