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1951 flood in Auburndale neighborhood, Topeka, Kansas

1951 flood in Auburndale neighborhood, Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Tonsing, Ernst Frederick, 1937-
Date: July 13, 1951
This series of photographs from an Aburndale neighborhood at Edgwood Park shows the launching of boats from the steps of houses. One house represented in the pictures is located between The Drive, Knox Street, and First Avenue in Topeka, Kansas.

1951 flood in Manhattan, Kansas

1951 flood in Manhattan, Kansas
Creator: King, Francis Velora
Date: 1951
Here are photographs of the 1951 flood in Manhattan, Kansas, taken by Francis Velora King and Mabel Alberta King.

1951 flood in Manhattan, Kansas

1951 flood in Manhattan, Kansas
Creator: King, Francis Velora
Date: 1951
Here are photographs showing the 1951 flood in Manhattan, Kansas, taken by Francis Velora King and Mabel Alberta King.

1951 flood in Topeka, Kansas

1951 flood in Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Tonsing, Ernst Frederick, 1937-
Date: July 13, 1951
This series of photographs shows men working at the dike around the waterworks in Topeka, Kansas during the 1951 flood. One photo shows the filling of the sandbags and the other passing them along a long line to be placed on top of the dike and brick wall. Boy Scout Ernst F. Tonsing photographed and filled bags for 36 hours. While flood water did seep onto the grounds, the waterworks continued to pump clean water to the homes and businesses in Topeka.

1951 Flood motion picture film

1951 Flood motion picture film
Creator: Weir, Alexander
Date: 1951
This is an 8mm motion picture film showing the 1951 flood in northeast Kansas. Locations in northeast Kansas include Topeka, Lecompton, Lawrence, and Kansas City. Alexander Weir, the cinematographer, took footage during the flood and after the water receded.

1951 flood scenes in Manhattan, Kansas

1951 flood scenes in Manhattan, Kansas
Creator: King, Francis Velora
Date: July 11, 1951-July 15, 1951
Here are photographs of the 1951 flood in Manhattan, Kansas, taken by Francis Velora King and Mabel Alberta King.

1951 flood scenes in Topeka, Kansas

1951 flood scenes in Topeka, Kansas
Creator: Taylor, Harvey
Date: July 1951
Here are 22 photographs showing scenes of the 1951 flood taken on the north side of the Kansas River in Topeka, Kansas.

1951 flood, Topeka, Kansas

1951 flood, Topeka, Kansas
Date: 1951
These fourteen photographs showing flood waters in the business areas of Topeka, Kansas.

196th Field Artillery Battalion airstrip and observation plane in South Korea

196th Field Artillery Battalion airstrip and observation plane in South Korea
Creator: Timken, Frank Darrell
Date: Between 1953 and 1954
This is a photograph showing the 196th Field Artillery Battalion's airstrip and observation plane in South Korea after the armistice was signed. The photograph was taken by Frank Darrell Timken of Cimarron, Kansas.

196th Field Artillery Battalion's helicoper pad in South Korea

196th Field Artillery Battalion's helicoper pad in South Korea
Creator: Timken, Frank Darrell
Date: Between 1953 and 1954
Here are two photographs showing the 196th Field Artillery Battalion's helicopter pad. The ridge in the background contained the Kansas Line, a secondary defense line in case the North Koreans and Chinese broke through the front line. Minefields covered the hills leading to the ridge. These photographs were taken by Frank Darrell Timken of Cimarron, Kansas after the armistice was signed.

45th Infantry Division's quad 50 caliber anti-aircraft half track

45th Infantry Division's quad 50 caliber anti-aircraft half track
Creator: Timken, Frank Darrell
Date: Between 1953 and 1954
This is a photograph of the 45th Infantry Division's quad 50 caliber anti-airraft half track. They were in place to provide defense for the 196th Field Artillery Battalion located on the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea after the armistice was signed. The photograph was taken by Frank Darrell Timken of Cimarron, Kansas.

75,000 Legionnaires capture New York

75,000 Legionnaires capture New York
Creator: Illustrated Current News, Inc.
Date: August 29, 1952
These are picturegrams from the American Legion Convention in New York in 1952. "As some 3 million New Yorkers cheer their lagging footsteps, the delegates to the American Legion Convention, West Point Cadets, many bands, etc., parade on Fifth Ave. for 9 1/2 hours." 1. A zany 'Leapin Lena' gives the crowd a lot of laughs. 2. Presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Harry W. Colmery, march with the Kansas delegation. 3. Claude Buzich, Minneapolis, gives a reluctant policeman a great big kiss.

8,000 students affected, state officials see no trouble adjusting schools to new rule

8,000 students affected, state officials see no trouble adjusting schools to new rule
Creator: Topeka Journal
Date: May 17, 1954
This article discusses how the state of Kansas will work to conform to the ruling made in the Brown v. Board of Education decision on May 17, 1954. The U.S. Supreme Court had ruled that the segregation of schools based on race was unconstitutional. Many cities in Kansas, including Topeka, Atchison, Salina, Wichita, and Pittsburg were already working to integrate their schools. Topeka had an estimated 625 African American students who would be affected by the court's ruling, and the article lists the numbers for other cities and towns in the state.

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary

9th & 10th Cavalry 116th Anniversary
Date: 1986
Photograph of Chief Warrant Officer George Johnson holding an award at the 116th reunion of the 9th and 10th Cavalry in Wichita, Kansas. George was given the award for receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross award in 1965 for his service in the Vietnam War. Johnson served in Korea and Japan from 1962 to 1965 and was transferred to Vietnam where he was the first African American to receive the award.

Abel Alcala's VFW Membership Card

Abel Alcala's VFW Membership Card
Date: 1950
This is a photograph of Abel Alcala's Veteran of Foreign Wars (VFW) 1951 membership card for post number 1650 in Topeka, Kansas.

Abilene Ikes baseball team, Abilene, Kansas

Abilene Ikes baseball team, Abilene, Kansas
Date: 1949
This photograph features the 1949 Abilene Ikes, the team that won the pennant in the Amateur Baseball League of America with a record of 28-20. The ABLA, which was established in 1947 as a successor to the Central Division of the Kansas Ban Johnson League, consisted of five teams in 1949, including Abilene, Beloit, Clay Center, Junction City, and Manhattan. Standing in the photo are (l to r): Jim Schlesener, Lonnie Golden, Leo Christopher, Tex Seymour, Chick Gordon, Gus Carmack, Clyde Girrens, Wayne Platz, and Mike Gulino. Seated are (l to r): William Bell, Jack Sullivan, Carrol Bryant, Sonny Hancks, Von Price (manager), Dale Hatfield, Bob Stewart, Bob Tomchak, and Neale Henderson. The photo appeared in the Abilene Reflector-Chronicle on August 9, 1949. Digital reproduction of the photograph was accomplished through a joint project sponsored by the Kansas Historical Society and the Shawnee County Baseball Hall of Fame.

Achille Philippe DeDonder

Achille Philippe DeDonder
Date: Between 1951 and 1959
This is a photo of Achille Philippe DeDonder. He was a pharmacist in St. Marys for many years. He never married.

Aerial view of the Neosho River in Council Grove, Kansas

Aerial view of the Neosho River in Council Grove, Kansas
Date: 1956
This photograph shows a view from above of the Neosho River passing through Council Grove.

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas Department of Transporation
Date: November 30, 1956
A series of aerial photographs showing construction of I-70 Interstate west of Gage Boulevard. Also, the areas east of Gage Boulevard to MacVicar Avenue, where I-70 was eventually built. Recognizable sites include: West Hills residential area; Kansas River; Topeka Water Department treatment plant; sand and concrete company; and Union Pacific Railroad tracks.

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas Department of Transporation
Date: February 27, 1957
A series of aerial photographs showing areas adjacent to the Kansas River, prior to the construction of I-70 Interstate, and east of downtown Topeka. Recognizable sites include: the Kansas River; Topeka Water Department treatment plant; Union Pacific Railroad tracks and bridge; Topeka State Hospital grounds; Ward-Mead home; Topeka Avenue bridge; Kansas Avenue bridge; business buildings north of Fourth Street; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway shops, tracks and bridge; and Auburndale, Potwin, East Topeka and Oakland residential areas.

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas

Aerial views of Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas Dept. of Transporation
Date: February 27, 1957
A series of aerial photographs showing areas adjacent to the Kansas River, prior to the construction of I-70 Interstate, and east of downtown Topeka. Recognizable sites include: Highway 75; Lower Silver Lake Road; Kansas River; Topeka Water Department treatment plant; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad tracks and bridge; Ward-Mead home; Topeka Avenue bridge; Kansas Avenue bridge; business buildings north of Fourth Street; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway shops, track and bridge; and East Topeka and Oakland residential areas.

A history of trade unions in Kansas

A history of trade unions in Kansas
Creator: Karson, Marc
Date: March 1956
Marc Karson, Associate Professor of Political Science at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, wrote this history of trade unions in Kansas for the Kansas State Federation of Labor in March 1956.

Airmail Special Letter: Robert Carter to Mckinley Burnett

Airmail Special Letter: Robert Carter to Mckinley Burnett
Date: March 31, 1953
Attorney Robert Carter acknowledges receipt of a copy of a letter from McKinley Burnett sent with an enclosed memo from Superintendent of Topeka Schools, Kenneth McFarland. Carter advises Burnett that if the McFarland proceeds in this (possible dismissal of Negro teachers) he would immediately initiate a court action. Carter further advises that he would be in Des Moines and that he would be happy to meet any teachers who have received "these notices."

Airport, Wichita, Kansas

Airport, Wichita, Kansas
Date: Between 1950 and 1969
This is a photo of the interior of a control tower looking outside to the taxiway and parking area at the airport, Wichita, Kansas.

Airport, Wichita, Kansas

Airport, Wichita, Kansas
Date: Between 1950 and 1959
This is a photo of the exterior of the control tower at the Wichita, Kansas, airport.

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