The browse feature of Kansas Memory is based on the categories listed in the boxes below. You may view all items
linked to a given category by clicking the name of the category. Several categories have a number of sub categories.
For example, you can keep “drilling down” until you find a relevant term such as
Community Life - Events and Celebrations – Fairs.
You can also browse multiple categories. If you select Agriculture - Crops on this page,
you can then refine your search by selecting additional categories on the left of the results page. For example, after
clicking on Agriculture - Crops, you can click on Date - 1910s and
Counties - Haskell on the
next page to see all records relating to crops in Haskell County from the 1910s.
The numbers in parentheses are the approximate number of items that you will see if you click on that category. Every item in Kansas Memory is linked to one or more categories.
You may also drill down through the hierarchy by clicking on the