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Adam and Fred Thielen and friends in an automobile, Dorrance, Kansas

Adam and Fred Thielen and friends in an automobile, Dorrance, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: May 7, 1911
View of four people seated in the open 1908 Reo automobile, and three people posed next to the auto, in Russell County, Kansas. The two men seated in the automobile may be Adam and Fred Thielen. One of the young women is seated on an American motorcycle. The Reo auto was noted as a 2 cylinder, chain drive car, with two seats in front and a small jump seat on the back.

A gathering at Jonathan Erickson's home, Russell County, Kansas

A gathering at Jonathan Erickson's home, Russell County, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: June 12, 1913
View of people gathered at Jonathan Erickson's home in Russell County, Kansas. Also visible are a carriage and many automobiles parked in the front yard, and a large group of people standing either on the porch or in the yard.

Albert Edward Bodmer, World War I soldier

Albert Edward Bodmer, World War I soldier
Date: Between 1918 and 1921
Around 1919, the Kansas State Historical Society and the American Legion solicited biographical information from returning veterans (primarily members of the 35th and 89th infantry divisions) and the families of those who died in service, notably from the Gold Star Mothers. Each veteran or family member was asked to provide letters, photographs, a biography, and military records. This file contains information on Albert Edward Bodmer, 353rd Infantry. Albert was wounded in France on November 6, 1918 and died on November 10 from those injuries.

Amelia Kejr's map of Township 15 South, Range 12 West, Russell County

Amelia Kejr's map of Township 15 South, Range 12 West, Russell County
Creator: Kejr, Amelia, 1898-
Date: 1910
A map drawn by Amelia Kejr from Dorrance, Kansas, showing creeks, school houses, churches, farms and fences of Township 15 South, Range 12 West, in Russell County. This is one of several maps drawn by school children for a contest organized by Judge J. C. Ruppenthal of Russell, Kansas. The maps were to meet a "requirement of presenting historical data, together with excellence and accuracy of drawing." A legend is provided on the back of the map.

Annabelle Delp's map of Township 14 South, Range 14 West, Russell County

Annabelle Delp's map of Township 14 South, Range 14 West, Russell County
Creator: Delp, Annabelle Lee, 1895-1986
Date: 1910
A map drawn by Annabelle Delp, showing creeks, the Denver Trail, and the homesteaders of Grant Township, Township 14 South, Range 14 West, Russell County. Annabelle also compiled a comprehensive list of homesteaders in the township. This is one of several maps drawn by school children for a contest organized by Judge J. C. Ruppenthal of Russell, Kansas. The maps were to meet a "requirement of presenting historical data, together with excellence and accuracy of drawing."

Arthur Strange Tisdale, World War I soldier

Arthur Strange Tisdale, World War I soldier
Date: 1918-1919
Around 1919, the Kansas State Historical Society and the American Legion solicited biographical information from returning veterans (primarily members of the 35th and 89th infantry divisions) and the families of those who died in service, notably from the Gold Star Mothers. Each veteran or family member was asked to provide letters, photographs, a biography, and military records. This file contains information on Arthur Strange Tipton, 16th Balloon Company. While in France, Arthur died of influenza on February 17, 1919. He was born in Russell, Russell County, Kansas, on February 7, 1892. He graduated from high school in 1911 and attended Hutchinson Business College. He held numerous positions is Russell, including city clerk.

A Story of Real Life on The Plains

A Story of Real Life on The Plains
Creator: Van Sickle, S.S.
Date: 1875
A story written by Captain S.S. Van Sickel, in which he recounts his time on the Plains, his experiences with the Indians, and his narrow escape from death during the winter of 1874-75. He was a citizen of Bull City, Kansas (now known as Alton) for several years and also spent time in Dodge City, Great Bend, and Russell.

Automobile in a grove of trees, Russell County, Kansas

Automobile in a grove of trees, Russell County, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: September 18, 1910
A stereograph view of three men seated in an open automobile parked in a grove of trees in Russell County, Kansas.

Automobile on country road, Russell County, Kansas

Automobile on country road, Russell County, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: September 18, 1910
One side of a stereograph showing three people in a car traveling along a country road in Russell County, Kansas. Also visible in the background are a house, a windmill, farm buildings, open fields, groves of trees, and a long bridge that may cross the Smoky Hill River.

Baseball game probably in Russell, Kansas

Baseball game probably in Russell, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
This is a photograph showing a baseball game probably played in Russell, Kansas.

Bertha Fink's map of Township 14 South, Range 14 West, Russel County

Bertha Fink's map of Township 14 South, Range 14 West, Russel County
Creator: Fink, Bertha M., 1898-1984
Date: 1910
A map drawn by Bertha Fink showing creeks, the Denver Trail, and the homesteaders of Grant Township, Township 14 South, Range 14 West in Russell County. Bertha also compiled a list of the homesteaders in the township. This is one of several maps drawn by school children for a contest organized by Judge J. C. Ruppenthal of Russell, Kansas. The maps were to meet a "requirement of presenting historical data, together with excellence and accuracy of drawing."

Binding wheat with horse-drawn binder

Binding wheat with horse-drawn binder
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: June 29, 1912
Binding wheat on L.G. Brown's farm in Russell County, Kansas.

Birds eye view of Luray, Kansas

Birds eye view of Luray, Kansas
Date: Between 1915 and 1920
A postcard showing a birds eye view of Luray, Kansas, looking north.

Blanche and Georgie Halbe, Dorrance, Kansas

Blanche and Georgie Halbe, Dorrance, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: January, 1909
This is an informal portrait of two of the photographer's siblings, Blanche and Georgie Halbe, outside of their home in Dorrance, Russell County, Kansas. Also visible are the snow-covered yard, a wicker baby carriage and stone posts along the city street.

Boys in a dog-drawn wagon, Dorrance, Kansas

Boys in a dog-drawn wagon, Dorrance, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: March 13, 1910
This is an informal portrait of Joseph Basala's three young sons riding in a small dog-drawn wagon on a farm in Dorrance, Kansas. There is a farm building and stone fence posts in the background.

Brown's Garage, Dorrance, Kansas

Brown's Garage, Dorrance, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: August 29, 1911
View of three men in the Brown Garage in Dorrance, Russell County, Kansas. One man is leaning against a work bench, another is seated on an Indian motorcycle, and a third is seated in an open convertible automobile.

Bucking Ford in Russell, Kansas

Bucking Ford in Russell, Kansas
Date: Between 1945 and 1949
This is a slide showing a "bucking Ford" in Russell, Kansas. The back wheels were off set to make the barrell buck. It was driven in parades and other local events. It was probably built by Fred "Fritz" Strecker.

Buick automobile, Dorrance, Kansas

Buick automobile, Dorrance, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: September 8, 1910
View of a Buick coupe automobile parked on a street in Dorrance, Russell County, Kansas. Also visible are houses, barns, windmills, a church and steeple, and stone post and wire fences along the city street.


Date: Between 1880 and 1920
This is a photograph of a camping scene in Russell County, Kansas. It shows men and boys, a horse, a dog, rifles, and a tent.

Charles Strecker's map of Township 14 South, Range 14 West, Russell County

Charles Strecker's map of Township 14 South, Range 14 West, Russell County
Creator: Strecker, Charles
Date: 1910
A map drawn by Charles Strecker showing creeks, the Denver Trail, and the homesteaders of Grant Township, Township 14 South, Range 14 West in Russell County. Charles also compiled a list of land owners in the township. This is one of several maps drawn by school children for a contest organized by Judge J. C. Ruppenthal of Russell, Kansas. The maps were to meet a "requirement of presenting historical data, together with excellence and accuracy of drawing."

Charlotte Hopper driving a Ford automobile, Dorrance, Kansas

Charlotte Hopper driving a Ford automobile, Dorrance, Kansas
Creator: Halbe, L. W. (Leslie Winfield), 1893-1981
Date: June 7, 1913
Charlotte Hopper is in the driver's seat of a Ford convertible automobile in Dorrance, Kansas. Four people are seated in the automobile, and two young boys are shown seated upon its left front fender and left running board.

Children sledding in the snow, Russell, Kansas

Children sledding in the snow, Russell, Kansas
Date: Between 1905 and 1915
This photograph was produced from a dry plate glass negative showing, possibly, Wentworth children sledding in Russell, Kansas.

Christmas tree, L.C. Walbridge Ranch, Russell County, Kansas

Christmas tree, L.C. Walbridge Ranch, Russell County, Kansas
Date: Between 1870s and 1890s
This black and white photograph shows a Christmas tree adorned with dolls and popcorn at the L.C. Walbridge Ranch in Russell County, Kansas.

Clyde Markley's map of Township 15 South, Range 13 West, Russell County

Clyde Markley's map of Township 15 South, Range 13 West, Russell County
Creator: Markley, Clyde William, 1893-1964
Date: 1911
A map drawn by Clyde Markley showing creeks, school houses and school districts, churches and farms of Township 15 South, Range 12 West of Russell County. On two typed pages, Clyde gives details about the township's history. This is one of several maps drawn by school children for a contest organized by Judge J. C. Ruppenthal of Russell, Kansas. The maps were to meet a "requirement of presenting historical data, together with excellence and accuracy of drawing." Clyde has also created a two page key to the map.

Counties : Russell

Counties : Russell
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1879
The letters in this file pertain to the vacancy in the office of Probate Judge for Russell County. There is a letter of resignation from the present Probate Judge, and in his letter, he recommends a successor for the position. A separate letter from A. J. Dixon writes to the Governor to apply for the appointment as Probate Judge. Accompanying the letter is a petition from supporters for A. J. Dixon as Russell County Probate Judge.

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