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A Clock's Spring Mechanism from 14CT380

A Clock's Spring Mechanism from 14CT380
Date: 1900-1965
This clock's spring mechanism was recovered in 1995 during an archeological salvage project undertaken by Kansas Historical Society archeologists at a Chautauqua County farmstead. The clock spring controlled the wheels to keep accurate time. Such clocks required periodic winding. This mechanism would have been for a mantle or table top sized clock.

Affidavit from Homer W. Hunter to U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle

Affidavit from Homer W. Hunter to U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle
Creator: Hunter, Homer
Date: March 22, 1943
Affidavit from Homer Hunter of Coffeyville, Kansas, to U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle. The affidavit describes the treatment endured by Melvin L. Jackson, F. Jerry Molohan, and Homer W. Hunter during World War II. The three men, all Jehovah's Witnesses and conscientious objectors, describe the harsh treatment and threats of violence they faced from some members of the American Legion due to their religious beliefs.

Alfred Fairfax

Alfred Fairfax
Creator: Martin, H. T.
Date: Between 1889 and 1890
A portrait of Alfred Fairfax, a politician, farmer and pastor of the New Hope Baptist Church in Parsons, Kansas, who resided near Peru, Kansas. He achieved political distinction in 1888 when he was elected to represent the 58th District, Chautauqua County, in the Kansas House of Representatives. Although few details regarding his single term are known, Representative Fairfax served as chairman of the House Committee on Immigration, and received praise for his service from both the white and black Kansas newspapers.

An appeal for help in behalf of the colored refugees in Kansas

An appeal for help in behalf of the colored refugees in Kansas
Creator: Rust, Horatio Nelson, 1828-1906
Date: January 22, 1881
This flyer, distributed by the Southern Refugee Relief Association of Chicago, Illinois, describes the dire situation of the African-American refugees relocated in Kansas. The secretary of this association, Horatio N. Rust, had taken this opportunity to pass along information relayed to him by Elizabeth Comstock, an aid worker in Topeka. Comstock was thankful for the donations of food and other goods, but asked for more assistance in feeding, clothing, and sheltering these refugees. The flyer also includes short excerpts of letters by agents of the refugee association who had direct knowledge of the emigrants' situation.

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company roadbed, Elgin, Kansas.

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company roadbed, Elgin, Kansas.
Date: 1956
This photograph shows the abandoned roadbed of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company in Elgin, Kansas.

B. B. Comer and George Scott, prisoners 9478 and 9508

B. B. Comer and George Scott, prisoners 9478 and 9508
Creator: Kansas State Penitentiary
Date: March 20, 1901
This photograph shows inmates, B. B. Comer, prisoner #9478 and George Scott, prisoner #9508. B.B. Comer was received at the Kansas State Penitentiary on October 2, 1900 from Chatauqua County, Kansas for murder. Inmate George Scott was received at the penitentiary on October 27, 1900 from Oklahoma for larceny.

Ben Cravens, prisoner 8003

Ben Cravens, prisoner 8003
Creator: Kansas State Penitentiary
Date: Date Unknown
This photograph shows inmate, Ben Cravens, prisoner #8003. He was received at the Kansas State Penitentiary on January 18, 1897 from Chatauqua County, Kansas for robbery. See also Unit ID 311826.

Bottle from 14CT368

Bottle from 14CT368
Date: 1929-1950
This bottle was recovered from a Chautauqua County farmstead during a 1995 salvage project by Kansas Historical Society archeologists. The bottle base is embossed with "PATENT DESIGN 77716 597" and a "T" inside a triangle. This refers to the decorative design patent filed on February 12, 1929 by Robert Walker of the Turner Glass Company of Terra Haute, Indiana. The bottle is decorated on the front and back with a inset molded curvilinear decorative pattern with a stippled surface.

Bottles from 14CT385

Bottles from 14CT385
Date: 1888-1978
These bottles were recovered from a dump located at the headwater of an intermittent stream in Chautauqua County. The brown bottle has "ONE FULL QUART," fluting, and diamonds molded on the shoulder and neck. This bottle was made by either the Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Company (1888-1919) or the Ball Brothers Company (1919-1969). The clear bottle, now stained, has on the base "DESIGN PAT 92466," "32 FL. OZ," and the bottle makers mark for the Obear-Nestor Glass Company of East St. Louis, Illinois (1915-1978).

Bottles from a Chautauqua County Farmstead, 14CT374

Bottles from a Chautauqua County Farmstead, 14CT374
Date: 1885-1935
These two bottles were recovered from a farmstead in Chautauqua County during a 1995 salvage excavation by Kansas Historical Society archeologists. The clear glass bottle has an external small mouth threaded finish and an embossed "V" within a circle on each side. The embossed bottle maker's mark on the bottom may be from the Diamond Glass Company of Royersford, Pennsylvania (1885-1990). The brown glass bottle with an external small mouth threaded finish and a metal screw-on cap was possibly used as a condiment bottle. The bottle maker's mark embossed on the bottom of the bottle shows it is from the Owens-Illinois Glass Company of Toledo, Ohio, and based on the date mark, the bottle was made in either 1929, 1939, or 1949.

Boulanger baseball team in Elgin, Kansas

Boulanger baseball team in Elgin, Kansas
Date: Between 1910 and 1920
Here are four photographs of the Boulanger baseball team in Elgin, Kansas.

Branding a calf in a squeeze chute

Branding a calf in a squeeze chute
Creator: Kansas Farmer Magazine
Date: Between 1960 and 1969
View of men watching a demonstration of calf branding in Chautauqua County, Kansas. The calf is held in a squeeze chute.

Buttons from 14CT380

Buttons from 14CT380
Date: 1900-1965
These buttons were recovered in 1995 during an archeological salvage project undertaken by Kansas Historical Society archeologists at a Chautauqua County farmstead. One metal button front advertises the "LAKIN MCKEY" company, manufacturers of work wear from 1908 to 1938. Another metal button front has the words "THE TOOTLE," though the reference is unknown. Also shown is a Bakelite (early synthetic plastic) two-hole sew through button and a plastic molded cut out shank button with a blue and gold geometric pattern. Another plastic blue speckled two-hole sew through button was recovered from the cistern at the farmstead.

Buttons from a Chautauqua County Farmstead, 14CT374

Buttons from a Chautauqua County Farmstead, 14CT374
Date: 1878-1935
These buttons were recovered from a farmstead in Chautauqua County during a 1995 salvage excavation by Kansas Historical Society archeologists. Shown are a bone 4-hole sew-through button, a glass 4-hole dish button, and a black cut-out shank button with a floral and geometric art deco decorative style, popular in the 1920s and 1930s.

B. W. Hiatt to Governor John St. John

B. W. Hiatt to Governor John St. John
Creator: Hiatt, B. W.
Date: May 09, 1880
In this letter, Kansas Governor St. John is invited to attend a mass temperance convention at Sedan in Chautauqua County. He is urged to bring other notable speakers with him.

B. W. Hiatt to Governor John St. John

B. W. Hiatt to Governor John St. John
Creator: Hiatt, B. W.
Date: June 13, 1880
A letter from B.W. Hiatt commenting that the prearranged June 24th mass temperance meeting is badly needed in his area and assures Kansas Governor St. John of a large turnout.

Carl Lester Cavenee, World War I soldier

Carl Lester Cavenee, World War I soldier
Date: 1918-1919
Around 1919, the Kansas State Historical Society and the American Legion solicited biographical information from returning veterans (primarily members of the 35th and 89th infantry divisions) and the families of those who died in service, notably from the Gold Star Mothers. Each veteran or family member was asked to provide letters, photographs, a biography, and military records. This file contains information on Carl Lester Cavenee, 353rd Infantry. Cavenee died a prisoner of war in 1918.

Cast Iron Toy Cannon from 14CT380

Cast Iron Toy Cannon from 14CT380
Date: 1900-1965
This cast iron toy cannon fragment was recovered in 1995 during a highway salvage project undertaken by Kansas Historical Society archeologists at a Chautauqua County farmstead. Cast iron toys were made by a method called sand casting, where molten iron was poured into a mold made of tightly packed sand. This toy was cleaned by electrolysis which passes an electrical current through a liquid solution to separate the rust from the artifact.

Ceramic Pipes from 14CT382

Ceramic Pipes from 14CT382
Date: 1860-1900
These four pipe fragments were recovered during 1995 archeological investigations at a farmstead in Chautauqua County. All are made of different colored clays and were manufactured using molds, with some of the mold seams yet visible. One red pipe bowl has partial lettering around the bowl. Three of the pipes were smoked prior to breaking as evidenced by visible traces of tobacco residue, called dottle.

Charles Andrews and James Walker, prisoners 8767 and 7854

Charles Andrews and James Walker, prisoners 8767 and 7854
Creator: Kansas State Penitentiary
Date: January 30, 1901
This photograph shows Charles Andrews, prisoner #8767 and James Walker, prisoner #7854. Charles Andrews was received at the Kansas State Penitentiary on December 1898 from Oklahoma for burglary. Inmate James Walker was received at the penitentiary on September 16, 1896 from Chatauqua County, Kansas for murder.

Chautauqua County livestock brand registrations

Chautauqua County livestock brand registrations
Creator: Kansas. State Planning Board
Date: 1876-1935
Records of livestock brands in Chautauqua County, Kansas, as compiled by workers on a project sponsored by the Kansas State Planning Board. The forms provide the owner's name and county in which he or she resided; date brand was registered; whether it was used for cattle, horses, sheep, or hogs; a brief description usually indicating where the brand was placed on the animal; and a copy of the brand design. The registrations in these folders are in chronological order by date filed.

Chautauqua street in Sedan, Kansas

Chautauqua street in Sedan, Kansas
Date: September 12, 1935
This postcard shows Chautauqua street looking north from Main street in Sedan, Kansas

City water and power works, Sedan, Kansas

City water and power works, Sedan, Kansas
Date: Between 1880 and 1900
This is a view of the city water and power works in Sedan, Kansas.

Clem Darnell, prisoner 9099

Clem Darnell, prisoner 9099
Creator: Kansas State Penitentiary
Date: Date Unknown
This photograph shows inmate Clem Darnell, prisoner #9099. He was received at the Kansas State Penitentiary on November 4, 1899 from Chatauqua County, Kansas for murder.

County Affairs, Chautauqua County

County Affairs, Chautauqua County
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
This letter dated January 6, 1886 is from the Chautauqua County, Kansas Clerk, A. C. Hilligoss, regarding the office of coroner to Kansas Governor John Martin. Hilligoss wrote to certify the vacancy of coroner due to the resignation of the former coroner, Daniel S. Gray, and the unqualified elected candidate, J. A. Calvert. Hilligoss recommends Dr. W. F. Sheek for the appointment. Chautauqua County was organized on June 1, 1875.

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