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Air Dome Theater, Ellsworth, Kansas

Air Dome Theater, Ellsworth, Kansas
Creator: Lewis Photograph
Date: 1915
This black and white photograph shows three men and a boy in front of the Air Dome Theater in Ellsworth, Kansas. One man has a foghorn. Signs of the side of the structure indicate the theater shows "polite vaudeville and moving pictures" and it is "catering to ladies and children." Tickets are ten and twenty cents but only five cents for children under 8 years of age.

A memory of old Fort Harker

A memory of old Fort Harker
Creator: The Club Member
Date: February 1908
This reminiscence by Mrs. Henry Inman, published in The Club Member, describes her experiences as a Kansas pioneer. She moved to Fort Harker in January 1868 after a difficult journey in severe winter weather. She details various aspects of frontier life, including the U.S. military's conflicts with Native Americans and the daily struggle for survival. She also mentions how she met "Mother" Bickerdyke, and that her husband served in the Seventh Cavalry under General George Armstrong Custer.

Anthony Hamilton and William Ross, prisoners 8409 and 6191

Anthony Hamilton and William Ross, prisoners 8409 and 6191
Creator: Kansas State Penitentiary
Date: February 1, 1901
This photograph shows inmates, Anthony Hamilton, prisoner #8409 and William Ross, prisoner #6191. Anthony Hamilton was received at the Kansas State Penitentiary on January 8, 1898 from Shawnee County, Kansas for larceny. Inmate William Ross was received at the penitentiary on May 7, 1892 from Ellsworth County, Kansas for murder.

A. Roenigk to George W. Martin

A. Roenigk to George W. Martin
Creator: Roenigk, Adolph, 1847-1938
Date: August 30, 1910
A letter from Adolph Roenigk of Lincoln County, Kansas, to George W. Martin, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas. Roenigk writes of the Pawnee Indians that were killed at Mulberry Creek by settlers and soldiers. He also recounts his correspondence with Hercules Price, who was a participant in the Summit Springs Battle, and how Price had a map of the battlefield and accompanying notes.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Holyrood, Kansas

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Holyrood, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1919
This photograph shows the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot in Holyrood, Kansas. In the background a water tank and a house are visible.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Holyrood, Kansas

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Holyrood, Kansas
Date: Between 1950s and 1960s
This photograph shows the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company depot in Holyrood, Kansas. The wooden structure still stands and plans are underway to refurbish it.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Holyrood, Kansas

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Holyrood, Kansas
Creator: Wesely, F.J.
Date: Between 1900 and 1919
This photograph shows a group of people standing in front of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot in Holyrood, Kansas. The wooden structure still stands and plans are underway to refurbish it.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Lorraine, Kansas

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Lorraine, Kansas
Creator: Killam, H.
Date: April 27, 1957
This photograph shows the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot in Lorraine, Kansas. This wooden structure was a part of the Frisco, Northern Division, Burrton Sub. Division, along mile post 594.1 and the Santa Fe Eastern Lines, Middle Division, Little River District along mile post 205.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Lorraine, Kansas

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company depot, Lorraine, Kansas
Date: 1970
This photograph shows the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company depot in Lorraine, Kansas.

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway engine 1080, Holyrood, Kansas

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway engine 1080, Holyrood, Kansas
Creator: Goebel, Charles, 1898-1987
Date: January 09, 1932
This photograph shows Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway's steam engine #1080 taking on water at Holyrood, Kansas. The front of the engine is covered with snow.

Band, Holyrood, Kansas

Band, Holyrood, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1919
A view of members of a band, shown seated with their instruments, on a city street in Holyrood, Kansas. Also visible are spectators, parked automobiles, a utility pole, and buildings and businesses along the city street.

Band Portrait

Band Portrait
Date: Between 1900 and 1920
An informal portrait of the uniformed members of a large band, two member of which are shown holding horns, at an unidentified location possibly near Holyrood, Kansas.

Beads from a Child's Treasure Trove, 14EW310

Beads from a Child's Treasure Trove, 14EW310
Date: 1930-1959
Shown are eight of the 83 artifacts stored in a jar that was recovered during the Kansas Archeology Training Program excavation in 1996 at Fort Harker in Kanopolis, Kansas. The artifacts were discovered in a broken mustard jar, shown in the two slides, and may well represent a child's treasure, buried and forgotten sometime between the 1930s and the 1950s. Shown are eight glass and plastic beads: a black oval bead (possibly a button), a red faceted bead, two clear conical shaped beads, three clear round beads and one oblong red grooved or incised bead.

Bohemian Athletic Club, Wilson, Kansas

Bohemian Athletic Club, Wilson, Kansas
Date: Between 1890 and 1919
This photograph shows members of the Bohemian Athletic Club (Sokol) from Wilson, Kansas. The sokol was a Czechoslovakian organization that promoted physical and intellectual activities within the Slavic community of Wilson.

Bottle from Fort Harker, 14EW310

Bottle from Fort Harker, 14EW310
Date: 1867-1872
This small clear bottle was recovered from Fort Harker during the 1996 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school. The bottle has a flat or patent finish and two recessed side panels. It may have once held patent medicine. Fort Harker was located adjacent to what was to become the town of Kanopolis in Ellsworth County.

Buffalo chips or Kansas coal, Ellsworth County, Kansas

Buffalo chips or Kansas coal, Ellsworth County, Kansas
Date: Between 1890 and 1899
This black and white photograph shows a pile of buffalo chips in Ellsworth County, Kansas. The text reads "Buffalo Chips or Kansas Coal." Buffalo chips were a convenient and plentiful source of fuel on the Great Plains.

Bullets from Fort Harker, 14EW310

Bullets from Fort Harker, 14EW310
Date: 1867-1872
These lead bullets were recovered from Fort Harker during the 1996 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school. The bullet in the top row is a .57 caliber and the three on the bottom row are all .44 caliber. Fort Harker was located adjacent to what was to become the town of Kanopolis in Ellsworth County.

Bull train crossing the Smoky Hill River at Ellsworth, Kansas. On the old Santa Fe crossing 508 miles west of St. Louis, Mo.

Bull train crossing the Smoky Hill River at Ellsworth, Kansas. On the old Santa Fe crossing 508 miles west of St. Louis, Mo.
Creator: Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
Date: 1867
This stereograph shows a bull train and cattle crossing the Smoky Hill River at Ellsworth, Kansas. Visible in the photograph is a covered wagon. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.

Businesses in Ellsworth, Kansas

Businesses in Ellsworth, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1905
This is a photograph showing businesses on the northeast corner of First and Douglas in Ellsworth, Kansas. Parked in front of the businesses is a horse drawn wagon.

Buttons from a Child's Treasure Trove, 14EW310

Buttons from a Child's Treasure Trove, 14EW310
Date: 1930-1959
Shown are five of the 83 artifacts stored in a jar that was recovered during the Kansas Archeology Training Program excavation in 1996 at Fort Harker in Kanopolis, Kansas. The artifacts were discovered in a broken mustard jar, shown in the two slides, and may well represent a child's treasure, buried and forgotten sometime between the 1930s and the 1950s. Shown are four of the six buttons that were found: a lozenge-shaped shank button, two white plastic buttons now stained red/pink and a black and gold glass button. Slight traces of the silver coating on the belt buckle remain.

Buttons from Fort Harker, 14EW310

Buttons from Fort Harker, 14EW310
Date: 1867-1872
These buttons were recovered from Fort Harker during the 1996 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school. Shown are two decorated metal buttons, a glass dome-shaped button, 2-hole glass and shell buttons, and a 4-hole glass piecrust type button. Fort Harker was located adjacent to what was to become the town of Kanopolis in Ellsworth County.

Camp at Fort Harker in Ellsworth County, Kansas

Camp at Fort Harker in Ellsworth County, Kansas
Creator: Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
Date: 1867
This photograph shows a camp at Fort Harker in Ellsworth County, Kansas. The fort was located in present day Kanopolis, Kansas. The image is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.

Carpenters in Holyrood, Kansas

Carpenters in Holyrood, Kansas
Date: Between 1915 and 1920
A postcard showing a group of carpenters (and one little boy) at a construction site in Holyrood, Kansas, wearing aprons from A. Aitken Lumber and Building Materials.

Cattle fording the Smoky Hill River at Ellsworth, Kansas. On the old Santa Fe crossing 508 miles west of St. Louis, Mo.

Cattle fording the Smoky Hill River at Ellsworth, Kansas. On the old Santa Fe crossing 508 miles west of St. Louis, Mo.
Creator: Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
Date: 1867
THis stereograph shows cattle crossing the Smoky Hill River at Ellsworth, Kansas. Visible in the stereograph is a covered wagon. The image is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.

Charles Bunzell and William McKee, prisoners 9082 and 9298

Charles Bunzell and William McKee, prisoners 9082 and 9298
Creator: Kansas State Penitentiary
Date: January 20, 1901
This photograph shows inmates Charles Bunzell, prisoner #9082 and William McKee, prisoner #9298. Charles Bunzell was received at the Kansas State Penitentiary on October 16, 1899 from Ellsworth County, Kansas for pickpocketing. Varient spelling of his surnames includes Bunzel. Inmate William McKee was received at the penitentiary on March 31, 1900 from Oklahoma for larceny.

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