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365-day roads an investment, not a tax

365-day roads an investment, not a tax
Date: 1910-1919
Brochure promoting good roads as a investment comparable to other enhancements financed by the farmer and found on his individual land holding.

Abraham Eitzen farm, Marion County, Kansas

Abraham Eitzen farm, Marion County, Kansas
Date: 1904
This is a photograph of the Abraham Eitzen farm located 2 miles east and 2 1/2 miles south of Hillsboro, Kansas. It shows the home, farm buildings and a windmill. It is a snow scene and there is a horse drawn sled in the image.

Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas

Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas
Creator: Hawkins, Omar F. (Omar Finlay), 1890-1967
Date: March 27, 1929
This is a view of people and dairy cattle on the Adolph Duever farm near Bremen, Kansas. A man and woman are each posed with cows, and a second woman is in the center of the photograph with a dog. Also visible are a milking machine, part of the barn, and dairy cows in a fenced corral to the right of the barn.

Aerial view of Florence Williams' farm in Morris County, Kansas

Aerial view of Florence Williams' farm in Morris County, Kansas
Date: Between 1960 and 1979
This is an aerial photograph looking northeast showing Florence Williams' farm and home in Morris County, Kansas.

A farm near Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas

A farm near Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas
Creator: Kansas. Industrial Development Division
Date: 1966
A typical farm scene near Ottawa, Kansas, in Franklin County. This photograph shows a two-story house, large barn, silo and multiple out-buildings.

A flock of chickens

A flock of chickens
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: Between 1891 and 1912
This photograph shows a flock of chickens, a man, chicken coops, farm buildings, and a windmill on an unidentified farm, presumed to be in Haskell County, Kansas. Poultry was a very important food source before refrigeration was commonplace in rural households on the prairie. Chickens and turkeys also provided a much-needed source of income through the sale of live birds and eggs.

A flock of turkeys

A flock of turkeys
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: Between 1891 and 1912
This photograph shows a young girl standing near a flock of turkeys on an unidentified farm, presumed to be in Haskell County, Kansas. A farm building and cart are also visible in the photograph.

A flock of turkeys, Logan County, Kansas

A flock of turkeys, Logan County, Kansas
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows a woman feeding turkeys on Elmo Hamm's farm, Logan County, Kansas. A large barn is visible in the background.

Agricultural machinery in a field in Greeley County, Kansas

Agricultural machinery in a field in Greeley County, Kansas
Date: Between 1920 and 1930
A collection of agricultural machinery sits in a field in Greeley County, Kansas. On display are a Rumely tractor, a stacker, a header, and a cook shack. The farm is not identified.

Agricultural scene, Finney County, Kansas

Agricultural scene, Finney County, Kansas
Date: 1916
The photograph shows farm wagons and a grain elevator on an unidentified farm in Finney County, Kansas. The photograph was taken in 1916.

Agricultural scene, Finney County, Kansas

Agricultural scene, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
The photograph shows an agricultural scene in Finney County, Kansas. Near the center of the photo there are two triangular structures. In the background of the photo there are some people working on a field.

Albert Rogler & William Crouch at Rogler Ranch

Albert Rogler & William Crouch at Rogler Ranch
Date: Between 1896 and 1897
This black and white photograph shows Albert Rogler and William Crouch hauling slop to the sow pens on the Rogler Ranch in Chase County, Kansas. The pens were on the south side of the big hedge fence about 200 feet south of the Rogler house.

A man feeding chickens

A man feeding chickens
Creator: Steele, F. M. (Francis Marion), 1866-1936
Date: Between 1891 and 1912
View of a man feeding chickens on an unidentified farm presumed to be in Haskell County, Kansas. Also visible in the photograph are a farmhouse and several farm buildings.

Animals watering, Finney County, Kansas

Animals watering, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows livestock at a watering hole. A windmill and horse and buggy are also visible.

Arnold Schmitz farm and residence, Wabaunsee County, Kansas

Arnold Schmitz farm and residence, Wabaunsee County, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1910
A photograph showing the barn, chicken house, and residence on Arnold Schmitz's farm located west of Alma on old highway 10, Wabaunsee County, Kansas.

Arthur Alexander Randall and Elmer Nicholson with horses

Arthur Alexander Randall and Elmer Nicholson with horses
Date: Between January 01, 1905 and December 31, 1910
This is a photograph of Arthur Alexander "Nace" Randall and Elmer Nicholson with horses on a farm in Decatur County, Kansas. There is a windmill in the background.

Arthur Sayler cutting post rock, Albert, Barton County, Kansas

Arthur Sayler cutting post rock, Albert, Barton County, Kansas
Date: Between 1970 and 1990
These photographs show Arthur Sayler of Albert, Barton County, Kansas demonstrating techniques for cutting post rock. Limestone fence posts like these were commonly used in west-central Kansas where timber was scarce.

Art Work on Eastern Kansas

Art Work on Eastern Kansas
Creator: Western Photogravure Company
Date: 1900
This pictorial book gives a brief overview of eastern Kansas. This is part seven of twelve. The stockyards in Kansas City, Kansas, the Soldier's Home in Leavenworth, and Ft. Scott High School are some of the featured photographs.

Art Work on Eastern Kansas

Art Work on Eastern Kansas
Creator: Western Photogravure Company
Date: 1900
This pictorial book gives a brief overview of eastern Kansas. This is part two of twelve. The State Library in Topeka and the Old Mill in Lawrence are some of the featured photographs.

Art Work on Eastern Kansas

Art Work on Eastern Kansas
Creator: Western Photogravure Company
Date: 1900
This pictorial book gives a brief overview of eastern Kansas. This is part eleven of twelve. Views of Bridal Veil Park in Fort Scott, the Kansas City stock yards, and Washburn College in Topeka are some of the featured photographs.

A.S. Parsons' residence, Finney County, Kansas

A.S. Parsons' residence, Finney County, Kansas
Creator: Wolf, Henry L. 1850-1924
Date: Between 1890 and 1900
This photograph shows a view of A. S. Parsons' residence in Finney County, Kansas. In addition to the residence, an outbuilding is visible on the left side of the photo.

Barbed wire advertisement

Barbed wire advertisement
Date: Between 1880 and 1889
An early advertisement for barbed wire fencing "Victorious and triumphant! Haish's improved S barb and Stevens' lock stitch steel fence wire." The advent of barbed wire as material for fencing dramatically changed ranching and land use in the American West by ending the open range system that had prevailed previously.

Barbed wire advertisements

Barbed wire advertisements
Date: Between 1880 and 1890
Advertisements for three barbed wire manufacturers: H. B. Scutt & Company of Buffalo; Hazard Manufacturing Company of New York; and Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company of St. Louis.

Barbwire section

Barbwire section
Date: 1881
Harbaugh's Torn Ribbon, patented June 7, 1881 by Joseph W. Harbaugh of Lawrence, Kansas.

Barn at Bismarck Grove, Kansas

Barn at Bismarck Grove, Kansas
Date: Between 1900 and 1920
Barn once used as a race track stable at the old Bismarck Grove fairgrounds, near Lawrence, Kansas, before it was converted into a livestock farm.

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