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Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1879-1883
This file includes letters on topics such as agriculture, the American Institute of Christian Philosophy, bondsmen, and acknowledgement of receipts. In the first letter to Kansas Governor St. John the person requests the governor speak to the Legislature to adjust measures in securing the Fort Hays reservation as a school for the promotion of agriculture. There is a letter from Joe Anderson of Kansas City, Kansas requesting that Governor St. John be a bondsman for the Olathe Asylum. Other letters in this file discuss appointments, advocacy for temporary amendments, as well as other matters.

Agent to sell lands for State Agricultural College

Agent to sell lands for State Agricultural College
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1865-1868 : Crawford)
Date: 1867 - 1868
These letters, spanning 1868, are from Isaac T. Goodnow, an agent for the state, to Kansas Governor Samuel Crawford regarding the selling of land for the State Agricultural College . Goodnow provided a list of college lands sold. He also verified a bill of land sold.

A glimpse of the Southwest;  New Mexico, the Santa Fe Route

A glimpse of the Southwest; New Mexico, the Santa Fe Route
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: 1884
This brochure advertises the "Fertile Rio Grande Valley" of New Mexico. Rich in gold, silver, copper, lead, iron and coal along with forests, farms, orchards, vineyards, meadows and flocks and herds. The brochure describes the history of territory and the State of New Mexico; describes the land; tells of the natural resources that are being mined; and, of the agricultural crops being raised. The climate, the towns and educational opportunities are described. Two maps show the route of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Road System in the United States and Mexico; and, the whole State of New Mexico.

Agricultural College

Agricultural College
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1877 - 1878
A letter of resignation on July 19, 1877, from M. J. Salter as Regent of the Kansas State Agricultural College. A letter on April 22, 1878, from L. J. Bert accepts the appointment as Regent with the understanding that he may resign in a month or six weeks. A letter on March 20, 1878, from E. B. Parcell, asks if the State Treasury will compare or check the list of bonds held by him for the Agricultural College if a list is prepared. A letter from John A. Anderson request to visit with Kansas Governor Anthony and states he can go into town the next Friday. A letter on March 9, 1878, from Albert Griffin, states there is something wrong with the financial management of the Agricultural College and urges care in the selection of the Regent. The following letters in this file pertain to similar matters that include appointments, meetings, and elections.

Agricultural College

Agricultural College
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
These letters are from the board of regents of the Kansas State Agricultural College to Kansas Governor John Martin. The board wrote to Martin about reports, the lack and necessity of an architect, the expenditures for getting an architect, and allotted lands to the college from the government. The president of the college, George Fairchild, also wrote to Martin about his annual reports.

Agricultural College Board of Regents

Agricultural College Board of Regents
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1877 - 1878
A letter on July 20, 1877, from N. A. Adams states he has heard that Lieutenant Governor Salter will resign and requests his successor be well educated, informed, and practical. A letter on August 18, 1877, from Thomas Ryan, recommends John G. Woods as a suitable person as a member of the Board of Regents of the Agricultural College. A petition on March 1, 1878, to have James Lawrence of Beloit, Kansas, reappointed as Regent of the Agricultural College at Manhattan. A letter on March 11, 1878, from J. H. Pillsbury, recommends James Humphrey for Regent of State Agricultural College. Additional documents also pertain to similar matters regarding the Agricultural College Board of Regents.

Agricultural College, Kansas State

Agricultural College, Kansas State
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1865-1868 : Crawford)
Date: 1865 - 1868
These letters, spanning 1865 to 1868, are from Joseph Denison, the Kansas State Agricultural College president; J. W. Davidson, a Military Science professor at the college; and the U. S. War Department to Kansas Governor Samuel Crawford regarding the Kansas State Agricultural College . The president wrote about the college's board of regents meetings. J. W. Davidson and the U. S. War Department wrote about supplying materials to the college and having the Ordinance Department be turned over to Davidson.

Agricultural College, Kansas State

Agricultural College, Kansas State
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1879-1882
The documents in this file include letters for appointments sent from various individuals to Kansas Governor St. John for specific positions in the Agricultural College in Kansas. A few of these requests for appointments include petitions with signatures. There is a copy of resolutions from the Board of Regents of the Agricultural College. Also, there is an invitation to the governor to come visit the college. Many of the matters in this file are centralized around the Agricultural College, Kansas State.

Agricultural, State Board of

Agricultural, State Board of
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883 : St. John)
Date: 1879-1883
The first letter to Kansas Governor St. John comes from the Office of State Board of Agriculture, the letter is advising Governor St. John of the upcoming annual meeting and where the meeting will be held. The second letter is a petition recommending David Harbough for Regent of the Agricultural College in Manhattan, Kansas, this petition includes five signatures, one of them being James Smith the Kansas Secretary of State. The last letter in this file is from F. P. Baker, in this letter he recommends S. S. Prouty for the position as Secretary State Board of Agriculture.

Agriculture, Board of : secretary

Agriculture, Board of : secretary
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1877 - 1878
A letter on January 8, 1878, from John B. Campbell, states he heard that A. Gray, Secretary State Board of Agriculture, is likely to be appointed a commission to Paris and requests the appointment to fill in on Gray's behalf.

Agriculture class at the Johnson farm, Butler County, Kansas

Agriculture class at the Johnson farm, Butler County, Kansas
Date: 1911 or 1912
This photograph shows group of men and women making up an agricultural class visiting the Johnson Farm in rural Butler County, Kansas. Front row, left to righ: Dorothy Faye Johnson, Faye McClellan, Unknown, ? Kennedy, Unknown, Howard Ramsey, Carl Lyman, Unknown, Unknown. Back row, left to right: J .J. Johnson, J. W. Zahnley, Myrtle Johnson, Lucretia Stearns, Mr. Zahnley, Edith Buskirk, Frances Freeman, Minnetta Newacheck, Verna McKaig. This publication was funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission through the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

Agriculture, State Board of

Agriculture, State Board of
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1877-1879: Anthony)
Date: 1878
A letter on August 12, 1878, from Alfred Gray, encloses a financial report of the Department of Agriculture that spans seven months. A financial report of the Secretary of State Board of Agriculture for seven months ending June 30, 1877, and fiscal year ending June 30, 1878.

Agriculture, State Board of

Agriculture, State Board of
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1885-1889 : Martin)
Date: 1885-1889
These letters are from the State Board of Agriculture regarding their affairs to Kansas Governor John Martin. The letters cover three different topics. The first group of letters discuss acts in Congress about the census. The second group of letters talk about the Kansas State Weather Service, the U.S. Signal Service Corps, and the cold wave station/flag they will set up in Kansas. The final topic is over a request they received for information describing their resources that they cannot fulfill due to a lack of any type of publications made.

Bluemont College in Manhattan, Kansas

Bluemont College in Manhattan, Kansas
Creator: Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
Date: 1867
This is a photograph of a Bluemont College building in Manhattan, Kansas. The photograph was taken by Alexander Gardner as part of the series Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.

Carte du chemin de fer Atchison, Topeka et Santa Fe, aves ses ramifications

Carte du chemin de fer Atchison, Topeka et Santa Fe, aves ses ramifications
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: 1874
This advertising circular and map published by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad is written in French. It promotes immigration and land development in the Arkansas River Valley in the State of Kansas. One side of the brochure describes the territory and the advantages of further development of three million acres of land. The reverse side has a map of the central portion of the United States, from New York City on the East coast to Colorado and New Mexico. An itinerary describes how to travel, by railroad, to the Arkansas River Valley, from twenty-seven cities in the East and Midwest. Etchings of the Cow Creek valley in Rice County, Kansas, and the Arkansas River valley at Great Bend, Kansas, accompany the map.

Cow, sow and hen special demonstration train

Cow, sow and hen special demonstration train
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company
Date: 1924
This demonstration train was operated by the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad and the New Mexico A. & M. College in 1924. The schedule included meetings in 51 New Mexico locations over two weeks in February. The towns for the meetings and the speakers and demonstrators are listed on the flyer. The Santa Fe is providing the train and New Mexico A. & M. is providing the speakers and a livestock exhibit. Santa Fe representatives are J. D. Tinsley, Fred Hale, J. F. Jarrell, and A. M. Hove. New Mexico A. & M. professors involved with the train are O. C. Cunningham, M. C. Snell, A. L. Walker, and Fabian Garcia. College President H. L. Kent was going to be with the train part of the time.

Cow, sow and hen train

Cow, sow and hen train
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: May 13, 1922
This circular, distributed by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, announces the arrival of the "Cow, Sow & Hen" demonstration train at Osage City. The flyer identifies the speakers and topics and especially invites women to attend. Demonstration trains such as this one represented an alliance between railroad companies, agricultural scientists, and manufacturers to promote settlement, improve farm management, and market commercial farm products. The railroad's Agricultural Development and Publicity Office managed the trains.

Dairy, swine and poultry special

Dairy, swine and poultry special
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: March 13, 1922
This is the itinerary for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad farm demonstration train on dairy, swine, and poultry. The list includes descriptions of railroad cars and equipment, program for each stop, purebred sire exchange, and the division of costs between the Kansas Agricultural College of Manhattan, Riley County, and the Santa Fe Railroad. Demonstration trains such as this one represent an alliance between railroad companies, agricultural scientists, and manufacturers to promote settlement, improve farm management, and market commercial farm products. The railroad's Agricultural Development and Publicity Office managed the trains.

Day by day Kansas is rapidly washing away

Day by day Kansas is rapidly washing away
Creator: Topeka Capital
Date: December 4, 1932
This brief article discusses the importance of decreasing water erosion, which has washed away approximately ninety percent of the productive soil in eastern Kansas. Two remedies which are suggested are terracing and the planting of blue grass sod (which will bind the soil together). Scientists at Kansas State Agricultural College (now Kansas State University) were experimenting with these two techniques.

Farm machinery class at Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas

Farm machinery class at Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas
Creator: Orr, S. C.
Date: 1910?
This is a photograph showing students studying agricultural implements at Kansas State Agricultural College (Kansas State University), Manhattan, Kansas. Visible in the photograph are two barns.

George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver
Date: between 1930 and 1940
Portrait of George Washington Carver.

Harry Umberger to Governor Alf Landon

Harry Umberger to Governor Alf Landon
Creator: Umberger, Harry
Date: July 18, 1934
This letter from Harry Umberger, the Director of Extension at Kansas State Agricultural College (now Kansas State University), accompanied a map designating the drought relief counties as of July 1934. The map indicates the primary and secondary drought relief counties suffering the most through the Great Depression and Dust Bowl of the 1930s. The map includes a key to explain the highlighted portions.

Harry Umberger to Willard Mayberry

Harry Umberger to Willard Mayberry
Creator: Umberger, Harry
Date: December 23, 1933
This letter from Harry Umberger, the Director of Extension at Kansas State College (now Kansas State University), was addressed to Willard Mayberry, secretary to Gov. Alf Landon. The letter discusses the reduction of railroad transportation rates for livestock feed, because the depression, combined with the droughts of the 1930s, had made it difficult for farmers to feed their livestock. Umberger recommended that the rates be reduced for at least thirty days (preferably sixty days) in order to keep stock alive during the winter. The letter is accompanied by a state map labeling the counties who needed these rates, with the red shaded section indicating which counties were in the greatest need.

Isaac Tichenor Goodnow to Eli Thayer

Isaac Tichenor Goodnow to Eli Thayer
Creator: Goodnow, Isaac T. (Isaac Tichenor), 1814-1894
Date: May 24, 1858
Isaac T. Goodnow wrote from Manhattan, Kansas Territory to Eli Thayer in Worcester, Massachusetts. Goodnow asked Thayer for his support for Bluemont Central College (predecessor to Kansas State University), a college chartered near Manhattan which would have "an Agricultural Department of a most thorough practical character." Goodnow asserted that "now when the victory [for free staters] in the main is won" it was time to focus attention on schools and churches.

Kansas demonstration train. "Cow, Sow & Hen"

Kansas demonstration train. "Cow, Sow & Hen"
Creator: Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
Date: May 1, 1922-May 13, 1922
These field notes document the activities of the "Cow, Sow & Hen Special," a farm demonstration train operated by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad and the extension office of the Kansas State Agricultural College. The notes document the location, time, weather, attendance, speakers and departure time. The notes reveal the author's expectations concerning the intended audience and its response to the exhibits and instruction. Demonstration trains such as this one represented an alliance between railroad companies, agricultural scientists and, manufacturers to promote settlement, improve farm management, and market commercial farm products. The railroad's Agricultural Development and Publicity Office managed the trains.

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