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1951 flood, Neosho County, Kansas

1951 flood, Neosho County, Kansas
Date: July 6, 1951
These are two aerial views of Neosho County, Kansas, that were taken by and published in the Chanute Tribune newspaper. The two photographs show a flooded oil storage facility and farmstead.

300 Mile Race over New Santa Fe Trail

300 Mile Race over New Santa Fe Trail
Creator: Moore Studio
Date: May 26, 1913
This black and white photograph shows one of the three Buick cars used during the 300-mile race over the new Santa Fe Trail in front of the Kansas City Star newspaper office. The three automobiles left the Hutchinson News office at 5:01 a.m., arriving at the Kansas City Star office at 4:24 p.m. proving a 300-mile automobile trip could be made on Kansas dirt highways in twelve hours. The only stop during the race was for lunch in Emporia, Kansas. Seated in the Buick are the following individuals from left to right: M.P. Newton, O.M. Wilhite, Ralph Faxton, in the middle, Kansas Governor George H. Hodges, and Fred Trigg.

70th anniversary edition supplement to the Washington County Register

70th anniversary edition supplement to the Washington County Register
Creator: Washington County Register
Date: September 16, 1938
This special anniversary edition supplement celebrates the seventieth anniversary of the Washington County Register. The supplement highlights the pioneers and businessmen of the county along with photos and advertisements. It contains short histories of Washington County towns and also brief descriptions of the businesses in the various communities. Many businesses also have adds in this supplement. It contains lists of pioneers, graduates from Washington County schools, and soldiers buried in Washington County cemeteries.

800 block of Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

800 block of Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas
Date: May 20, 1918
This black and white photograph shows the businesses along the 800 block of Kansas Avenue in Topeka, Kansas.

A.B. Campbell to Governor John Martin

A.B. Campbell to Governor John Martin
Creator: Campbell, A. B.
Date: April 1, 1886
A.B. Campbell, Kansas Adjutant General, of Parsons, telegrams Kansas Governor John Martin, of Topeka, stating that another railroad engine has been killed and that he is leaving to investigate. This is in response to the local authority's request for National Guard troops during the railroad strike in the three state area.

Abelard Guthrie to Hiram Hill

Abelard Guthrie to Hiram Hill
Creator: Guthrie, Abelard
Date: January 18, 1859
Abelard Guthrie wrote from Quindaro, Kansas Territory, to Hiram Hill in Massachusetts. Guthrie reported that there had been "considerable progress" in Quindaro lately: a railroad was being constructed, telegraph wires were hung, and a factory and foundry had been established. Guthrie told Hill that if Hill would forget the Kansas Avenue grading disagreement and repay him his debt, Guthrie would travel to Washington to obtain a railroad grant.

Abilene reflector

Abilene reflector
Creator: Strother, Berzelius Leslie
Date: September 6, 1883-April 26, 1888
View and search this newspaper by clicking on the Chronicling America link below. This newspaper comes from the collections of the Kansas Historical Society and was digitized with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program. The Abilene Reflector, founded in the latter half of 1883, was an eight-page newspaper published every Thursday. By the early 1880s, Abilene had shed its rough cowtown image of the late 1860s to become a thriving commercial center with a rapidly growing population. In its own words, the paper was "conducted in the interest of the Democratic party, believing the party in its wisdom in the choice of candidates, from county offices to national, is greater than personal feeling or prejudice."

Abilene weekly reflector

Abilene weekly reflector
Creator: Reflector Pub.
Date: May 3, 1888-June 28, 1894
View and search this newspaper by clicking on the Chronicling America link below. This newspaper comes from the collections of the Kansas Historical Society and was digitized with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program. The Abilene Weekly Reflector was published from May 3, 1888 until February 21, 1935. Owned by the Reflector Publishing Company, consisting of John J. Cooper as president and Richard Waring as business manager, the Reflector began a new Republican Party affiliation. The new proprietors cited "the universal demand of republicans in this section of the state for a Republican newspaper at Abilene" and began the "anomalous task of converting a Simon-pure democratic paper into a live, progressive republican journal." In 1888, the Reflector became the official paper of Dickinson County, seizing the title from the Abilene Gazette.

A. D. Birch listening to a radio in Topeka, Kansas

A. D. Birch listening to a radio in Topeka, Kansas
Creator: King, Ernest V., 1874-1964
Date: Between 1925 and 1929
This photograph shows the A. D. Birch family and friends listening to a radio. Birch lived at 1109 Van Buren in Topeka, Kansas.

Address before the Old Settler's Reunion, Lincoln, Kansas

Address before the Old Settler's Reunion, Lincoln, Kansas
Creator: Stanley, Arthur Jehu, 1874-1967
Date: September 17, 1915
An address given by Arthur Stanley before the Old Settler's Reunion in Lincoln, Kansas. Stanley recounts life in Lincoln, of living in a dugout, the fear of prairie fires, prairie schooners passing through, the naming and meaning of places in Lincoln, and many other stories of the county and prairie life in general.

Advertisement for Russell Brothers Circus

Advertisement for Russell Brothers Circus
Date: Between January 01, 1930 and December 31, 1939
Advertisement for Russell Brothers Circus presenting Reb Russell and his horse, Rebel

Advertising billboards

Advertising billboards
Creator: Kansas Industrial Development Commission
Date: Between 1947 and 1948
This is a photograph showing billboards advertising for Coca-Cola, the Kansas Industrial Development Commission, and a 1947 Ford from R.G. Larzelere of Troy, Kansas.

Advocate newspaper office in Lakin, Kansas

Advocate newspaper office in Lakin, Kansas
Date: Between 1918 and 1920
This photograph is a halftone print showing Mr. Kimball in the Advocate offine in Lakin, Kansas with two women.

After twenty-one years:  the success story of Dr. John R. Brinkley

After twenty-one years: the success story of Dr. John R. Brinkley
Creator: Brinkley Hospitals
Date: 1930s
This booklet was published by the Brinkley Hospitals of Little Rock, Arkansas. Brinkley moved his hospital operations to Little Rock from Milford, Kansas, after his Kansas medical license was revoked. He changed the name of his radio station to XERA and it was located in Villa Acuna, Mexico, just across the border from Del Rio, Texas, where the Brinkley's had a home. The pamphlet is a revised version of an earlier Brinkley hospital publication titled Your Health (Kansas Memory item 210693). It includes illustrations to accompany the medical information.

Air-Dome Theater in Alma, Kansas

Air-Dome Theater in Alma, Kansas
Date: Between 1914 and 1915
Photograph of the Air-Dome Theater located in Alma, Kansas. At the time the photograph was taken, the theater was featuring the Perils of Pauline, a famous American film serial released in 1914. The Air-Dome Theater was an outdoor theater owned by Arthur "Boss" Simon, located at 220 Missouri Street. Simon's brother, Charlie, had a small printing shop located in the stone building seen just to the left of the theater storefront, and the brothers constructed the theater building shell in 1910. The theater operated for about five years.

Albert G. Boone to Thomas Nesbit Stinson

Albert G. Boone to Thomas Nesbit Stinson
Creator: Boone, Albert Gallatin, 1806-1884
Date: January 16, 1860
Albert G. Boone, writing from Westport, Missouri, to Thomas N. Stinson, described his unsuccessful efforts to sell a printing press for Stinson. Boone suggested that Stinson contact "Free Statemen" with whom he was on good terms to see if they could help him sell it. Boone added a postscript to the letter asking about the prospects of a treaty with the Pottawatomie.

Alfred Landon campaign button cap

Alfred Landon campaign button cap
Date: 1936
Beige cap covered with campaigns buttons promoting the 1936 Presidential campaign of Alfred Landon and William Knox. Landon served as governor of Kansas from 1933-1937.

Allen County fair exhibits, Allen County, Kansas

Allen County fair exhibits, Allen County, Kansas
Date: 1925
Here are several photographs of exhibits at the 1925 Allen County fair. Exhibits are for a music company, the Iola Creamery, Northrup Lumber Company, Krannich Battery Service (radios), Paul Klein, Lumber, and one unidentified business showing pianos and phonograph record players.

All industrial disputes affect the public

All industrial disputes affect the public
Date: June 11, 1921
This bulletin issued by the publicity committee of the printing crafts is part of a series of publications issued during the Topeka printers strike. The strike centered around a dispute over the forty-four hour week between trade union printers, employers, and a newly formed association of employed printers. Trade union printers and employers agreed that a newly proposed forty-four hour week would take effect on May 1, 1921. The new printers association did not agree to the forty-four hour week. This resulted in a dispute between the two groups of printers.

Alphabetical correspondence, A-B

Alphabetical correspondence, A-B
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883: Glick)
Date: 1883-1885
These letters are from Kansas citizens as well as out-of-state reporters and organizations to Kansas Governor G. W. Glick. The correspondents discussed various topics including coal, congress (i.e.- bills and elected officials), land and road issues, farming, events in Kansas, making appointments to meet, publications (i.e.- Emporia Gazette and The Herald) and giving thanks/congratulations. Due to the large amount of correspondence Kansas Governor G. W. Glick received from the public, the letters are divided and listed in alphabetical order.

Alphabetical correspondence, C-E

Alphabetical correspondence, C-E
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883: Glick)
Date: 1883-1885
These letters are from Kansas citizens to Kansas Governor G. W. Glick. There are also a few letters from different people concerning Canada and Arbor Day. The correspondents discussed various topics including laws and policies, the Exoduster movement, publications, newspaper articles, asking for documents (i.e.- the Kansas Constitution), the Cooper Institute, and government officials. There are many letters responding with gratitude for Governor Glick's help or response as well. Due to the large amount of correspondence Kansas Governor G. W. Glick received from the public, the letters are divided and listed in alphabetical order.

Alphabetical correspondence, O-R

Alphabetical correspondence, O-R
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883: Glick)
Date: 1883-1885
These letters are from Kansas citizens to Kansas Governor G. W. Glick. The correspondents discussed various topics including mining, farming, railroads, legislature, congress, newspaper/publication articles (i.e.- The State Journal), and requests for documents/aid/support/interviews/appointments/visits. Due to the large amount of correspondence Kansas Governor G. W. Glick received from the public, the letters are divided and listed in alphabetical order.

Alphabetical correspondence, U-W

Alphabetical correspondence, U-W
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1879-1883: Glick)
Date: 1883-1885
These letters are from Kansas citizens as well as U.S. government offices to Kansas Governor G. W. Glick. There is also a letter from the President of the United States office. The correspondents discussed various topics including cases, congress, immigration/international affairs, stocks, coal, publication/newspaper articles, and requests for surveys/aid/visits. Due to the large amount of correspondence Kansas Governor G. W. Glick received from the public, the letters are divided and listed in alphabetical order.

Alson C. Davis to John A. Halderman

Alson C. Davis to John A. Halderman
Creator: Davis, Alson C.
Date: June 19, 1857
Alson C. Davis, a Democrat legislator and party leader from Leavenworth (later Wyandotte) County, writes from Wyandotte that he strongly favors "the establishment of a first class democratic paper" in Leavenworth, Kansas Territory. Davis believes this was vital "to the Cincinnati Platform Democracy," and is willing to pledge an additional $400 to the cause. A Mr. Beach had previously offered to give John Halderman "a bonus of two thousand dollars" with which to start such a newspaper.

Amateur radio station KQWIA, Topeka, Kansas

Amateur radio station KQWIA, Topeka, Kansas
Date: November 1959
Ken Dugan and Dean Page, adjunctive therapists, are shown in front of the control board of KQWIA, an amateur radio station built and operated by patients of the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas.

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