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Black Friday meets its master

Black Friday meets its master
Creator: Garden City Daily Telegram
Date: April 10, 1935
Several articles about life in the Dust Bowl can be found on the front page of this newspaper from Garden City. Articles of particular interest include two articles on "raging dusters," one on the winter wheat crop, and a brief article discussing the postponement of community meetings to distribute aid under the soil erosion program. The newspaper also includes articles about other newsworthy events occurring in Garden City and around the state of Kansas.

Campaign brochure for Congressman Keith Sebelius

Campaign brochure for Congressman Keith Sebelius
Creator: Sebelius for Congress
Date: 1976
This is a campaign brochure for Kansas First District Congressman Keith Sebelius. The brochure was mailed to Jack and Hazel Carlin, Smolan, Kansas. The son of the local dentist, Keith G. Sebelius was born in Almena, Norton County, Kansas, on September 10, 1916, and attended Almena public schools. He graduated from Fort Hays Kansas State College in 1939 and the George Washington University Law School in 1942. Sebelius practiced law in Kansas and the District of Columbia and served in the military during World War II and the Korean conflict. He was city councilman, mayor, and city attorney of Almena, Norton County attorney, mayor of Norton, and a state senator (appointed in 1962 and elected in 1964). In 1968 he was elected to the U.S. Congress (served, January 3, 1969-January 3, 1981). After representing the people of Kansas's "Big First" District for a dozen years, Congressman Sebelius chose not to seek reelection in 1980 and returned to his law practice in Norton, where he died on September 5, 1982.

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Norton, Kansas

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad depot, Norton, Kansas
Date: 1967
This photograph shows the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad depot in Norton, Kansas.

City school in Almena, Kansas

City school in Almena, Kansas
Date: Between 1907 and 1929
A postcard of the Almena city school in Almena, Norton County, Kansas.

Community gardens at Norton, Kansas

Community gardens at Norton, Kansas
Creator: Kansas Emergency Relief Committee
Date: August 20, 1935
This is a photograph showing the community gardens in Norton, Kansas. Water for irrigation was pumped from a nearby creek. The photograph was removed from the Relief Garden Program of 1935 portion of the Kansas Emergency Relief Committee collection.

Corn cribs, Norton County, Kansas

Corn cribs, Norton County, Kansas
Creator: Reed, Norton, Kansas
Date: Between 1890 and 1899
This sepia-colored photograph shows corn cribs filled with corn raised by George Washington Chase on his farm located northwest of Norton, Kansas. The writing on the photograph states that 200 acres produced 10,000 bushels of corn.

Corn Festival parade, Almena, Kansas

Corn Festival parade, Almena, Kansas
Date: July 31, 1982
This is a view of a small band marching in the Corn Festival parade in Almena, Kansas, on July 31, 1982. Also visible are spectators, a Conoco sign, buildings, and businesses, including two grain elevators.

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee correspondence

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee correspondence
Date: 1918
This collection consists of correspondence between individuals and committee members to the state chair of the Woman's Committee of the Kansas Council of National Defense. The Council of National Defense was established at the federal level in 1916 as an emergency agency under the Army Appropriation Act and abolished in 1921. It was created in reaction to World War I to coordinate resources and industries for national defense and improve civilian morale. The Woman's Committee of the Kansas Council of National Defense performed the same functions at the state and local levels, coordinating women's activities for national defense. The materials are organized alphabetically by county. The digitization of this collection was paid for through the Margot R. Swovelan Endowment Fund.

Counties : Norton

Counties : Norton
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1880
A letter from the Commissioners of Norton County certifies to Kansas Governor St. John the Office of Surveyor for Norton County is vacant, in the letter the Commissioners and Clerk recommend Cyrus Ramage for the appointment of Ness County Surveyor. There is a letter of resignation from J. A. Blanelt for the position as County Surveyor of Norton County, he recommends Cyrus Ramage to fill said position. Additional letters are in relation to the vacancy of Probate Judge of Norton County and recommendations for certain persons to fill the position as Probate Judge.

Counties, Norton - Ottawa

Counties, Norton - Ottawa
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1877 - 1878
This file includes a letter of resignation in March of 1887 from O. H. Todd as Surveyor of Osage County, Kansas. A letter on September 11, 1878, from Thomas Beaumont regards the property belonging to John Landis and his murder. In a letter on April 9, 1878, G. P. Crosby tenders his resignation as County Surveyor of Ottawa County and recommends D. R. Crosby to fill the duties of the office. A petition on April 9, 1878, requets to have D. R. Crosby as County Surveyor.

County Affairs, Norton County

County Affairs, Norton County
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
This letter, dated September 17, 1887, is from the Notary Public, Albert Graves, and real estate owners of Norton County, Kansas regarding the county surveyor to Kansas Governor John Martin. Albert Graves enclosed an official signed petition appointing Charles E. Worthington to the recently vacant county surveyor position. Worthington's predecessor, Cirus Ramage, was removed. Norton County was founded on August 22, 1872. The organization of the county, however, was premature and fraudulent, orchestrated by H. B. Billings who falsified population statistics and then fled the county. This prompted a county seat war that did not end until 1878 when Norton became the county seat. The county gets its name from Civil War soldier Orloff Norton, who was killed at Cane Hill, Arkansas, in 1864.

Crime & Criminals: Reward Papers : Plowman, George A,

Crime & Criminals: Reward Papers : Plowman, George A,
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1882
An eight-page Journal Entry from the District Court of Norton County outlines the case regarding the criminal George A. Plowman. A separate letter from L. H. Thompson informs Kansas Governor St. John of the arrest and trial of George A. Plowman and advises him that J. W. Vining has been the only person to claim any reward for the capture and conviction of Plowman. An additional letter to the Governor requests payment for the conviction of Plowman.

Dugout, Norton County, Kansas

Dugout, Norton County, Kansas
Date: Between 1880 and 1890
This photograph shows a family posed in front of their dugout in Norton County, Kansas. The dugout appears to have some sod walls. Patron provided information notes J.S. Humphrey (John S.) and son, Seldon Humphrey, pictured.

Dugout  Norton County, Kansas

Dugout Norton County, Kansas
Date: Between 1870s and 1890s
This photograph shows a family gathered in front of their dugout in Norton County, Kansas, In the foreground a quote " A Western Home" is written on the image while a sod house and farm equipment is somewhat visible in the background.

Earl William Baughman, World War I soldier

Earl William Baughman, World War I soldier
Date: 1926-1927
Around 1919, the Kansas State Historical Society and the American Legion solicited biographical information from returning veterans (primarily members of the 35th and 89th infantry divisions) and the families of those who died in service, notably from the Gold Star Mothers. Each veteran or family member was asked to provide letters, photographs, a biography, and military records. This file contains information on Earl William Baughman, Marine Corps. Earl died from tuberculosis on June 9, 1920 in Lenora, Kansas.

Eighth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1891-1892

Eighth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1891-1892
Creator: Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Date: 1893
This biennial report from the Kansas State Board of Agriculture contains two parts and the page numbering starts over at the beginning of Part II. The volume contains a section on each county, providing summary information about the history of the county, a description of the landscape, crops, livestock, schools, and churches. A large number of tables with statistics about Kansas residents and crop yields, broken down by county, are also included. Other chapters are devoted to interesting subjects such as apiculture, artificial forests, loco weeds, and chinch bugs.

Eleventh biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1897-98

Eleventh biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1897-98
Creator: Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Date: 1899
This biennial report from the Kansas State Board of Agriculture includes information on beef and pork production, farm poultry, Kansas mineral products, livestock, and other agricultural topics. Also covered are county statistics for population, acreages, productions, livestock, assessed valuation of property, and a listing of churches for each county. Proceedings and other activities of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture are included.

Fifteenth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1905-1906

Fifteenth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1905-1906
Creator: Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Date: 1907
This biennial report from the Kansas State Board of Agriculture includes information on the selection, cultivation, and harvesting of Indian corn, ideas for improving the conditions of farm life, and information on commercial fertilizers. There are various kinds of statistics for each county that include population, acreages, livestock, and assessed valuation of property. There are also a number of tables listing statistics for all counties. The proceedings and activities of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture are included beginning on page 977. Please see the table of contents on image 8 to determine appropriate page numbers. Page numbering starts over after page 1264. This section contains compiled statistics from the 1905 Kansas decennial census but individuals are not listed. A general index starts on page 61 of the Decennial Census section at the back of the volume.

Fifth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture

Fifth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Creator: Kansas. State Board of Agriculture
Date: 1887
This biennial report covers the years 1885-86. The volume contains two parts and the page numbering starts over at the beginning of part II. The volume contains numerous agricultural statistics and information about other industries. It also contains information about Kansas weather, schools, churches, various agricultural issues such as Texas fever, chinch bugs, vacant public lands, etc. A major part of the volume is devoted to information gathered during the 1885 statewide census conducted by the Board of Agriculture. Part I contains a number of tables with statistics about Kansas residents broken down by county. Part I also contains a section on each county, providing summary information about the history of the county, nativity of residents, a description of the landscape, crops, livestock, schools, newspapers, banks, and a list of county officers for 1887. Proceedings and other activities of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture are in Part II.

Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence, Justice of the Peace

Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence, Justice of the Peace
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1929-1931 : Reed)
Date: 1929-1931
This file includes subject correspondence relating to the appointment of J.E. Saunders as Justice of the Peace for Richfield Township in Norton County, Kansas. This file is part of a bigger collection of Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence.

Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence, Norton Sanitorium applications

Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence, Norton Sanitorium applications
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1929-1931 : Reed)
Date: 1929-1931
This file includes subject correspondence relating to applications of employment with the Norton Sanatorium. The Sanatorium opened their doors in 1914 to help those suffering from tuberculosis. This file is part of a bigger collection of Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence.

Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence, Tuberculosis Hospital

Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence, Tuberculosis Hospital
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1929-1931 : Reed)
Date: 1929-1930
This file includes topical correspondence relating to the Tuberculosis Sanitorium in Norton, Kansas, which is part of a bigger collection of Governor Clyde M. Reed correspondence.

Granville Sheeley's sod house, Norton County, Kansas

Granville Sheeley's sod house, Norton County, Kansas
Creator: Marsh, Ben J., Norton, Kansas
Date: 1887
This stereograph shows members of the Granville Sheeley family standing in front of their sod house in Norton County, Kansas. The use of sod was common on the Great Plains for homes and schools due to the lack of wood and other natural resources available.

Handbook of Norton County, Kansas

Handbook of Norton County, Kansas
Creator: C. S. Burch Publishing Company
Date: Between 1880 and 1890
The C.S. Burch handbooks, written for the immigrant and land looker, contain the 'most complete and varied information as to soil, climate, water, timber, schools, churches, highways, with reliable data regarding the advantages and drawbacks of the section treated.'

Harry Umberger to Governor Alf Landon

Harry Umberger to Governor Alf Landon
Creator: Umberger, Harry
Date: July 18, 1934
This letter from Harry Umberger, the Director of Extension at Kansas State Agricultural College (now Kansas State University), accompanied a map designating the drought relief counties as of July 1934. The map indicates the primary and secondary drought relief counties suffering the most through the Great Depression and Dust Bowl of the 1930s. The map includes a key to explain the highlighted portions.

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