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70th anniversary edition supplement to the Washington County Register

70th anniversary edition supplement to the Washington County Register
Creator: Washington County Register
Date: September 16, 1938
This special anniversary edition supplement celebrates the seventieth anniversary of the Washington County Register. The supplement highlights the pioneers and businessmen of the county along with photos and advertisements. It contains short histories of Washington County towns and also brief descriptions of the businesses in the various communities. Many businesses also have adds in this supplement. It contains lists of pioneers, graduates from Washington County schools, and soldiers buried in Washington County cemeteries.

Abstract of census returns

Abstract of census returns
Creator: Undersigned Citizens of Kansas Territory, John Stroup (first signature),
Date: 1859
This 1859 abstract of census returns shows information at the township level for most Kansas counties. Some counties are listed without data. The census lists the number of voters in three different ways--the number of votes cast June 7, 1859; number of voters on June 7, 1859 who were under 6 month provision; and number of voters under 3 month provision. It also lists the number of inhabitants. The election on June 7, 1859, was to elect delegates to the Wyandotte constitutional convention.

Advertising for Solt Lumber & Coal Company in Barnes, Kansas

Advertising for Solt Lumber & Coal Company in Barnes, Kansas
Creator: Kansas City Slide Co.
Date: Between 1920 and 1929
These two glass lantern slides are advertising products sold by Solt Lumber & Coal Company in Barnes, Kansas.

Albert R. Greene to Franklin G. Adams

Albert R. Greene to Franklin G. Adams
Creator: Greene, A.R.
Date: August 18, 1897
In this letter to Franklin G. Adams, Albert R. Greene explains that he recently met with Charles C. Haynes, with whom he discussed the waning days of the Overland Stage. Greene explains that Haynes was old but that his eye was as "keen as when he ran the gauntlet of hostile Indians and brought his coach into the home station bristling with arrows."

And we will be there, at Greenleaf's big fair

And we will be there, at Greenleaf's big fair
Creator: Washington County Agricultural and Mechanical Assocition
Date: September 12, 1888-September 14, 1888
This Greenleaf, Kansas, fair poster features two girls holding a hand fan.

Band shell, Barnes, Kansas

Band shell, Barnes, Kansas
Date: 1997
This is a view of the band shell located in the I.O.O.F. (International Order of Odd Fellows) Park in Barnes, Kansas.

Baptism in cow tank, Linn, Kansas

Baptism in cow tank, Linn, Kansas
Date: 1915
This postcard shows a group of people gathered around a cow tank as Vern Sizemore baptized a Kaiser boy, at a unedified farm, near the town of Linn in Washington County, Kanas.

Beads from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Beads from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1857-1941
These beads were recovered from the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County. Some are likely trade beads that were widely traded until the 1850s, while others may have been deposited at the site much later. The site was the location of a pony express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings. The site was purchased by the Kansas Legislature in 1941 and is in the National Register of Historic Places.

Big Blue River Basin

Big Blue River Basin
Date: 1968
This map shows the Big Blue River Basin, covering parts of Kansas and Nebraska. It is a letter size map and the map's scale is unknown.

Bloodletting Lancet from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Bloodletting Lancet from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1857-1900
This lancet was recovered from the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County. Lancets such as this one were used during bloodletting, or phlebotomy, a practice once thought to have beneficial results to one's health. The popularity of bloodletting began to decline in the mid-1800s and fell out of favor by the early twentieth century. The site was the location of a Pony Express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings. The site was purchased by the Kansas Legislature in 1941 and is in the National Register of Historic Places.

Bottle Base with a Pontil Scar from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Bottle Base with a Pontil Scar from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1857-1910
This bottle base was recovered from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County during the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school. The base shows a pontil scar, also called a ring pontil, that indicates the bottle was made using a blow pipe. This type of scar is common from the 1750s through the 1910s, though their frequency began to decline with the advent of bottle making machines in the 1880s. The site was the location of a pony express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings.

Bottle Fragment from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Bottle Fragment from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1891-1941
These bottle fragment was recovered from the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County. The bottle has an exterior thread closure, but is capped with a crown bottle cap. The site was the location of a pony express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings. The site was purchased by the Kansas Legislature in 1941 and is in the National Register of Historic Places.


Date: between 1860 and 1880
Small, oval-shaped gold brooch. Engraved black enamel tracery design at center. Stippled texture in gold around design; gold in the design is smooth. Bar closure on back with a "t" hinge and "c" clasp. Brooch belonged to Sophia Brockmeyer Hollenberg Kalhoefer. Her first husband was Garet Henry Hollenberg, who operated Hollenberg Station at Hanover, Kansas.

Brooch Safety Pin from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Brooch Safety Pin from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1857-1941
This brooch pin was recovered from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County during the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school. The pin is painted a bright light blue. The site was the location of a pony express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings.

Business men, property owners to Governor John Martin

Business men, property owners to Governor John Martin
Creator: Kansas Community Leaders
Date: March 26, 1886
In this telegram, business men and property owners from several Kansas communities plead with the governor to issue a proclamation to resume traffic on all rail lines operated by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company during the railroad strike of 1886.

Buttons from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Buttons from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1857-1941
These eight buttons were recovered from the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County. Shown are a broken shell button, a 4-hole button with a purple cast, a clear glass button with an eight-pointed star pattern, a white china dish button with maroon trim, three white china dish buttons, and a black china 2-hole button with traces of gold around the sew-through holes. The site was the location of a pony express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings. The site was purchased by the Kansas Legislature in 1941 and is in the National Register of Historic Places.

Buttons from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Buttons from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1857-1941
These white glass buttons, all with assorted colors around and on their edges, were recovered during excavations at the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County. They are more commonly called "china buttons." The site was the location of a pony express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other out buildings. The site was purchased by the Kansas Legislature in 1941 and is in the National Register of Historic Places.

Calico Buttons from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Calico Buttons from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1857-1900
These buttons were recovered from the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County. The buttons get their name from their resemblance to patterns of calico material. Patterns shown here are pink asterisks, brown squares, pink diamonds, and brown teardrops. The site was the location of a Pony Express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings. The site was purchased by the Kansas Legislature in 1941 and is in the National Register of Historic Places.

Caretaker's cottage at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, Washington County, Kansas

Caretaker's cottage at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, Washington County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas State Historical Society
Date: 1965
Two views of the caretaker's cottage at the Pony Express Station in Washington County, Kansas. The station, originally a ranch house, was built in 1857 by Gerat H. and Sophia Hollenberg, for people traveling on the Oregon-California Trail, and from 1860 to 1861 it was operated as a Pony Express station. After Gerat Hollenberg's death in 1874, the station became a farm home until 1941 when the Kansas Legislature purchased the building and the surrounding seven acres. The site was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1961 and two years later, the Kansas Historical Society was given the responsibility to operate it as Hollenberg Pony Express Station Historic Site.

Ceremony at the Pony Express Station, Washington County, Kansas

Ceremony at the Pony Express Station, Washington County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas State Historical Society
Date: July 14, 1963
Four photographs showing a ceremony at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station marking the location as a registered National Historic Landmark. The three men pictured by the monument are S. Sohl, M. Mattes, and L. Dieker. The Hollenberg ranch house was built in 1857 by Gerat H. and Sophia Hollenberg, establishing a way station for travelers on the Oregon-California Trail, and from 1860 to 1861 they operated a Pony Express station. After Gerat Hollenberg's death in 1874, the station became a farm home until 1941 when the Kansas Legislature purchased the building and the surrounding seven acres. The site was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1961 and two years later, the Kansas Historical Society was given the responsibility to operate it as Hollenberg Pony Express Station Historic Site.

Charlie Thompson family, Linn, Kansas

Charlie Thompson family, Linn, Kansas
Date: 1915
This black and white postcard shows the Charlie Thompson family sitting in an automobile in Linn, Kansas. The family has been identified as follows: FRONT ROW : Charlie, sons; Arnold, and Chester. BACK ROW: Iona, the wife and daughter Gertrude.

Cloth from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Cloth from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1857-1941
These cloth fragments were recovered from the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County. Shown is a fragment of a black and white calico (printed cotton fabric) and dotted swiss (muslin fabric decorated with evenly spaced raised dots). The site was the location of a Pony Express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings. The site was purchased by the Kansas Legislature in 1941 and is in the National Register of Historic Places.

Comics from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316

Comics from the Hollenberg Pony Express Station, 14WH316
Date: 1941
These fragments of a Sunday's comic strips were recovered from the 1991 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Washington County. Other newspaper fragments associated with these mentioned the Sunflower Ammunition Plant, Desoto, Kansas, opening in March of 1941. The site was the location of a pony express station, a stop on the Oregon-California trail, a post office, a blacksmith shop, and a farm with barns and other outbuildings. The site was purchased by the Kansas Legislature in 1941 and is in the National Register of Historic Places.

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee correspondence

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee correspondence
Date: 1918
This collection consists of correspondence between individuals and committee members to the state chair of the Woman's Committee of the Kansas Council of National Defense. The Council of National Defense was established at the federal level in 1916 as an emergency agency under the Army Appropriation Act and abolished in 1921. It was created in reaction to World War I to coordinate resources and industries for national defense and improve civilian morale. The Woman's Committee of the Kansas Council of National Defense performed the same functions at the state and local levels, coordinating women's activities for national defense. The materials are organized alphabetically by county. The digitization of this collection was paid for through the Margot R. Swovelan Endowment Fund.

Counties : Washington

Counties : Washington
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1881
A letter on August 22, 1881 from G. B. Vroom writing to Kansas Governor St. John to tender his resignation as Surveyor of Washington County. In the letter Vroom offers a recommendation of a person to fill his position.

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